One of the less talked about characters in the original Yu-Gi-Oh! anime is Tea Gardner. Despite being a main character in the series, she isn’t actually a duelist, so she often takes the backseat in some of the more major plot points. However, this isn’t always the case.

Tea still managed to have some very badass moments throughout the series. While she wasn’t always in the spotlight, the group never could have accomplished what they did without her. This all starts with Duelist Kingdom.

10 Sneaking Into Duelist Kingdom

Along with Tristan, Tea actually snuck onto the Duelist Kingdom boat in order to support Yugi and Joey during their time in the tournament. This is not a small feat, and the fact that she and Tristan were both able to sneak on like this is kind of a power move.

Add in the fact that they’re actually high schoolers sneaking onto something so official like this? Yeah, it’s a badass moment for sure.

9 Going Against Mai For Yugi’s Star Chips

Despite not actually being a duelist herself, Tea went against Mai to earn Yugi’s star chips back as he was essentially broken after what had happened with Atem and Kaiba on top of the castle.

Tea gave it all in her duel against Mai, and Mai eventually surrendered and let Tea take the win due to how much heart and bravery she showed by taking on such a skilled duelist. Tea was the reason Yugi was able to get into the castle at all.


8 Helping Mokuba Escape Kidnapping

During one of Mokuba’s many kidnappings, he was captured by Rare Hunters with Tea. While they had a few seconds of free time, the two decided to work together to hatch an escape plan.

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However, they were caught in the middle of the act, and in a moment of bravery, Tea helped Mokuba escape rather than focusing on her own safety. She knew that it was the smarter choice to get him out rather than try to have both of them escape, which is a pretty badass move.

7 Defeating Crump In The Virtual World

Once again, Tea proved that she knows what she’s doing when it comes to duels, despite literally not being a duelist. She managed to assemble a strong deck, work with rules that her opponent, Crump, had a hand in making, and still defeated him.

This was yet another win that Tea managed to take, and this time, she had no crutches and her opponent didn’t surrender. She just outdueled him fair and square.

6 Diving Into The Pyramid Of Light

During the Pyramid of Light movie, Tea knew that Yugi, Joey, and Tristan were trapped in the Millennium Puzzle/Pyramid of Light hybrid because her friendship senses were tingling. As such, she did the only logical thing she could think of and stood on the edge of a helicopter and stared into the Pyramid of Light to pull her in too, as she wanted to help her friends.

Sure, had someone not grabbed her physical body she would have died, but a badass does what a badass does.

5 Fearlessly Diving Into Ancient Egypt

She also did the exact same thing in Dawn of the Duel. After throwing aside literally her entire life to go travel with the gang to Egypt, she also went straight back to ancient Egypt to help the Pharaoh defeat Zorc and Bakura.

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This was powerful enough on its own, but while she was there, she actually played a key role in Atem eventually defeating Bakura and saving the world once more.

4 Discovering The Secret To Defeat Bakura

Tea realized that the key to defeating Bakura was to help Atem reach his full power by remembering his name.

The group was able to do this together, with Tea leading the charge and being the one to purchase the cartouche that was needed in order to help Atem remember his name. Once again, none of this could have been done without the help of Tea.

3 Accepting It Was Time To Let Atem Go

The Ceremonial Battle was a tough one for Tea to watch. She had to accept the fact that it was time to let Atem go, despite how difficult that was for her. Throughout the battle, she struggles with this before realizing that it is the right thing to do.

This might not really seem like anything badass on the outside, but knowing how deep her connection really was to Atem, it’s a strong thing of her to do.

2 Going To Pursue Her Dreams In A New Country

At the end of the Dark Side of Dimensions film, Tea boards a plane and goes to a different country in order to continue her dream of becoming a professional dancer.

This is an incredibly badass thing to do, traveling to a new country where you have no one at your side. No one else in the series does this.

1 Having A 100% Win Record

Tea is one of the only characters in the entire franchise to have a 100% win rate. Every single duel Tea has had that viewers are aware of, she’s won.

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Yugi, Joey, Kaiba, none of them have the record that Tea does. Having a 100% win rate is one of Tea’s most badass qualities, for sure, especially given that she’s not a duelist.

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