Zack Snyder’s Justice League has one of the longest runtimes in a film. Going over four hours total, the content that’s in this film has offered numerous improvements compared to the theatrical cut.

However, the long runtime also causes issues such as pacing and unnecessary scenes. Although it is highly subjective, there could be numerous scenes that could have been removed. But the new content also offers scenes that are too important to be removed too.

9 Keep: Superman Putting On The Black Suit

When Superman is revived, he walks through the Kryptonian ship as he listens to the voices of both his fathers. The two characters have shaped this version of Superman into who he is today.

Thanks to the initial build-up, the scene mirrors his first steps in Man Of Steel. This time he is more confident and flies up to the stratosphere. More triumphant than ever. Showing to the audience that he’s returned. However, his return does potentially lead to an evil version of the character.

8 Cut: Less Slow-Motion

Technically this isn’t a full scene in the film, but it is present enough to be memorable. Although it is a stylistic choice, it has extended the film in a way that it’s unnecessary.

For example, there is a scene where Batman is shown to be driving the Batmobile and shooting at the Parademons. Just as the audience are getting into the action, Snyder slows the action down. Once it speeds up again, five seconds later, the action then slows down (which is rather frustrating).

However, there are elements where slow-motion is necessary. The Flash, for example, utilizes his abilities in a way where everything is slow compared to him. This is understandable as his abilities rely heavily on super speed.


7 Keep: Flash Talking To His Dad

This is one of the scenes that establish this Flash as a character. By allowing him to talk to his father in prison, it allows the audiences to understand his character and motives.

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The scenes where he talks to his father is shown in both cuts. However, there is more catharsis in the Snyder cut. The Flash still gets his job in a crime lab, but his father in the Snyder cut shows more emotion. Fans can’t help but feel warmed by his father’s reaction as it is clear that he is proud of his son for getting a job and getting his foot in the door. This scene made the Flash’s victory and journey to feel more satisfying.

6 Cut: The Flash And Iris

Although this scene shows the character’s abilities and personality, it doesn’t offer anything significant to the narrative. Considering that the character looked like she might have a bigger part in this movie, fans were severely disappointed that Iris West didn’t appear again after this moment.

It made fans question why they couldn’t have included her in more scenes too – especially as it was a four-hour film. Hopefully, Iris will make an appearance in the Flash stand-alone movie because she deserved better than the two-minute scene she got.

5 Keep: Darkseid Scenes

One of the elements that were brought into the Snyder cut, any scene that involves Darkseid helps to offer context – to both the villain Steppenwolf and his reasons for opening the gateway for the New Gods.

Through his might in flashbacks and talking to Steppenwolf, he offers a threat that helps support the villains’ motivation. It also shows how dangerous he is through the alternate Knightmare timeline, which adds layers to the overall lore.

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4 Cut: Aquaman Walking To The Harbor

Although there are shots in the film that overuse the slow-motion effect, the scene where Aquaman walks to the edge of the harbor as he is drinking his beer is too long.

After saving someone from the sea and getting his beer, it has the character dramatically walking, lasting over one minute in total runtime. Although it’s nice to see the character and his personality, the fact that it lasts longer than it should hurts the pacing a bit.

3 Keep – The Flash Reversing Time

One of the most integral scenes in the Snydercut is the character turning back time. A triumphant scene shows Barry Allen reversing time when it seems like the League has lost, providing an interesting demonstration of the character’s powerful abilities.

Not only does it bring the character to the forefront but it also solidifies his development. Without this scene, the ending being as hard achieved as it was would have been lost completely.

2 Cut – Martian Manhunter

In one of the scenes that offer more questions than excitement, the inclusion of Martian Manhunter in the movie doesn’t truly add anything thematically. Outside of giving Lois a push and meeting Batman at the end of the film, he appears almost nowhere else.

Although it is implied that the character appeared in both Man Of Steel and Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice, a lingering question still remains. Why didn’t he help during General Zod’s invasion or during the fight with Doomsday? Since the final fight with Steppenwolf had changed, they could have included him here instead of keeping him on the sidelines.

1 Keep – Cyborg With The Motherbox

There are many scenes that Cyborg has been a part of which developed his character. The death of his father, helping a woman in financial trouble, and his character completion with the mother boxes – arguably one of the most powerful scenes in the film. By stating that he isn’t alone, he is able to break free of the mother boxes and with the help of Superman, stopped the unity from occurring.

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