The heroine of the first season of You, Guinevere Beck was no ordinary character. Unlike other female leads, she was not the most virtuous nor was she the funniest girl around, but she was wholly human. She had her flaws, her moments of brilliance, as well as her own conflict and drama — her life was like the audience’s, until Joe decided to get obsessed with her.

Being a writer, Beck had a way with words which was probably what attracted Joseph, and she could be very eloquent and witty when she wanted to be. Her best quotes could be profound, insightful, emotional, and funny.


Beck On Popular Books

“That’s Sad. People Buying Books Because Of What’s Popular, And Not Because They Wanna Be Moved Or Changed In Some Way.”

Beck was actually quite soulful, but she didn’t wear it on her sleeve. One of the worst things that Joe did was kill her, because she was full of life and her love for books was very real and deep. She read to nourish herself, and not for clout or to show off.

It shocked sweet Beck that people could read for any other reason, but she bared her soul to the wrong man who took her individuality and tried to squash it.

Beck On Men In Love

“For Every Boy Masquerading As A Man You Let Into Your Body And Heart, You Learned You Didn’t Have Whatever Magic Turns A Beast Into A Prince.”

Unfortunately, Beck had had the worst luck with men, starting with her father who abandoned her, down to the partners she chose later in life. With men like Benji around her, she never got the affection she deserved, but she aimed for social status.

Beck was the least dangerous character on You, but she got saddled with some very lethal men who acted gallant and chivalrous while always having an ulterior motive and agenda with her, which she summed up beautifully in these lines.

Beck On Losing Peach

“I Had This Little Mermaid Sleeping Bag When I Was A Kid, God I Loved That Thing. But It Started To Smell Bad, Like Fungus Bad. But I Couldn’t Bring Myself To Get Rid Of It. But Then I Lost It. And Even Though I Was Sad, I Was Kind Of Relieved Because I Didn’t Actually Have To Get Rid Of It.”

The English major could be quite verbose and poetic when she described situations, and her friendship with Peach had gone awry a long time back, even before she died. She never knew about Peach’s stalker behavior, but it didn’t sit right with her.

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So, Beck used this allegory to describe how much of a relief it was to see Peach go (which took several tries on You with its plot holes), which made her feel slightly guilty but also freed her of the responsibility of cutting a good friend off.

Beck On Her Love Life

“I’m Starting To Think I’m Some Kind Of Magnet For Like…Dudes With Serious Issues.”

In a line that foreshadowed her sad fate at the hands of Joe, Beck admitted that she had a penchant for choosing terrible men to be with. She picked emotionally available, and occasionally unstable partners who didn’t understand her or fulfill any of her needs.

She said this line lightly, but there was an ominous ring of truth in it. Her fatherly issues obviously made this worse, and then she ran into the most despicable guy of them all.

Beck On Her Resentment For Joe

“The More You Want Me, The Less I Want You. I Know It’s Messed Up, But It’s True. Of Course You Think I’m Hiding Sh*t, I Am. I Am Hiding What A Complete Ugly Mess I Am, Behind This Cute Acceptable Version Of Being A Mess.”

In another very observant moment, Beck described a common human phenomenon that people go through when one party shows too much interest and the other ends up losing it completely. Like them, Beck also wanted her space, which Joe didn’t really give her by being the “supportive” boyfriend after Peach passed.

She berated herself more than anyone, saying that she was too messy and complicated to be with someone else, and Joe’s niceness just made her hate him more.

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Beck Joking About Her Mess

“Puke Does Bond You.”

Beck may not have said some of the funnier quotes in You, but that didn’t mean that she was completely devoid of any humor. She was self-aware enough to know that she could be less than ideal with her bad habits and lack of self-worth, and she told Joe that they were bonded forever over a millennial ritual of drunken puking.

Joe may have saved her life then, but it was only a short while before he played God. Beck should not have puke-bonded with him at all.

Beck’s Last Missive

“You Used To Wrap Yourself In Fairy Tales Like A Blanket. But It Was The Cold You Loved. Sharp Shivers As You Uncovered The Corpses Of Bluebeard’s Wives. Sweeter Goosebumps As Prince Charming Slid One Glass Slipper Over Your Little Toes. A Perfect Fit. But By The Schoolyard, Real Princesses Floated By You On Fall Winds. You Saw The Gulf Between You And The Rich Girls And Vowed To Stop Believing In Fairy Tales. But The Stories Were In You, Deep As Poison.”

Once Beck knew about Joe’s sick secret, she hated him openly for it. Being shut in the glass cage was torture, but Joe made it sound like a writer’s retreat, and for lack of anything better to do, she wrote while she lay trapped in it.

She wrote about how she was fed fairytales about unconditional love like all little girls are, but none of that could ever be real. Things like economic differences, class divisions, and human nature made sure of that, and even the nice guys were the most awful ones, like Joe.

Beck On Candace

“I Mean Look At Her! No Wonder He’s Dreaming About Her. She’s Got This Whole Icy, Red Head, Follow Me Into This Cave Jon Snow Vibe.”

Joe dreamt a lot of Candace, and Beck got to hear him speak about her while she lay next to him. Out of curiosity, she looked Joe’s ex up, and she had quite a bit to say about the ginger bombshell.

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Beck recognized that Candace was a stunning woman, and she naively thought that the reason why Joe dreamt about her was that he wasn’t over her. To Beck, she looked like Ygritte from Game Of Thrones, which made this line quite funny.

Beck Giving Joe A Reality Check

“You’re Not Special, You’re Broken! I Could Never Love You. Rot In There You Psychotic Asshole! You’re Gonna Spend The Rest Of Your Life In Jail.”

For a brief moment of being stuck in the basement, it looked like Beck would make it out alive and well, much to audiences’ relief. She tricked Joe into the cage and then proceeded to tell him exactly what she thought: that she could never love him and that he had major problems.

Beck knew that Joe belonged in jail, and would have gotten out in time too, had Paco complied with her pleas. It was very satisfying to hear Beck tell Joe what he really was, but he was too clever for her.

Beck’s Tweets

“To Everyone Out There Chasing Their Dreams, Don’t Give Up. And In The Meantime, Mac N’ Cheese!”

Social media was one of Joe’s weapons, and how he managed to get so close to Beck, so it’s only fair that one of Beck’s infamous tweets features in her best quotes. A lot of her captions and tweets could be quite vapid as she put up a front on social media, and this one was possibly the worst one.

It was so bad that it became good — an iconic faux pas by a gifted writer who loved her pasta, it both fortunately and unfortunately became her most memorable statement in the series.

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