The Star Wars prequel trilogy surprised many hardcore original trilogy fans two decades ago when it left them utterly disappointed. Since then, the trilogy has become embraced and beloved by new generations who appreciate its underlying narrative brilliance. All first-time viewers, though, have gotten surprised by the trilogy, both in the direction of the story and characters and by its many plot twists.

Most fans who watch it for the first time know that Anakin becomes Vader, Obi-Wan survives, and Palpatine is the Emperor. Still, there are many aspects to the trilogy and things that happen in the movies that viewers do not expect.

10 The Technology Seeming More Polished & Advanced

One thing that definitely stands out to viewers, particularly when watching the original and prequel trilogies back-to-back, is how much sleeker and more polished the technology and aesthetics throughout the Galaxy seem to be.

Technology seems to have not advanced at all from the time of the prequels to the original trilogy 19 years later. If anything, it seems more advanced in the prequels, and it can be jarring. It is hard to blame the filmmakers involved, technology in 1999 was far more advanced than in 1977 – in large part to George Lucas’ innovation. And to be fair, it must be remembered that none of the major six original trilogy planets and moons were hugely advanced technologically compared to the likes of Coruscant. Still, a lot of viewers do not expect to see such disparity.

9 Jar Jar Binks Getting Political Power (Attack Of The Clones, 2002)

The existence and prominent presence of Jar Jar Binks come unexpectedly to audiences in the first place but is understandable. He is there to appeal to kids and make them laugh, as they should.

However, the Gungan managing to get political power was even more surprising. Standing in place of Padmé, Jar Jar grants the Supreme Chancellor emergency powers through the Emergency Powers Act, which allowed Palpatine to bypass the Military Creation Act and form the Grand Army of the Republic. That the clone army, as fans know it, exists because of Jar Jar Binks is a bit of a shock even today.


8 Chewbacca Helping Yoda (Revenge Of The Sith, 2005)

Like all pieces of Star Wars content, the prequel trilogy is chock full of references and easter eggs, but one straight-up connection fans did not expect was Chewbacca.

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The beloved Wookiee’s appearance in the trilogy was not the most shocking moment, but what did take fans aback was his friendship with Yoda and the fact that it was Chewbacca – alongside Tarfful – who helped the Jedi Master escape to exile. Given the role of Kashyyyk and the beloved Wookiee race in Revenge of the Sith, it is not wholly out of place, just surprising.

7 Maul Igniting A Double-Bladed Lightsaber (The Phantom Menace, 1999)

While The Phantom Menace left many people disappointed back in 1999, nobody in the fandom will question how utterly mesmerizing the duel of the fates is, in large part to Darth Maul.

One of the most shocking yet exhilarating moments in the film is when Maul presents himself to the Jedi and ignites a double-bladed lightsaber, something not seen on-screen to that point. It’s a memorable moment that helped Maul become one of the most popular villains in Star Wars long before his story continued in The Clone Wars.

6 Boba Fett Getting Revealed To Be A Clone (Attack Of The Clones, 2002)

Boba Fett became one of the most memorable and beloved Star Wars characters ever in the original trilogy, despite having barely any lines or a considerable role. The prequel trilogy rather unexpectedly delved into his backstory.

Finding out that Boba Fett was a clone of Jango Fett, rather than simply a regular human or Mandalorian in the Galaxy who became an incredible mercenary, was definitely a unique route to go down. Overall, it works well, but it was not what a lot of people expected when Boba Fett first got introduced, nor when the prequel trilogy rolled around.

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5 Yoda & His Lightsaber (Attack Of The Clones, 2002)

Yoda wielding a lightsaber is a debated topic amongst the fandom. Some believe it goes against the character they met in The Empire Strikes Back, while most others point out that all Jedi have lightsabers; why would Yoda be any different?

Either way, Yoda’s lightsaber skills proved to be a surprise to everyone, not just because he wielded one at all, but because when he did so, he became an acrobat, flipping around his opponent with lightning-quick speed. Even the fans who like or accept the idea of Yoda with a lightsaber, which nowadays is most, get surprised by Yoda’s movement with the blade.

4 Luke & Leia’s Mother Losing The Will To Live (Revenge Of The Sith, 2005)

One of the character endings in Star Wars that have always left people a little disappointed and/or confused is that of Padmé Amidala, who dies in childbirth to Luke and Leia, not due to the birthing itself, but through losing the will to live.

Fans could never have predicted this. A more likely death for the character would have been dying due to childbirth or, more morbidly, at the hands of Anakin. To experience heartbreak and subsequently losing the will to live seems like a bit of a far-out concept, even for a fantasy space opera like Star Wars.

3 The Jedi Being Unlikable

For fans who grew up with the original trilogy, the idea of watching time in the Galaxy where there were Jedi in mass numbers would have been a dream. While the trilogy did not disappoint in that regard, it does take fans by surprise with just how unlikable some Jedi are.

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Watching The Clone Wars only amplifies this, and while there are many likable Jedi, such as Yoda, Plo Koon, and Obi-Wan, others are intolerable. Mace Windu, Ki-Adi Mundi, and Luminar Unduli constantly frustrated fans and surprised them with their arrogance. After watching Obi-Wan, Yoda, and Luke growing up, hubris and ignorance were not traits fans expected to see in the Jedi.

2 Order 66 (Revenge Of The Sith, 2005)

Order 66 and the destruction of most of the Jedi were first alluded to back in 1977 through Obi-Wan Kenobi. Still, nobody could have foreseen just how brutally, swiftly, and brilliantly the Jedi got disposed of by Darth Sidious.

Between the intelligence of Sidious, the role of the clones, and the fact Order 66 is perhaps the most brutal thing ever portrayed in a Star Wars film, and it came wholly unexpected, even though fans knew the Jedi wouldn’t survive the story told in the movies. The entire ordeal is harrowing for characters and viewers alike, particularly for those who have watched The Clone Wars and, for those first-time, younger viewers.

1 Midi-Chlorians (The Phantom Menace, 1999)

Perhaps the most controversial decision made by George Lucas in the prequel trilogy was that to add a biological element to the Force rather than keep it as the mystical, unexplainable energy it was once known as.

Fans believed they knew all they needed to about how the Force works before the prequels. Of course, an exploration into concepts and powers would be welcome. However, an outright PSA that one’s ability to wield the Force was not wholly mystical and, in fact, was based on Midi-chlorians annoys many to this day and was the most unexpected thing to come out of the prequel trilogy.

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