The protagonist of the Yu-Gi-Oh! anime, Yugi Mutou is a shy, sweet, unassuming teenager who often finds himself thrown into mortal peril. A gifted and capable duelist, his profile elevates considerably after he defeats Seto Kaiba, eventually earning the title of King of Games.

For all his achievements, though, Yugi is still seen as a child by all those around him. In fact, the only person that actually sees him as an equal is the usually obnoxious Kaiba. Everyone else, including his friends and Atem himself, see him as a vulnerable and afraid, perhaps even weak boy. And no matter how many challenges he conquers, all the glory usually goes to the Pharaoh, who is considered responsible for Yugi’s greatest successes.

10 His Family Status

Yugi lives with his grandfather, Solomon. Aside from him, the anime never shows another parental figure, nor his father or mother. The Japanese anime did include a short scene with Yugi’s mother in which she discovers him talking to Atem’s spirit. As she is unable to see the Pharaoh, she thinks her son is talking to himself and worries about him.

The English dub removed this scene, and thus Yugi’s mother remained unknown. His father also never appears, and while he has a very close relationship with Solomon, fans can’t help but wonder what happened to his parents.

9 He’s Always Forced To Fight

Yugi is, in a lot of ways, a pacifist. He enjoys a good duel but plays out of actual love for the game. He desires not power nor fame, and although he achieves both, he hardly takes advantage of them.

Yet, for the entirety of the series, he is forced to partake in dangerous, world-threatening duels, often against his will. He fights, of course, and uses his exemplary deck to win nearly all the time. However, there comes a point when the audience starts feeling sorry for Yugi, a young man who basically just wanted to play a card game without constantly risking his life.


8 He’s Extremely Emotional

It’s easy to forget that Yugi is just a teenager during the show’s events. Timid and sheltered, Yugi had trouble socializing with others, which is why his wish to the Millennium Puzzle was to find true friendship. So quiet and bashful he was that, before they became his friends, both Joey and Tristan enjoyed bullying him.

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Time and again, Yugi demonstrates how emotional and delicate he is. He has a very kind heart which leads him to easily forgive others that fault him. He’s also very receptive to other people’s emotions, which means he always ends up feeling everything at once, especially when the fate of the entire world rests on his shoulders.

7 His Loved Ones Are Pitted Against Him

Because Yugi is so close and devoted to those close to him, evil guys use them as a way to get to him. Pegasus steals Solomon’s soul, forcing Yugi to enter the Duelist Kingdom tournament. Marik takes control of both Tea and Joey and then makes the latter battle Yugi in an extremely sadistic and elaborate duel designed to kill both of them. He also imprisons Bakura, Mai, and even Joey in the Shadow Realm after beating all three in a duel.

Yugi evens sacrifices his own soul so that Atem’s will be spared after the Pharaoh succumbs to the Orichalcos’ dark influence. It seems like poor Yugi, and by extension, his friends and loved ones, never get a moment of tranquility.

6 He Lives With A Target On His Back

Because his body houses the spirit of the powerful Pharaoh Atem, Yugi lives in perpetual danger. Plenty of evil guys want to either beat him in a duel to take his Egyptian God cards and King of Games title, steal the Millennium Puzzle from him, or simply defeat the Pharaoh and take his power and ancient knowledge.

Yugi hardly gets the time to enjoy being a teenager because he’s always running around, protecting what’s his, and fighting foes to stop them from taking over the world. His grades are probably terrible, considering he never gets any actual time to study.

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5 He Loses Some Of His Most Valuable Cards

And speaking of the Egyptian Gods, many people desire them and want to steal them from Yugi. Dartz’s henchmen steal them with ease, and even Rex Raptor and Weevil Underwood manage to take them from a sleeping and unsuspecting Yugi.

Weevil also throws Yugi’s Exodia cards into the sea before arriving at the Duelist Kingdom. Yugi never depends solely on the superficial power of his cards and instead relies on strategy and combos. However, it must hurt to have his deck crippled by the envy of others.

4 His Adversarial Relationship With Kaiba

More than once, Yugi makes it clear that he considers Kaiba a true friend, even though the rich and pampered young man doesn’t reciprocate the sentiment. All Kaiba cares about is using his obviously powerful deck to defeat the spiky-haired King of Games and take his title. But Yugi, ever the kind and enthusiastic person, still holds a special place for Kaiba.

Yugi would like to count Kaiba as an actual friend and not an occasional friendly foe. He keeps trying and even risks his own life to protect Kaiba’s more than once, such as when he chooses to take Seto’s place in his duel against Noah. Alas, his wish never comes fully to life.

3 Atem Takes All The Glory

Because the Pharaoh’s spirit takes over at the start of every duel, it is him who battles and ultimately wins every challenge. Yugi is rendered a simple spectator in his own body, watching from the sidelines as Atem overcomes every threat.

It’s true that most people don’t see the difference between Atem and Yugi. However, those whose opinions matter the most to Yugi do, and they all seem to agree that, if Yugi is such a great duelist, it’s mostly because of the Pharaoh’s exemplary abilities.

2 His Friends Baby Him

Joey, Tristan, and Tea are always by Yugi’s side, supporting and encouraging him every step of the way. Their friendship is mostly the reason that keeps Yugi going, even when all seems lost and odds are against him. At first glance, it might seem this quartet is friendship goals.

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Upon closer examination, though, one realizes that his friends think of Yugi as a child they have to care for. Time and again, and even though he always manages to come out on top, they doubt his abilities. Tea especially seems to take a maternal role in Yugi’s life, and both boys are constantly acting as his bodyguards, clearly thinking him unable to defend himself. When Yugi finally duels on his own and uses his own deck, all three of his friends seem to find his cards childish and unimpressive.

1 He Eventually Separates From Atem

Yugi also shares a deep and meaningful relationship with Atem, the spirit of an Egyptian Pharaoh housed inside the Millenium Puzzle, with whom he shares his body. The two form an intimate link that no one else can understand, eventually becoming more than friends.

When Yugi realizes his role is to help Atem move on by defeating him in a duel, he takes on the challenge with fierce determination. He eventually wins, proving to everyone that he is no longer a helpless child. In the process, though, he loses one of his closest companions, a being that was literally part of him. What Yugi loses once Atem leaves can’t really be described with words, but he’ll live his life with an Atem-shaped hole in his psyche.

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