Today Rogue and Gambit are known as one of the X-Men franchise’s preeminent power couples, ranking besides Cyclops and Jean Grey and Colossus and Kitty Pryde – but on their way to becoming a couple, the two had their share of problems, particularly early on, and in the first issue of 1993’s Gambit mini-series, the two’s love is tested, and ultimately forged, in combat. Part of a four-issue mini-series, it was written by Howard Mackie with art by Lee Weeks.

Rogue first appeared Avengers Annual #10 and joined the X-Men a few years later. Gambit AKA Remy LeBeau, the smooth-talking thief with energy-based powers, made his debut in Uncanny X-Men #266 and was created by Chris Claremont and Mike Collins; Gambit joined the team shortly thereafter. There were instant sparks with Rogue and over time the suave, roguish mutant was able to break through her defenses. But it was not a bed of roses as the two clashed personality-wise, and that was on full display in Gambit #1.


Gambit and Rogue were so stormy and mercurial as a matter of fact that their fellow X-Men had serious doubts over whether they could function on the team; Storm designed a Danger Room combat simulation to test the two and see if their relationship would compromise them in any way. Sure enough, the two bickered through the whole exercise, with the chauvinistic Gambit trying to sweet talk Rogue, to no avail. At the end of the day, it was Rogue’s quick thinking that gets them through the simulation. After it is over, a mysterious figure from Gambit’s past breaks into the X-Mansion and tells Gambit of problems that are afoot with the Thieves Guild, and he must return to New Orleans. Rogue accompanies him, against his better judgment, and during the course of the adventure, the two truly begin their relationship and start on the path they still travel today.

Both Gambit and Rogue are fan-favorite characters and putting them together romantically only increased their popularity with fans. They were already acting like a married couple early on, and it was clear they were meant for each other, and in true X-Men fashion, their relationship was forged in battle.

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Relationships that stand the test of time are hard to find, even in the world of comic books, and Gambit and Rogue’s nearly 30-year courtship ranks as one of them. Furthermore, the growth and progress of their relationship reflects their progress as characters and cements their status as fan-favorites. Despite their early issues and combative first encounters, the pair are among comics’ best couples.


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