Showtime’s Yellowjackets, which was released last November, has received much praise in the last few months and with season 2 confirmed for Fall of 2022, fans of the show have even more reason to be excited for what is to come. The series follows a girl’s soccer team that crash lands in the middle of nowhere and must survive the wilderness for many months all while dealing with their normal teen drama.

Fans of the series have often likened it to the classic novel Lord Of The Flies because it takes place in the wild, it features barely any adult supervision, and because the characters slowly become more and more savage as they spend more time away from civilization. This being said, some of the specific personalities in this show also overlap with those in the classic novel.

8 Jackie & Simon

Although Jackie isn’t exactly as moral as Simon, she represents someone who is “perfect” in a lot of ways and who many people assume can never do wrong. For this reason, she fits into this archetype because even in the a survival state, she continues to live like she’s always an innocent.

Simon is a kind boy who is one of the few characters in Lord Of The Flies that doesn’t change his ideas about morality or friendliness when put into a more survivalist environment. Jackie doesn’t change in the wild and even though she does sleep with Travis, she does it because she feels like it’s the only way for her to get revenge on Shauna for sleeping with her boyfriend, which is something that is not related to being stranded at all.

7 Laura Lee & Simon

Laura Lee, who the writers almost killed off in episode 1, is also the most similar to Simon, but in a much different way than Jackie. She is deeply religious and holds onto her faith no matter how terrible the circumstances she faces are. Even when she enters the plane and attempts to escape to get help, she makes sure to pray to God beforehand.

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Just like Simon, Laura Lee and her beliefs stay steadfast because they are so ingrained in her personality that her world changing doesn’t impact that aspect of her life. She is never judgmental and always offers to pray for others. Not to mention, unlike most other characters in the show, she maintains a positive outlook at all times.


6 Misty & Jack

Although Misty, who is one of the most intelligent characters in Yellowjackets, isn’t the actual antagonist of the story like Jack is, when she finds out that people value her more in survival situations because of her skills, she does everything in her power to make sure that they need her.

Additionally, she becomes increasingly barbaric like Jack as she chops off Coach’s leg, breaks the plane’s location transmitter and drugs people to make them easier to manipulate. Misty does all these things because she doesn’t know how else to show affection, but in the end, it makes the girls on the team and Coach Ben dislike her more than ever when they find out that she’s the reason they are stuck in the middle of nowhere, indefinitely.

5 Natalie & Travis & Sam & Eric

Natalie and Travis are always together in Yellowjackets as they hunt, make out and talk for hours on end without the other girls in the camp. Although Sam and Eric are twins and not a couple like Natalie and Travis, they are a close pair that rely on each other for everything. However, most fans do distinctly believe that Natalie is the best character in the series so far.

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While their Yellowjackets equivalents aren’t as easily excitable as Sam and Eric, they do share a bond that no one else in the camp does and it makes them a perfect hunting duo that is incredibly useful to the team. Although they have yet to be shown as corrupted by Lottie’s influence, based on the ways that Sam and Eric were manipulated by Jack, it could still happen in a potential storyline in season 2.

4 Shauna & Roger

Shauna doesn’t initially come across as a sadist like Roger, but she does some of the most gruesome things in the show so far. Not only does she cut up a rabbit from her yard, but she also almost kills Travis and does kill Adam, the guy she cheats on her husband with.

Shauna is one of the most morally corrupt characters on the show and yet she rarely gets punished for how she treats other people. Even when she left Jackie outside to freeze to death, which fundamentally changed her, it also made her feel some relief. Roger is an older boy that picks on the other kids in their group and Shauna, similarly, ruthlessly and mirthlessly punishes those who cross her.

3 Coach Ben & Piggy

Coach Ben, although rendered incapacitated due to his leg being amputated by Misty, is extremely knowledgeable on survival information.

Like Piggy, even though he isn’t physically capable of doing hard labor, he gives the girls life-saving information and even teaches Natalie and Travis how to shoot a shotgun. Ben is one of the sweetest characters and even though he’s the only adult, he doesn’t take the lead and lets others take control while he sits back.

2 Lottie & Jack

Lottie is most similar to Jack because she becomes the most frightening character by the end of season 1 as it is revealed that she is the one behind Travis’s death 25 years after their time as Yellowjackets. Although she started out as a normal girl, when her psychiatric meds ran out, she began to prophesize and scare other girls into praying to the forest.

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Although this started out as a harmless venture, Lottie’s savagery grew and grew as she manipulated others to follow her and engage in some Satanic activities that involved animal sacrifices. Lottie is most like Jack because she is the one telling the girls to turn against their humanity to survive.

1 Taissa & Ralph

Taissa quickly becomes the leader of the group just like Ralph as she leads people to the water, gets a group together to try to get out of the forest and makes tough decisions in the name of the greater good. Ralph gets the boys’ morals up so they can rebuild a civilization and Taissa attempts to do the same exact thing.

It’s no wonder that Taissa becomes a politician later in life because, after leading everyone in the wilderness, she is great at handling high-stress situations. Even though Jackie is the captain of the Yellowjackets before the crash, Taissa is the person that people confide in and talk to when they need logical solutions to their problems.

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