Founder of the school for gifted youngsters and leader of the X-Men, Charles Xavier is a beloved character who was brought to live-action respectively for the first time in 2000 by Sir Patrick Stewart who seemed like he was born to play the role and he would continue to play the role until 2017.

However, he was only the first to play the iconic Marvel character. In 2011, X-Men First Class gave us the origin of both Xavier and Magneto. It’s in this prequel we were introduced to the equally talented James McAvoy who would play a younger Xavier through multiple movies. Which movie does the Professor better justice?

10 First Class Added Depth To The Character

While the 2000 X-Men film depicted Professor Charles Xavier well, he was mostly just a wise mentor figure to lead the team of mutants. Meanwhile, through prequel film: Charles is seen as a fun-loving and optimistic young man, a teacher, a friend, and more thus making Xavier more developed.

In First Class, audiences see where Charles comes from, his love for his students rise, his care for humanity blossom, and his eternal friendship with Erik Lensherr grow. Fans grew to love him as a protagonist.

9 The Original Definitely Has A More Comic Book Accurate Look

When Sir Patrick Stewart first appeared in X-Men, he looked uncannily like the character from head to toe: it felt like the character was brought from the pages to the screen. Since First Class was the first of several prequels, Charles Xavier had a much different appearance in his youth which made sense.

The prequel does get props for doing the iconic pose of his fingers against his temple like in the comics. However, the point still goes to the original X-Men for the more iconic look.


8 A Point To Both Movies Because They Properly Display His Power

Both versions of the character bring a level of underlying intensity and immensity to the power of Charles Xavier, making you thankful that the character is so peaceful and kind-hearted otherwise his power would destroy all of mutant and humankind alike.

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Both manage to also be very imposing when they want to be, showing off a level of power that earns them the title of a leader and both perfectly portray just how powerful the character truly is whenever he uses his gift.

7 Professor X & Magneto Bromance Was Perfect In The Original

Everyone knows of the adorable friendship between Sir Patrick and Ian McKellan hence why their chemistry on-screen as Xavier and Magneto is so infectious and genuine. Even when Magneto is in his plastic prison playing chess with Charles, audiences can feel the bond these two have.

It’s almost tragic in a way because these two have such different ideologies that it causes them to be enemies. If these two could find a way to work together, peace could be established but Erik is too set in his ways.

6 First Class Showed A Great Origin For Their Friendship

This carried over into the prequels as the continuously spectacular aspect of all their films, despite the many flaws fans have with the later prequels, was the brilliant chemistry between James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender.

In both X-Men and First Class, these characters truly felt like friends and audiences understood how they bonded and how they fell apart due to their different views on the world. While many fans agree that the friendship was brilliant, the original still does it better.

5 Xavier Had His Greatest Moments In First Class

Why is the climax of the first prequel one of the best finales of the franchise? Throughout First Class, we’ve seen how Charles and Erik became friends but many know what becomes of Magneto so it was inevitable that audiences see how the friends drift apart.

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Many fans agree Matthew Vaughn delivered this greatly: Charles never gives up trying to save his friend from the darkness: despite the heartbreak, destruction, and even his own paralysis. Audiences really felt for Charles in these moments.

4 First Class Gave The Character More Screentime

Professor Charles Xavier was without a doubt a standout character in the first X-Men film but in the end, he was a supporting character while in First Class, he was upgraded to the main protagonist who we see evolve throughout the film.

His kindness, wittiness, and wise personality combined with the extraordinary performance of James McAvoy surprised fans due to how well he was able to carry the film with ease; a task that would be carried over into all of the following prequel films.

3 First Class Wouldn’t Exist Without The Original Film’s Portrayal

In a time when comic book movies were considered dead and buried, it was the first X-Men film that helped jumpstart the golden age of comic book movies. Fans loved First Class but many cannot deny that its existence is only because of what Bryan Singer created in 2000.

Sir Patrick Stewart’s portrayal of the character brought care to a character unseen in a comic book movie up until that point; so fans can thank the original film for giving them the character in the first place.

2 Both Versions Brought Humor To The Character

In First Class, we meet Charles when he’s a handsome young man during a time of anger and hate which leads to his sarcastic and witty humor coming through as a response instead of hate which is very enduring.

Meanwhile, in X-Men, Charles is much older and seen more in his life, giving him humor that’s more subtle but just as effective as shown with his banter with Logan. This character trait from the comics is often left out of adaptations so fans enjoyed seeing it in the movies.

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1 While Both Are Great…The Win Goes To First Class

This is no way saying that Sir Patrick Stewart and what that film created was poor, not at all. He was amazing but due to the prequel giving the character much more development, the character’s best moments in the series, James McAvoy’s performance bringing more personality and emotion to the character, First Class just barely wins the race.

It’s hard to judge these two great portrayals but much in the same vein as Obi-Wan Kenobi, the prequels perfected the character.

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