As the Sorcerer Supreme of the hellish domain Limbo, the mutant known as Magik is about to embark on a massive battle with her rival the Goblin Queen in New Mutants. The key to maintaining her control over the land may require her to face her darkest sin. Magik, or Illyana Rasputin, the sister of the classic X-Men hero Colossus, has a long and complex connection with the realm of Limbo. In Extraordinary X-Men (2015) she met a young mutant named Sapna with a similar connection who she ended up needing to sacrifice.

Magik has been connected to Limbo since she was a small child and was kidnapped by the demon Belasco. This eventually turned her into a tough, devious warrior who sacrificed part of her own soul to create the Soul Sword, one of the most powerful artifacts in all of Marvel. Illyana is a mutant with the power to control teleportation discs, using Limbo as the domain she traverses through, and is considered one of the most powerful and dangerous of all the X-Men. She has been a major part of the X-Men franchise since the 1989 crossover event Inferno which saw Magik turned into the demonic Darkchylde and Madelyne Pryor, a clone of Jean Grey, transformed into the Goblin Queen, as hell was unleashed on New York City.


Extraordinary X-Men – written by the legendary Jeff Lemire (Sweet Tooth, Old Man Logan) with art by Humberto Ramos (Runaways, Strange Academy) – spins out of the “M-Pox” storyline where the X-Men were forced to relocate the X-Mansion to the realm of Limbo, renaming it “X-Haven,” allowing any healthy mutants to relocate there. This is where Magik met her protégé Sapna. Sapna’s ability is linguistic, meaning she can learn and adapt any language or power, and since her powers manifested in Limbo she immediately learned all the magic of the realm. She could control the Limbo demons, open up portals within Limbo, and many other magical abilities. Eventually, Sapna was possessed by a demonic primordial entity known as the World-Eater who was set on devouring Limbo. Magik had to kill Sapna to save X-Haven after the World-Eater stole Illyana’s Soul Sword.

Now, in Vita Ayala and Rod Reis’ current run of New Mutants, Illyana is about to embark on “The Labors of Magik,” and Marvel has revealed that:

With her Soulsword shattered, Magik spirals into unfamiliar territory as she confronts her legacy in Limbo – dragging Mirage and Wolfsbane down with her! And while Magik faces the demons of her past, present, and future… Madelyne Pryor inches closer to the throne.

After Magik was forced to sacrifice Sapna to save the mutants, by stabbing her in the heart with the Soul Sword, she quickly discovered that Sapna’s soul was actually trapped in the sword, and able to converse with her. This has not been brought up again since Extraordinary X-Men ended, and with her sword apparently being broken, and the mutants’ ability to bring any dead mutant back to life, perhaps Sapna will be returning to Krakoa? With her unique ability to control the demon hordes of Limbo, create golem warriors, and potentially bring the dead back to life, Sapna could be Magik’s key to defeating the Goblin Queen and maintaining her tenuous role as Queen of Limbo and Sorcerer Supreme of the realm.

First though, Magik will need to contend with the horrifying murder of Sapna, and her subsequent soul imprisonment, which certainly sounds like Illyana confronting “her legacy in Limbo” and dealing with “the demons of her past.” Seeing as how Sapna was such an important emotional connection for Illyana, especially because of how much she reminded her of herself as a young girl trapped in Limbo, it would make a lot of sense to bring her back. Make sure to go back and read Jeff Lemire’s Extraordinary X-Men to prepare for the potential return of Sapna, who may be key to the mutant sorcerer Magik defeating the Goblin Queen in New Mutants.

Source: Marvel

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