2020’s Animal Crossing: New Horizons was released during a time where more people than ever had access to the internet and had to spend more time at home, so it’s no surprise the sheer volume of memes and conversations that have come from fans. Sharing island designs, trading items, and meme-ing are abundant, with particular subjects getting lots of input: favorite villagers, and on the opposite end, least-favorite villagers.

Hating villagers is such a common practice that reliable data exists to pinpoint the most disliked villager in the game, though many more are notoriously dunked on. So why are players so harsh against virtual animals in a charming family game? Villager-hating has been a thing since the very first game in the series, back when villagers could be very mean and cutthroat towards the player. Whether it be a terrible design, an unfortunate interaction, or simply a bad “vibe,” sometimes you’ll just end up not liking someone. Thankfully, fictional characters can’t get their feelings hurt by it, and the meme-ing can be a fun way to relate to others the same way gossiping builds relationships.

10 Send It Off In A Letter

A lot of the time, it’s easier to say something to someone when it’s not face-to-face. This is why the internet can be so chaotic and uncensored because you rarely have to deal with the consequences of your words. However, when it comes to Animal Crossing, fans have found consistent success with sending letters to express their real feelings towards a villager, especially if they want said villager to move out.

Plenty of players want their hated villagers to have a permanent reminder of how unwelcome they are on the island, and in this case, Isaac gets straight to the point in asking Slyvia to “Please Leave.” At least they were polite about it.

9 Helpful Dialogue Options

Camping can be super fun or a living nightmare, depending on who you go with. Lots of players would rather not have Rodney come with them on such a trip, and even hate having him in their campsite at all. Is it his unsettling expression? The way he dresses? His eternal smugness? Maybe it’s that horrid combination that makes him so prone to internet hate.

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A quick edit of the dialogue options offers lots of comedic potential, including the option to be as rude and unwelcoming to Rodney (and any disliked villagers) as you want to be.


8 These Logs Are Your Prison

And here we have an example of a series mainstay for fans: trapping and continually whacking a villager you dislike. This has become much easier with the introduction of fences and furniture outdoors, though it’s also possible by digging some well-placed holes in the ground.

Even though the effectiveness of this violence is hotly debated (with some saying net-hitting makes villagers more likely to stay), there is something uniquely cathartic about whacking a character that gives you nothing but grief and frustration.

7 Wanted Poster

Wanted posters communicate a need for someone specific, though it’s usually so they can punish them. A wanted poster with fan-despised trio Diva, Barold, and Hippeux? You can guess that they aren’t wanted for a spa day.

These three are notorious for unnerving and upsetting fans: Diva resembles the eye-mouth-eye emoji combination, while Barold is reminiscent of unfortunate racial stereotypes. Hippeux might get hate simply for being a hippo, which is not considered as traditionally “cute” as a cat or dog might be. Hopefully, they’re all wanted alive.

6 See You Space Dandy…

Not all villagers are designed equal: In order to have your Raymond and Julian types, you’re going to need a few less-glamorous villagers to balance it out. Moose is considered by many to be a…balancing villager, to put it lightly.

Twitter user tarricrossing clearly wasn’t thrilled about his presence on their island, calling him the “space dandy rat” like the anime. The resemblance is definitely noticeable, sideburns and all. If you’re in this situation and you want to make a villager leave forever, there are tested and proven methods of making that happen.

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5 Group Activities

New Horizons‘ multiplayer allows for more friends at a time than ever before in the series. One island can have up to 8 players at a time, making it perfect for virtual parties and get-togethers. There is one issue, though: how do you keep 7 guests all entertained while visiting your abode?

Some people have relied on classic schoolyard games such as tag and hide-and-seek, while others bury hidden treasure or come up with competitions, but many a group has eventually found themselves whacking each other with nets.


This classic meme format features 9 characters/people in a 3 by 3 square, with the main intent being to express gratitude for their similar positive traits or actions. The middle square though? That’s who is getting hated on, AKA the real point of the meme.

In this instance, plenty of players agree that villagers like Beau, Peanut, and Lucky make great island friends to have, while Rodney absolutely does not. This hamster gets dunked on so much, you can almost feel bad for him…almost.

3 A More Lethal Approach

Yes, this strategy might be more drastic, and maybe illegal…but there are no cops on your island. Almost every player has taken a swing with the axe to see what would happen to a nearby player or NPC. Perhaps it’s part of human curiosity that drives players to swing a weapon given the option, even if they don’t want any harm to come to the character.

However, there are some players out there who wish the axe did bring harm, specifically harm to villagers they wish would move out and never come back. Poor Graham must have no idea how to react to a bare-footed and bandaged person coming towards them with something strong enough to topple trees.

2 When Your Neighbors Agree With You

Even though their personalities have mellowed out considerably since the GameCube edition, villagers can be quite rude on some occasions, as other villagers may note to you. This will often be after they’ve had a conversation, though argument might be more applicable. Stu and Hippeux clearly butted heads over something that Stu feels justified to complain to the player.

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There’s something darkly satisfying about hating the same person as your friend does, and when it’s a fictional character, you’ll end up with way fewer hurt feelings in the end.

1 How We Look To Everyone Else

As cathartic and chaotic it can feel to hate on villagers with people on the internet, it can come off as a bit much, especially to those who have never played the games before. A popularly disliked villager, Charlise, is very reminiscent of this post’s “Bill Wibbly,” being a brightly colored bear who appears to be quite friendly. They look too innocent for anyone to hate them, but Animal Crossing fans will find a way.

Animal Crossing’s characters are very easy to get attached to or to become objects of loathing. The low stakes and relaxed gameplay make such passion all the more silly and easier to meme online.

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