The new film The Outfit follows Leonard Burling, an English tailor who worked on the world-famous Savile Row in London. Following a personal tragedy, he finds himself in Chicago, where he runs a modest tailor shop in a seedy part of town, making gorgeous clothing for the only people in the area who can afford them: a family of ruthless gangsters.

Screen Rant spoke with c0-stars Dylan O’Brien & Zoey Deutch about their roles in the new crime-thriller.

Hi. Hi. How are you both? I’m here to reunite with my girl, Zoey, perpetuate Nightwing rumors. How’s it going?


Zoey Deutch: Everyone is really into this Nightwing rumor.

Dylan O’Brien: Hey, whatever sells the movie. All press is good press.

I was going to say this is a pairing I didn’t know I needed, but I definitely needed it. What surprised you guys most about working together? And you already filmed a second movie together.

Zoey Deutch: The thing that surprises me the most about Dylan is that he says, “That’s hilarious,” and it means 2,000 different things. He could hate something and start the sentence with, “That’s hilarious.” He could love something and be like, “It’s hilarious.” It’s impossible to know what kind of hilarious it is, especially if it’s via text. You literally start everything with, “It’s hilarious. That’s hilarious.”

Dylan O’Brien: So true. So true. Hilarious. Hilarious. 

Zoey Deutch: I told you. That’s the most surprising thing. What’s the most surprising thing about me?

Dylan O’Brien: You’re extremely observant, Zoey, meaning that, you feel super seen with her in a very short amount of time. I think you’re very perceptive with people, so even just in the second or third day that we were hanging out after rehearsals or something, you’re making those [kinds] of observations out loud to me and I’m like, “Yeah, she’s right.” You’re right.

Zoey Deutch: You’re like, “Why are you analyzing me?”

Dylan O’Brien: It’s interesting. You love people and you’re very smart and perceptive with people and a ridiculously hard worker. Crazy hard worker. Mind-blowing. Don’t understand where she gets the hours in the day. Makes no sense.

Zoey Deutch: If I was as talented as him, I wouldn’t have to work so hard. But some of us have to work. We got to scribble a lot of dumb notes on the side of our paper to just catch up to you.

Dylan O’Brien: A lot. A lot. A wall full of notes. It looks like there’s a crime scene- 

Zoey Deutch: I just feel inadequate in making up for the fact that I didn’t go to college. Constantly I just feel like the dumbest person in the room, so I’m just trying to school people into thinking that I’m not.

Zoey, I saw that you’re a bit of an accent queen. I’m curious if you mastered the Richie accent yet?

Zoey Deutch: No, I definitely haven’t mastered the Richie, maybe if I saw the movie again last time I saw the movie it was so long ago.

Dylan O’Brien: Do an impression of me in the movie. That would be awesome.

Zoey Deutch: Can you do it again right now, and I’ll try to?

Dylan O’Brien: Oh God. What should I say?

Zoey Deutch: Anything really.

Dylan O’Brien: [In accent from The Outfit] So you’re telling me that there’s no-

Zoey Deutch: [Mimicking accent] So you’re telling me that there’s no – 

Dylan O’Brien & Zoey Deutch: [laughter]

The Outfit is in theaters now.

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