Young Sheldon reveals that Sheldon remembered his dad, George Sr. wrongly in The Big Bang Theory. The socially inept genius had a penchant for sharing about his life with his friends in Pasadena, particularly his childhood experience living in Texas. That included countless anecdotes about his family. While he had his grievances with most of his family members, his stories about his father were particularly negative.

It didn’t help that Mary mostly corroborated her son’s description of the Cooper patriarch — a no-good father who’s obsessed with beer-drinking. The Big Bang Theory further learned into this narrative when it was revealed in season 10 that a 13-year-old Sheldon caught George Sr. cheating, having sexual relations with another woman. After he was caught, the pair never talked about it until the older Cooper died shortly after. Had it not been for Young Sheldon which actually reveals how Sheldon’s life was in Texas with his family, George Sr. would’ve easily been remembered as a horrible father. However, the prequel sitcom actually disproves this, depicting him as a flawed but devoted dad and husband nonetheless.


Aside from the sitcom just showing this, adult Sheldon who provides the narration for the show has also outright confirmed that his description of George Sr. in The Big Bang Theory wasn’t accurate. In season 4, episode 17 titled “Black Hole,” the Coopers welcomed Dr. Sturgis back in Medford after he lost his job in Waxahachie, Texas. During the dinner, they talked about the possibility of a black hole swallowing the Earth resulting in an imaginary scenario where everyone honestly revealed their true feelings for each other. Sheldon expectedly enjoyed the dinner conversation. At the end of the outing, he and his dad shared a poignant moment where they agreed that they both had fun that night. Meanwhile, adult Sheldon admitted that he regretted not honestly conversing with George Sr. when he was still around; he added that he wished he told him that he both appreciated and loved him.

Sheldon isn’t really great with self-introspection and. typically, he finds it difficult to change his mind about something unless he realizes it himself. Since Young Sheldon‘s narration is more or less taking place in the present time, it seems as if Sheldon is finally acknowledging that his dad wasn’t all that bad like he claimed him to be in The Big Bang Theory. Adult Sheldon admitting that he regrets not being more open about his feelings towards George Sr. is a step towards him finally dealing with the trauma of their falling out. While there’s nothing he can do about it now that the Cooper patriarch is long gone, coming to terms with what happened will still help him move on from the emotionally scarring experience. Perhaps, it might even make him a better father to his and Amy’s son, Leonard.

What’s curious now is whether or not this realization from adult Sheldon will factor into how George Sr.’s story will unfold in Young Sheldon. Eventually, the sitcom will have to tackle the cheating incident that was first established in The Big Bang Theory. It will be interesting if  Sheldon will no longer be as critical of his dad moving forward despite his flaws having just acknowledged that in the end, he was still a decent father.

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