The sky truly is the limit when it comes to the awe-inspiring works of Zelda artists. An artist on Instagram has demonstrated this, taking to the skies through a series of stunning digital paintings of the floating islands above Hyrule in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild‘s sequel. Ample source material for artwork became available following the second BoTW 2 trailer at Nintendo’s 2021 E3.

The trailer for BotW 2 has over 7 million views has sent countless Zelda theorists back to work dissecting every second of footage. The trailer introduced a number of new mechanics and story beats for BotW‘s sequel. New enemies have also awakened to challenge Link, including a Stone Talus outfitted with platforms for Bokoblin archers and some sort of guardian powered by ghostly green energy. This very likely constitutes the same energy that makes up the hand introduced in the first trailer, a glowing hand that will serve as the catalyst for many of Link’s new abilities like rewinding time and phasing through solid objects. BotW 2 has sustained positive buzz, even if it hints that the game might not feature a playable Zelda after all.


Instagram user jessmeixing, has created a stunning digital painting that features both Link and Zelda exploring the long-forgotten amber meadows of the islands in the sky. The artist stations the Hero of the Wild in the foreground of the image, looking out to a character in the distance who resembles Princess Zelda. Notably, while Zelda wears the short hair and Champion’s shirt fans have become familiar with from both BotW 2 trailers, Link wears a different garb from his own Champion’s Tunic. This version of Link, who may actually be the Ancient Hero from the first Calamity, wears the same green-tinted half-tunic from the E3 trailer. Finally, beyond the hero and the princess lies one of the many ancient archways sprinkled throughout the trailer. Several theory-crafters online have pointed out that these archways bear a resemblance to torii gates from Shinto mythology.

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It remains a mystery whether these floating islands in the Breath of the Wild 2 trailer originate as part of ancient Hyrule or as a kingdom that existed before Hyrule’s founding. Theories abound that these islands come from Skyward Sword, the first canonical Zelda game in the timeline where the hero starts off in Skyloft. Others have argued that the islands are indeed those of Skyward Sword origin, but actually signify the beginning of the Spirit Realm. Fans will have to wait for a Nintendo Direct or special Zelda-centric presentation to gain insight into their theories.

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The Zelda community features some of the most passionate and dedicated fans in all of gaming. Content creators and artists like jessmeixing have proven this time and again, and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 makes for the latest focal point of the fandom. As more of the story and gameplay details come to light, fans should keep an eye out for more impressive artwork capturing the talent and dedication of the Zelda community.

Source: jessmeixing/Instagram


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