Throughout the Yu-Gi-Oh! anime, viewers see protagonists Joey and Yugi duel countless times. Whether they’re taking on villains to save the world or competing in tournaments that also for some reason could end the world, every duel that they engage in is a ton of fun. By their side with them, through it all, are their best friends, Tea Gardner and Tristan Taylor.

While Tea and Tristan aren’t really known for their dueling prowess, they have donned Duel Disks and taken on some tough opponents in their time. While it doesn’t happen often, watching these two duel is always a treat for fans because it is so unexpected.

6 Tea: Duels Joey Casually In Episode 2

The first duel that we see Tea compete in is one against Joey in episode two of the anime. She wins the duel with ease due to Joey’s deck being made up of only monsters. In the English version of the anime, it is revealed that the two actually duel quite often, and Tea has managed to best Joey every single time.

While Joey would eventually stop being bad at his passion and build a deck that was a lot more viable than his original one, Joey and Tea would never duel again, meaning he’s never been able to beat his friend in a duel. However, that isn’t the last time that Tea would duel during season one of the anime.

5 Tristan: Duels Nezbitt For Control Of His Body

Tristan, on the other hand, wouldn’t duel until much later on in the series. Tristan’s first duel would be during Noah’s Virtual World arc, in which he takes on Nezbitt of The Big Five with Duke and Serenity.

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Despite watching all of her friends duel during Battle City, Serenity duels like a two-year-old for 80% of the match before she gets herself together and ends up winning it for the team. During her not knowing what is going on for some reason, Tristan actually defends her and takes a hit that would have lost her the duel, with him losing in the process. Duke and Serenity manage to pull it back, but Nezbitt is able to leave the scene after winning Tristan’s body.


4 Tea: Duels Mai To Win Yugi’s Star Chips Back

After Kaiba threatens suicide in order to gain entrance into Pegasus’s castle on Duelist Kingdom island, Yugi is left in complete shock after losing all of his star chips. Mai, however, won extra in order to pay Yugi back for saving her own after she lost them to PaniK. Yugi is so disturbed by what happened and Yami’s willingness to let Kaiba die that he vows not to duel again. Tea offers to duel in his place and faces off against Mai for the star chips.

While Tea gets off a strong hit against Mai, Mai has the duel under control and could easily win with Harpie’s Feather Duster, yet she surrenders for Tea’s sake. In the end, everyone goes into the castle happy, with Yugi managing to gain back some of his composure.

3 Tristan: Duels Yugi And Joey While Under Control Of The Big Five

With Tristan’s being the only body that The Big Five manages to win, the entire group takes over his body in order to duel Joey and Yugi one final time. The duel is a tough one, as Yugi and Joey are basically taking on five different decks at once, as The Big Five are swapping control of Tristan after a few turns have gone by.

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The Big Five eventually manage to summon Five-Headed Dragon, an incredibly powerful card. However, Yugi and Joey manage to counter this with some sort of strange Deck Master nonsense, and they destroy The Big Five once and for all.

2 Tea: Duels Crump For Control Of Her Body

Tea is also forced to take on one of The Big Five during the Virtual World arc, Crump. The penguin-obsessed (for no reason at all) executive takes on Tea, who is using a newly-crafted Magician deck. Tea’s Deck Master, Dark Magician Girl, is able to communicate with her during the battle, and after a hard-fought battle, the two are able to summon Yugi’s Dark Magician in order to defeat Crump and keep Tea’s body safe from takeover.

This is Tea’s final duel in the anime, and it solidifies an incredibly impressive 100% win rate, something that virtually no other duelist in the entire franchise has to this day. The record might only consist of three duels, but they are three that Tea worked hard to win.

1 Tristan: Duels Yugi While Possessed By Yami Bakura

Yes, Tristan has actually been a part of two duels in which he was possessed. Somehow. Nevertheless, during Dawn of the Duel, Tristan is possessed by a portion of Yami Bakura’s soul, who challenges Yugi, not Atem, to a duel. During the duel, Bakura focuses on a deck out strategy that almost takes the win for him, but Yugi manages to summon Gandora the Dragon of Destruction to turn the duel around.

Though Tristan didn’t technically participate in two of the duels that he was… present… for, he has either a 0% win rate or 33% depending on how you want to look at it. Either way, it’s very clear that Tea is the superior duelist out of this duo. She also gets possessed a solid 30% less often than Tristan does. Good for her.

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