Anne With An E premiered on CBC in March of 2017 and quickly became available worldwide on Netflix two months later. The series is based on the beloved book series penned by Lucy Maud Montgomery in 1907, and fans were delighted to see a brand new interpretation of the touching childhood story.

This Anne of Green Gables adaptation, in particular, is known for its modern and gritty take on Anne’s adventures and quickly became popular. Unfortunately, the show was canceled after three seasons to the disappointment of fans, and the finale aired on January 3rd, 2019. Despite the issues between CBC and Netflix that led to the shows’ cancellation, Anne With An E enthusiasts on Reddit are still petitioning for a revival.


There Are Unfinished Plotlines

Fans were heartbroken to find out that the third season of Anne With An E would be the last, as many of the plot lines they were invested in were unfinished. One of the most discussed was the story of Ka’kwet, the young Indigenous Canadian girl who Anne befriends in season 3. When later in the series, Ka’kwet is taken to a residential school, her parents (with the help of Anne) attempt to rescue her, but are unsuccessful – and fans never learn what happens.

Although some fans felt the abruptness was a realistic way of ending her story, with Redditor Audcam arguing that it was “pretty accurate” for the time, Mother_o_kittens said it was “disappointing” that the issue hadn’t been properly addressed.

The Show Tackles Important Issues

One of the standout qualities of this show for fans is its’ commitment to tackling important issues. EpistemologySt cites “loss,” “social injustice” and “self-esteem struggles” as some of the most prominent topics covered. Although the book is set before many of these issues were commonly discussed, the show made an effort to modernize the storylines and include more diverse characters.

Anne With An E has wide-ranging appeal, attracting both fans of the original novels and younger people who are just being introduced to Anne’s story, and for this reason, it is able to speak to audiences of all generations, as the Redditor puts it, “promoting tolerance and understanding.”

The Show Is Anne With An Edge

Many fans were impressed with the darker take on the original novels, with SimplyDiLy commenting that the show is “a bit more edgy than previous productions” to “make it a more relatable show for today.” Anne’s childhood trauma is properly depicted and often makes for harrowing viewing, but it gives the character of Anne a more “complex personality,” as commented by TNGJ.

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The show manages to put a grittier spin on the tale to make it more appealing for modern audiences whilst retaining a sense of joy and many touching, funny moments.

It Has A Beautiful Setting

One of the most revered aspects of the show is its look. Solraun said “the settings are beautiful” and Chitra Ramaswamy for The Guardian commended the landscapes for being “lush and healing.” Although the show was primarily filmed in Southern Ontario, some scenes were actually filmed on Prince Edward Island – the original setting of the book.

The authenticity of the filming locations definitely adds to the feel of the show and makes sure that it doesn’t stray too far from its roots, giving fans a relaxing and aesthetically-pleasing viewing experience.

It Has Longevity

The original Anne Of Green Gables book series contains eight full-length novels. The final book takes place well into Anne’s married life, and fans felt that the show could have been continued to include her entire story as told in the novels. Tonyims remarked that “they [could] continue until Anne is old back at Green Gables with her grandkids and family”

Independent-Worth-58 stated that even the lead actress “Amybeth has brought up the possibility of the show continuing into her older years, with Anne having kids.” It seems that many fans feel there was a lot more story to tell and for such a beloved character more of her life could have been covered, as there is so much more material than just the first couple of books.

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The Acting Is Great

Almost as soon as the show first released in 2017, praise rolled in for the lead actress, Amybeth McNulty, who captures Anne’s quirky personality to perfection. Eleanor Blay Griffiths for Radio Times commented that “Amybeth McNulty’s version of Anne Shirley stays true to the original character – and reminds us that Anne was basically an early feminist,” and CrusherNo6 agrees, saying, “the lead actress was amazing as were so many of other actors.”

Redditors such as Ozdiva also commented on Geraldine James – who later appeared in the Downton Abbey movie – in the role of Marilla Cuthbert, impressed at how she was able to portray her severe personality whilst showing a “more nuanced emotional range” later on in the series.

There’s Plenty Of Character Growth

Fans of the show believe it shouldn’t have been canceled because the characters grow so much throughout the series – and some have a lot more growing to do. Matthew’s story was specifically mentioned. Seb_wilder stated that they “loved his arc – from being unable to truly articulate his affection/love to becoming so good with it” and found it inspiring. There was also some discussion of Mrs. Rachel Lynde, the Cuthbert’s outspoken and gossipy neighbor.

Redditors felt it was a shame the show was cut short because audiences didn’t really see a huge amount of growth from the character and there was a lot of potential for it regarding Ka’kwet’s story. Earthican_earthican observed that they would have liked Rachel to have the chance to “re-think her assumptions about the government ‘knowing what’s best’ for Indigenous families.”

The Fan Connection

Some Redditors discussed how the show spoke to them personally and was very relatable, which many found comforting. Canos13 spoke about how season 3 “really spoke to [them]” as they’re going to study abroad and are “really stressed about leaving.” They drew a comparison between their own life and Anne’s eventual departure from Green Gables to study at Queen’s College.

For a show set in 1896, it’s impressive that modern viewers found so much of it relatable to their own lives. It speaks to the thought that went into staying true to the original stories whilst making them accessible to audiences today.

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The Canadian Representation

With its focus on the stories of the Indigenous people of Canada, Sassy_sqrl commended the show for its commitment to Canadian representation. They stated that “there are [so] few entertaining pieces of Canadian media out there.” The showrunners obviously felt it was important to include key moments in Canadian history and made sure that the stories were told sensitively and realistically.

The show brings awareness to Canadian history in a mainstream setting, whilst showcasing the country’s beauty. Tara Grier for The Whit Online praised the show for casting “light on issues that are not normally talked about in mainstream media.”

The Actors Have A Desire To Return

Redditor Independent-Worth-58 claims that McNulty said, “if given the chance she would love to return,” and “the rest of the cast feels the same,” so it’s obvious the actors were not ready for the show to be over either. Although many of the actors are now working on other projects – most notably McNulty, who will star in season 4 of Stranger Things slated for release May 27 – it’s clear they haven’t left the show behind.

McNulty posted a photo of Anne on Instagram in November 2019, writing, “I don’t think I was ever going to be ready to say goodbye, but as the saying goes – all good things must come to an end.” Her goodbye to Anne was so full of emotion its easy to believe she would jump at the chance to portray Anne again – and fans are still holding out hope.

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