The Dungeons & Dragons franchise is so popular that even a person who has never played an RPG game recognizes the more popular features. Even gamers who normally aren’t interested in RPG games are looking forward to Baldur’s Gate 3, the upcoming installment in the D&D video game universe. Movies that are directly based on the franchise don’t seem to fare so well, but there are plenty of decent films that capture the same spirit of sword and sorcery, magical items, and teamwork that define a typical Dungeons & Dragons adventure.

It’s easy to find great films to enjoy that aren’t related to the notoriously poor movies which utilize official Dungeons & Dragons canon. The concept of an adventuring party gifted with magical items embarking on an important quest isn’t unique. There could be a whole genre dedicated to the concept, and there’s plenty to choose from for both kids or adults.

10 Bedknobs and Broomsticks

The plot of Bedknobs and Broomsticks is a fantastic story of witchcraft and wizardry in the midst of a real historic event, WW2. It’s the tale of Eglantine Price, a Mage or Warlock that’s working through her level one training when three precocious children from London are sent to her home to escape the city bombings. Another Mage, who actually turns out to be a Thief, joins the party on the hunt for a certain magical artifact that can help them defeat an invading army. How is that not the plot of a D&D movie?

9 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

Remember that module that was all about finding that overpowered relic, maybe a weapon, hidden away in a place like a private museum or wealthy landowner’s estate? That might have been a weapon like the Green Dragon from Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, the legendary sword that could be the coolest MacGuffin in world movie history. It’s one of those weapons that Dungeon Masters are meant to avoid because it always skews the rules. The same thing happens in this story, too.


8 The Dark Crystal

There could be a gaming module out there that leads a party through the mystical world of Thraa. Even when this franchise just consisted of a single film, there was a rich collection of lore about the setting of The Dark Crystal and the treasures that were meant to be discovered there.

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The original story focuses on the quest of a single hero, a halfling named Jen who seems to be a Bard. His quest is to find a magical artifact and then unlock the secrets of its power to save the world from an evil race and a fearsome curse. He meets a Ranger with a unique pet who becomes a vital link in his quest.

7 Conan the Destroyer

Conan’s the Barbarian of the party, that’s easy, but is Zula playing a Druid, a Shaman, or a Warlock? The first movie, Conan the Barbarian, is also a good choice but the party dynamic in the second film is more pronounced, giving Conan a much bigger group beyond the three or four companions in the first film. Plus the party is sent on a specific quest that includes magical artifacts, an evil queen, and a confrontation with a powerful wizard and his acolytes.

6 The Fellowship of the Ring

The whole concept of an adventuring party as we now know it was inspired by one of literature’s first adventuring parties, The Fellowship of the Ring. It’s a classic lineup, too, with the Ranger, the Wizard, the various fighting classes, and a small band of halflings who could be both Thieves and Fighters. The quest they take, however, is an interesting twist on the usual D&D plot. Instead of looking for an artifact of power, they’ve already found one, and they have to find a way to destroy it.

5 Ladyhawke

It feels like a Dragonlance novel, right down to the corny dialogue and slick costuming, and the main character starts out as a Thief who eventually dual-classes as a Cleric. On the way, he meets a fallen Paladin who could also be some sort of Ranger and a woman who has a similar shapeshifting problem. The latter might be a Druid or a Mage, it’s never really clear.

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The opening scene actually happens in a dungeon. An actual prison underneath a castle too, and a grim one. The main character is having a moral alignment crisis and seems to waver between Neutral Evil and Lawful Good depending on the situation.

4 Legend

It’s more like a story that a module would be based on as opposed to the adventure itself, but Legend has all the features of an old-fashioned fairy tale and a D&D adventure. There’s a damsel in distress with some magical powers of her own, a big evil boss in a big nasty dungeon, a hero with a few magical items, and the decent forest folks that help him out. Watch it for costuming and dungeon design inspiration if nothing else.

3 Monty Python and the Search for the Holy Grail

Even the most serious D&D player needs a laugh once in a while, and this film found all the medieval gaming memes before they were cool. Word on the tabletop says that this whole script was inspired by a Dungeons & Dragons game gone horribly wrong or a LARP session that included a very limited budget. The two aren’t mutually exclusive. Imagine how a Lawful Good party looks and it is a satire of itself after a while. Even if a player loses a limb, they can still roll for initiative.

2 The Last Unicorn

A modern fairy tale that started out as a book and was brought to the silver screen by the same staff that would eventually become Studio Ghibli, The Last Unicorn has all the features a proper D&D adventure should. There’s a mysterious quest, a level one wizard, and a wicked old king, just to name a few.

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The dungeon, in this case, is a whole country, cursed by the touch of bitter old King Haggard. In a twist of sorts, it’s not the king who’s the main boss but a demon living in the catacombs beneath the castle. The reward for downing this boss could be the greatest prize that any adventurer has ever sought or won in both movie and gaming history.

1 Clash of the Titans

Dungeons & Dragons modules and stories don’t always have to be medieval-themed. The classic Clash of the Titans film followed the adventures of Theseus in ancient Greece, right from his start as a level 1 fighter all the way up until he was OP enough to kill no less than two Titans. He does this with his own bravery and skill, obviously, but he also has more than a little help from a few magical items and the god Athena, who gifts him with a helmet and a mechanical owl.

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