There’s no question that You’re The Worst features characters who like to break the rules. Some of the main personalities on the show like Lindsay Jillian and Gretchen Cutler lie, cheat, and steal throughout. However, their naughty behavior doesn’t make them foolish.

The characters who manipulate and deceive in You’re The Worst are able to do so thanks to their smarts. Multi-dimensional characters help make You’re The Worst one of the best dramas to binge on Hulu. However, some of the characters are smarter than others. They use their smarts to get what they want, while less bright personalities are unable to do so.


Vernon Barbara

When fans think of the dimwitted in You’re The Worst, Vernon is likely the first character to come to mind. He is simultaneously a surgeon and the least intelligent main player. Character development like this has made You’re The Worst one of FX’s best comedies. He is perhaps the goofiest person audiences meet in the series and shows it in several ways.

Vernon foolishly drains his bank account behind his wife Becca’s back, and ruins parties like her baby shower, thanks to his coveted “trash juice.” He can’t understand Jimmy’s rejection and constantly insists that the two are “best friends.” Vernon reveals himself as truly empty-headed when he loses his medical license after a botched surgery leaves devastating results.

Lindsay Jillian

Lindsay is referred to more than once as “the dumb one” of the group in You’re The Worst. She lacks self-awareness, and fans can see it whenever she responds by saying she thought she was the “hot one.” Lindsay proves her friends’ description in her actions.

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Lindsay lacks critical thinking. She can’t figure out how to turn on the power in her house after her ex-husband Paul leaves, even though Paul pays for it. Lindsay reveals her airheadedness when she and Gretchen have lunch in a diner. Gretchen talks about how she can’t keep her inner monologue quiet. Lindsay reveals her inner monologue is simply describing everything she sees and does, revealing her first big thought as “chew.”

Becca Barbara

Fans might think Becca must lack intelligence having married her husband Vernon. She recognizes his buffoonery and doesn’t seem to like him too much. Nevertheless, the two remain together throughout the series. However, Becca shows her intelligence in ways beyond her relationship with Vernon.

Becca doesn’t present audiences with a thirst for knowledge. She is more focused on one-upping her sister Lindsay than learning anything new that will help enrich her life. She is unhappy, but her mind is too clouded with selfish desires to embrace any intellectual curiosity.

Edgar Quintero

Edgar grows significantly throughout You’re The Worst. He is introduced as an unemployed tenant of Jimmy’s who pays for the rent in services like cooking and cleaning. However, at the series end, he gets an apartment, has started a new career, and even flies across the country to pursue it in New York.

Edgar’s intelligence is shown in his critical thinking. He sees problems, then figures out ways to solve them. When he can’t find adequate help from the government for his PTSD, he experiments with his own methods of therapy. He is introduced to improv comedy, then studies it until he can excel in the field. Edgar’s rise to success exemplifies his smarts.

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Jimmy Shive-Overly

Jimmy has his failings, but dim wits aren’t one of them. He works in the academic field as a writer from the start and develops his skills thoroughly. Jimmy thinks he’s a great writer, but it is proven to fans when he gets a book deal for “The Width of a Peach.” Furthermore, his brilliant remarks make for some of You’re The Worst‘s most relatable quotes about relationships.

Jimmy is cunning, showing his intelligence in tracking down Gretchen in his signature fake mustache disguise. He comes up with original ideas like taking Gretchen out for “Spooky Sunday Funday.” He can design and build a treehouse on his own from scratch. These actions could never be done by someone who lacks intelligence.

Paul Jillian

Paul is the most bookish character in You’re The Worst, and Vernon often calls him a “nerd.” He comes to mind for fans when considering the smartest character in the series. His hobbies require critical thinking and attention to detail, like astronomy and home beer brewing.

Paul’s intelligence is displayed in his behavior, like learning sign language for fun with his girlfriend Amy Cadingle. Paul’s smarts are only sporadically overshadowed, most often by his emotions. He knows he and Lindsay aren’t compatible, but continues to try and please her with actions that hurt him in an attempt to make things work out.

Gretchen Cutler

Gretchen’s judgment leaves much to be desired. She takes action without considering others’ feelings and engages in reckless behavior several times throughout the series. Gretchen and Jimmy do some terrible things to each other in You’re The Worst. However, Gretchen is perhaps the most intelligent character in the entire series.

Gretchen shows her shrewdness in her cunning behavior. She can manipulate everyone in her life. When she wants to hide her parents from Jimmy, she makes up an air-tight lie on the spot and improvises in bribing strangers to pretend to be them. Her monologues, although self-pitying, are eloquent. If Gretchen wasn’t so smart, she wouldn’t be able to influence others around her to get what she wants.

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