The post-apocalyptic series Y: The Last Man follows characters trying to survive in a world where the male population has been suddenly killed off. The show gives an unsettling and gripping look at how society might crumble and what threats might present themselves in such a reality.

Needless to say, the characters face many dangers throughout the first season, from basic survival to human antagonists. Some of these characters are controlled by their fear in this new world while others overcome it to show how brave they truly are.

10 Regina Oliver

Regina Oliver is part of the political side of this story as a high-ranking political rival to the current president, Jennifer Brown. She presents herself as someone who can and should be the leader in this new post-apocalyptic world but quickly proves how unfit she is for the position.

When the Pentagon is attacked, Regina is understandably scared, but her fear then causes her to attempt to blame President Brown. She turns a dangerous situation even worse with her hysterics, putting everyone’s lives at risk and getting herself killed.

9 Yorick Brown

Yorick Brown has unimaginable responsibility thrust upon him as the last person alive with a Y chromosome, thus he could unlock the key to saving humanity. Unfortunately, Yorick doesn’t handle that responsibility very well.

He is a pretty immature young man who doesn’t treat the situation as seriously as he should. At the same time, he is constantly in need of being saved as he wanders into dangerous situations and doesn’t know how to get himself out of them.


8 Roxanne

Roxanne is introduced as one of the most formidable characters on the show as the leader of a group of women who have formed their own strong society. However, while Roxanne has done an impressive job creating this community, it is all based on lies.

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It is revealed that Roxanne’s whole story is fake and she continues to lie to manipulate the women around her. Her real fear comes from the thought of losing that power position and the finale shows how vulnerable she is once that position is questioned.

7 Hero Brown

Hero Brown is made to be a very flawed character who attempts to find her way in the new world. However, she can be frustrating at times with her lack of action. As the daughter of the president, Hero could save herself and her friend Sam but refuses to face her past.

Within Roxanne’s group, Hero finds inner strength, though it is sometimes misguided, and she even takes action to save Yorick. But while she has potential to change in the future, she is still very much a follower at the moment.

6 Allison Mann

Dr. Allison Mann is certainly not one of the more physically formidable characters in the show, but that doesn’t stop her from being aggressive. She is a brilliant doctor who could save humanity, and though she has very understandable moments of doubt, Allison accepts that very daunting role willingly.

Even though the new world she finds herself in is filled with dangerous people, Allison doesn’t back down from anyone. She is never afraid to call people out and stand up for herself in whatever situation she happens to be in.

5 Nora Brady

Nora Brady has one of the strongest arcs in terms of finding her bravery. Though she was part of the former president’s inner circle back when the world was normal, Nora finds herself cast aside and figuring out her own survival along with her young daughter.

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In many ways, Nora is the most relatable character on the show. She has the bravery to carry on in this dire situation, but she is also constantly living in fear. However, she ultimately stands up to Roxanne in a shocking way and seems poised to transform herself into a true leader.

4 Sam Jordan

As a transgender man living in a world in which men are no longer meant to be alive, Sam Jordan is one of the most complex characters in the show. Despite being an outsider in the new world, Sam remains true to himself at all times.

While others fall for Roxanne’s lies and submit to her overpowering ways, Sam is the one who stands up to her. When he sees that he is not welcome in this new society, he is willing to go out on his own rather than betray who he is.

3 Kimberly Campbell Cunningham

Kimberly Campbell Cunningham is a very intriguing character on the show. She could have so easily been a cartoonish villain, but she is made much more complex while also serving as an effective antagonist.

Kimberly’s beliefs steer her decisions at all times, fighting in her own way to return the world to normal. When she sees that hope threatened, it seems like there is nothing that can stand in Kimberly’s way and her bravery can be intimidating at times.

2 President Jennifer Brown

Jennifer Brown is the fictional president in this story and is thrust into a chaotic world on the verge of collapsing. While she is shown to be struggling with the position, she always remains a level-headed and brave leader.

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She makes hard decisions, knowing the risk it puts her in, because she thinks it is what is best for everyone. When the Pentagon is attacked, she puts herself front and center in an attempt to save the others, even those who are against her.

1 Agent 355

It is perhaps not a surprise that the badass and lethal secret agent in Y: The Last Man is also its bravest character. Many aspects of Agent 355’s backstory remain a mystery, but she has proven herself many times over as a fearless warrior.

She not only puts herself on the line to keep Yorick alive, but she is also the first to understand what is at stake with keeping him alive. By the end of the first season, it seems that 355 is also ready to confront her past which seems to have caused her so much pain.

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