Warning: Spoilers for X-Men: The Trial of Magneto #1!

In Marvel Comics, Magneto is an X-Men villain that doesn’t have many rivals, but in the first issue of The Trial of Magneto, one Marvel Cinematic Universe Avenger, in particular, Quicksilver, is shown to be able to easily beat Magneto down — especially when given the right motivation. And in this case, that motivation is a big one: the recent death of his sister, Scarlet Witch.

Seen in X-Men: The Trial of Magneto #1, by Leah Williams and Valerio Schiti, Magneto has been accused of murdering the reality-warping sorceress, Wanda Maximoff aka the Scarlet Witch, and as expected, the X-Men aren’t happy about it, Quicksilver especially. Attacked by the team after Magneto refuses to surrender, a drag-out brawl ensues as Magneto takes on the best of the best single-handedly and with brutal abandon.


As the battle continues in epic fashion, it seems as if Magneto might actually be able to pull off a win as he handles Cyclops, Wolverine, and the rest of the X-Men with relative ease. But before he — or the rest of the mutants around him — can finish the fight, Magneto is swept off the battlefield in the blink of an eye by none other than Wanda’s twin brother and speedster, Pietro Maximoff aka Quicksilver.

Pummeling his false father with a flurry of blows that no one could possibly block nor dodge (especially when unprepared for them), Quicksilver beats Magneto close to death before being pulled off of him, cursing Magneto for supposedly killing his sister throughout. Beaten bloody, Magneto is effectively defeated by a villain turned hero whose one-time status as an MCU Avenger shows that if Magneto ever showed up on the big screen (and if Quicksilver wasn’t unceremoniously killed in Avengers: Age of Ultron), Pietro would easily have been able to defeat him.

Far too quick and far too willing to end Magneto’s life based on the assumption that he killed Wanda, Quicksilver is a speedster that has always had a troubled relationship with his “father.” Constantly revamped and updated with an origin that now sees Pietro and Wanda no longer the biological children of Magneto (or even proper mutants anymore), Quicksilver doesn’t let up in his attack despite Magneto’s near unconscious pleads of “Son…?” a lost connection that Quicksilver clearly doesn’t care about any longer.

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So while it’s still unknown if Magneto murdered Scarlet Witch, the uncertainty surrounding the situation doesn’t matter enough that Quicksilver was willing to pull his punches one bit. Magneto may be the Master of Magnetism, but Quicksilver’s blindingly fast speed is just too much for a guy that didn’t even see him coming.

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