Before the Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters anime that led to the popular franchise, Toei Animation had already made a Yu-Gi-Oh! anime. Based on the early chapters of the original Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, this 1998 series lasted 27 episodes, and has since been named Yu-Gi-Oh! Season 0 by fans.

Unlike the later chapters of the manga and the second anime, Yu-Gi-Oh! Season 0 does not focus on the card game. Instead, the show focuses on various games. Since this early series is not as well known as its sequels and is different from the rest of the franchise, there are plenty of hidden aspects that fans may have missed.

10 Famous Voice Actress For Yugi/Yami/Atem

Ever since Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Shunsuke Kazama has been the voice actor for the wholesome Yugi Mutou and Yami Yugi/Atem in all the Japanese dubs. But, in Yu-Gi-Oh! Season 0, Yugi and Yami were voice acted by well-known voice actress and singer Megumi Ogata. She is the voice of many notable anime characters including Sailor Uranus from Sailor Moon, Shinji Ikari from Neon Genesis Evangelion, Yukito Tsukishiro from Cardcaptor Sakura, and Nagito Komaeda from the Danganronpa series.

While Shunsuke Kazama is an iconic voice for these two characters, Megumi Ogata does an incredible job and her voice gives the characters a certain level of charm. Her voice for Yugi helps to convey his insecurities at the start of the series, and her voice for Yami gives him a creepy vibe that goes well with the dark tone of this first show.

9 Original Digimon Director Worked On The Show

This first Yu-Gi-Oh! series has a particular animation style and feel that later seasons do not have. One of the reasons for this is that the director of Yu-Gi-Oh! Season 0 is a different director from the one that directed Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters. Kunihisa Sugishima directed Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, and the sharp lines and action focus of the animation seem to reflect his prior experience working on the Gundam franchise.

But, Yu-Gi-Oh! Season 0 was directed by Hiroyuki Kakudō, who is best known for directing Digimon Adventure and Digimon Adventure 02. Unlike the later seasons, Season 0 has a softer animation design, which more closely resembles these old Digimon seasons. Similar to how the original Digimon seasons explored some darker topics, this first season also focused on darker themes compared to the later series.


8 Yami’s Catchphrases

Anyone who has watched Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters knows Yami’s iconic catchphrase “It’s time to duel!”. Since these later seasons are almost always about the titular card game, it makes sense that Yami’s words would reflect this focus. But, Season 0 explores various games, because Yu-Gi-Oh was originally about someone who was good at all games rather than a series that only focused on one.

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Because Yami Yugi participates in multiple different games throughout this early season, his reoccurring catchphrases are “game start” and “let’s play a game”.

7 Seto Kaiba’s Design Resembles Noah

Before Seto Kaiba got his brown hair that he has had in almost all adaptations, Season 0 Seto Kaiba had vibrant green hair, which is regularly made fun of in the general fandom and in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Abridged Series. Even fans who have not seen this early season usually know about this old design because of all the memes.

But, some fans may not have picked up on the fact that Seto Kaiba’s early hair style and color look very similar to one of the anime-only antagonists in Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters. Noah Kaiba, who is one of the antagonists in the anime-only Virtual World arc, also has bright green hair, and his outfit is eerily similar to Seto Kaiba’s Season 0 outfit. Since this is an anime original season, it was probably a small easter egg from the animators.

6 Yugi Never Used Dark Magician

In Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters and all subsequent adaptations and versions, Yugi’s main card has always been the Dark Magician card. Yugi’s strong affiliation with this card is similar to Joey Wheeler’s (Katsuya Jonouchi) attachment to the Red Eyes Black Dragon card and Seto’s obsession for the Blue Eyes White Dragon card.

Despite this, Yugi never used the Dark Magician card in the Season 0 anime. Even in the few episodes where the card game did appear, Yugi still did not use this card, but he does use it in the opening song and later summons the Dark Magician in the movie that went with this early series. This aspect is just one more way the old series shows how different Yu-Gi-Oh! originally was compared to what it became.

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5 The Card Backings Are Different

Even though the characters in the anime refer to the card game as “Duel Monsters,” the backs of the cards in the Season 0 anime look different from the standard look the cards would have later on. Instead of the typical vortex, the backs had the letters “M” and “W” painted on.

Since the anime is based on the early chapters of the manga and copies the art style relatively closely, the design of the cards in Season 0 is the same as the design from the early chapters. This design was different because the card game in the early chapters was called “Magic and Wizards,” and the game had different rules from “Duel Monsters.” Although the Season 0 version more closely resembles “Duel Monsters,” it kept the same design.

4 Different Games From Manga

Despite Season 0 being based on the early chapters of the manga, there are some slight differences. One of the biggest differences is the addition of Miho Nosaka, who was a character that appeared in one chapter in the manga as one of the main characters. But, there are some other differences that are less noticeable. For example, some of the games in the manga were changed for the anime.

An instance of this is at the start of the anime when Yugi is building a card tower at his school desk. In the manga, he is playing Pop-up Pirate instead. Another situation is when Yami challenges Ushio. While the manga featured a dangerous game of placing money on top of the player’s hand and stabbing it with a knife, the anime had Yami and Ushio slide down the school building while turning over standard cards. This continues throughout the anime and makes the anime feel more unique.

3 Tristan’s Role

Another difference between the manga and anime is Tristan’s (Hiroto Honda) role in the first chapter. In the manga, Tristan is Joey’s crony who helps Joey bully Yugi. But, in the anime, Tristan disagrees with Joey’s actions and refuses to help him.

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Essentially, Tristan’s character has a bigger role in the Season 0 anime. Instead of simply being Joey’s sidekick, he acts as a foil to Joey and criticizes his actions as well, giving him a lot more dimension and individual personality in the anime than he had in the manga.

2 School Transformation

In the first episode, the Season 0 anime changes the sequence of events slightly so that the action happens quicker. During the first manga chapter, Yugi goes home after getting beat up by Ushio at school. Then, he receives the last piece of the Millennium Puzzle from his grandpa, who tells Yugi that a friend visited the shop and gave grandpa the last piece. For the first episode, however, the story was changed so that Joey gives Yugi the piece at school.

This change speeds up the action, because this means that Yugi transforms into Yami right after getting beat up by Ushio rather than after a short break. By doing this, the story keeps the action and tension going without stopping, which makes the first episode more intense.

1 Yugi’s Mother

One tiny detail that is in the manga but not in the anime is the existence of Yugi’s mother. At the start of the manga, she appears once to tell Yugi to stop playing games all day, but in the anime she never appears at all.

While Yugi’s mother does not appear again in the manga, it is interesting that the anime never mentions her. This small detail also makes fans wonder what happened to her and why she does not have a bigger role in the narrative.

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