Season 2 of Netflix’s dark drama You was graced by the presence of Forty Quinn, played by James Scully to perfection. The spoilt LA boy was an unpredictable character — sometimes rib-ticklingly funny, innocent and helpless as a lamb, and then whip smart again. His wit was sharp, which meant that he had some really great lines on the show that audiences love.

Forty could have easily been a stand-up comedian with all of his one-liners, but his crippling self doubt and fragility made it difficult for him to achieve much (which also spawned some memorable quotes on the show). From the treasure trove of Forty dialogue, these ones stood out the most.


Forty On Amy Adam

“What, Was Britney Spear Taken?”

Some of the funniest quotes on You were uttered by Forty, and his commentary on Amy Adam’s very unimaginative name was quite snarky. Candace disguised herself with the most unlikely and unoriginal name, which led Forty to question if she had only just taken the “s” off of all her aliases.

Overall, Candace wasn’t successful in hiding her identity and got killed by Love, but Forty’s snappy and hilarious response to her fake name stayed stamped in fans’ minds.

Forty’s Take On Love’s Impending Motherhood

“You Are Just As Broken As I Am. You’re Just A Much Better Liar. Jesus, You Think I Don’t Know? After All Of These Years, You Really Think I Am That Dumb? That I Don’t Know What You’re Capable Of? I Have Tiptoed Around It My Entire Life, And It Has Eaten Me Alive. I Love You, But You Are Crazy If You Think You’re Capable Of Being A Good Mother.”

Love’s personality was like a pendulum, with the best and worst traits, but Forty knew his sister and he recognized that her starting a family and being a mother was not the wisest thing for her to do. He may have feigned ignorance in the past, but he was aware of how damaged Love was, and her only advantage was that she could hide it.

He knew her better than anyone, and he was insistent that Love could not be a good mother, which was almost prophetic of him as Love proved her incompetence in season 3, exposing Henry to murder and chaos.

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Forty’s Unfulfilled Wishes

“Why Can’t I Just Meet, Like A Nice Girl, Like Jessica Alba, Who Won’t Lie To Me And Who Just Wants To Have My Babies And Love Me Forever?”

Under the arrogance and bravado hid a boy who had been traumatized from a young age, and Forty’s longing for a normal life with a partner and children never manifested, but he spoke about it often enough for people to know that he craved love.

Even with Amy/ Candace, he was duped as Candace only wanted to catch Joe out and take revenge, and his earlier drama with the au pair never went down well with Forty. He could never get a break in the love and normalcy department.

Forty On Acid

“Okay, You’re Going To Be Fine, Everything Is Going To Be Fine. 3 Rules. 1, Cars Are Real. 2, Anything You Want To Try, Do It From The Ground First. 3, If You Cannot Stop Sobbing Just Drink Moon Juice. You Gotta Be Careful, Cause You’re About To Feel Everything!”

Forty lived life without regrets, and that was obvious in everything he did. He was a wild child, who thought that slipping Joe acid and locking him up in a hotel with scary guards was a great idea. The very least Forty could do, in his opinion, was give Joe a crash course in LSD.

He wanted Joe to feel and process all his emotions, so he gave him some funny ground rules in just about five seconds, which was supposed to help him survive. Joe was already so disturbed, it was a wonder he managed to make it through his trip without killing Forty.

Forty’s Anavrin Munchies

“Shh…You’re Going To Go To Anavrin, Buy Some Moon Juice, Some Cassava Chips, Maybe Some Dried Apple Slices…”

Forty could be a slightly dangerous character due to his twisted sense of humor, which was why he thought spiking Joe with acid and kidnapping him was a good idea. Well into the trip, he sent Joe to Anavrin to grab snacks and his favorite moon juice, which was an old, bad habit of Forty’s.

In true LA fashion, he swore by moon juice and his healthy snacks, but him sending Joe out of the hotel to fetch things was a big mistake he made which led to more than one person dying. All the same, his chatter about Anavrin and munchies was pleasant to hear amid the confusion.

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Forty’s Trip

“Couldn’t Tell. Yeah, Every Time I Looked Down All I Saw Was Lobsters.”

Besides indulging in drugs very often, Forty’s mind was also a fascinating place and he was quite spaced out even in general, coming up with gems like this one unprovoked. When Joe went to figure out the timelines on his acid trip, and to make sure he hadn’t killed anyone, Forty wasn’t very helpful.

Even though he had figured out Beck’s murder while he was high, all he could remember was seeing lobsters on the floor when Joe interrogated him the next morning. It was classic Forty behavior that audiences loved to see.

Forty Calling Love Out

“Okay Miss ‘Sic The PI On My Gf For My Protection’. Retract The Claws Lest You Scratch Yourself With Hypocrisy.”

Sometimes, Forty could be quite poetic and sassy when he spoke, especially to his sister, and this was one time he rivalled even Joe Goldberg’s literary quotes with his language. He had no problem in reminding Love that she was being a hypocrite, and he did so in the most cutting way ever.

Love had put the family personal investigator on Candace when she suspected her of messing with the Quinns, so she couldn’t really be outraged if anybody else tried to protect her or look out for her and did the same thing.

Forty’s Filmmaking Desires

“Joe Goldberg? Great Producer Name.”

Will Bettelheim didn’t last long as Joe’s alias on You, and when his real name was discovered by Love and Forty, it led to a rift with Love, but Forty was tickled pink. Joe was already helping him write his movie script and was going to get a producer credit.

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Naturally, Forty made it clear that he much preferred his newly revealed old name, because it sounded better on a producer credit, rather than Will Bettelheim. It was only later that Forty realized how twisted Joe’s name would be on a movie about Beck.

Forty’s Unprecedented Wisdom

“Don’t Feel Sorry For Surviving.”

The bond between Forty and Love was unwavering and something special, maybe because they were twins and that Love had cared for him like a mother and sister would, which made their relationship quite codependent.

Long after he died, Love would hallucinate Forty, and even the Forty in her head had some nuggets of wisdom to give to his sister, especially about how she was and her marriage. He assured her not to be ashamed of her self-preservation skills because being alive was always better than being dead.

Forty Trying To Save Love

“Love, I Will Do Breath Work With You Later. I Have To Save You From A Literal F***ing Serial Killer First.”

Season 2 came to a chilling climax with Love’s revelation about being pregnant, Joe sparing her, and most importantly, Forty finding out his reality and trying to warn Love about it. As he tried to make Love see sense, unknowing of her knowledge about Joe, she tried to calm him down which led him to get even more hysterical.

Forty really cared for his sister and he wanted to save her from the almost sealed fate of death at Joe’s hands, but it was this confrontation that led to Forty being killed — an event mourned by most You fans who loved his whacky character.

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