Big Hero 6 is one of Disney’s most heartwarming films. Set in a blend between San Fransisco and Tokyo, the film has a unique take on friendship, grief, and technology. Baymax, a robot designed to be a healthcare companion, is one of Disney’s best creations and is a big part of why the film is so funny.

There are also some really emotional moments in the movie, but the characters are loveable, the setting is amazing and the plot shows why family is important, and Hiro and Baymax’s relationship shows that moving on is a part of life but it’s also a good thing.

10 Funniest: Hiro Discovers Baymax

One of the funniest and most wholesome parts of Big Hero 6 is when Hiro activates Baymax in his room.

After Tadashi’s death, Hiro spends a lot of time grieving and accidentally activates Baymax, who scans him for injury and says he’s Hiro’s personal healthcare companion. It’s a very cute encounter and it’s the start of a beautiful friendship.

9 Saddest: Tadashi’s Death

Tadashi’s death is particularly sad because of how close he is with his brother and how unexpected it all is.

Tadashi dies after running into the burning showcase building to save Professor Callaghan, who ends up being the story’s main villain. Tadashi is introduced to the film so well so when the building explodes it’s very sad to watch.


8 Funniest: Hiro Meets The Others

One of the funniest parts of the movie is when Hiro meets Tadashi’s other classmates. The audience is introduced to Go Go, Fred, Wasabi, and Honey Lemon, all of whom have their own specialties when it comes to technology.

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It’s one of the funniest scenes of the film because the audience progressively sees Hiro become more interested in the San Fransokyo Institute of Technology as he meets his future friends.

7 Saddest: Hiro Leaving Baymax Behind

Big Hero 6 does have a happy ending, but like every other Disney film, there is always a moment where things go pear-shaped and emotional. When Baymax and Hiro enter the portal to find Callaghan’s daughter, they’re successful until Baymax realizes he doesn’t have enough power to take all of them back.

He ejects his glove as a rocket that takes Hiro back and thankfully it has his memory card inside which can bring him back because it’s the saddest scene of the whole film.

6 Funniest: Baymax Runs Out Of Battery

Baymax is such a quirky character, and he’s even funnier when he runs out of battery after he and Hiro follow a lead on the nanobot he found.

When Baymax starts to run out of battery he acts like he’s drunk, which is even funnier when Hiro has to help him up the stairs so that his aunt doesn’t notice him. It’s a hilarious scene and it’s definitely one of the most memorable.

5 Saddest: Callaghan’s Betrayal

One of the most shocking parts of Big Hero 6 is when the man in the mask is revealed to be Calahan, Tadashi’s old professor who they’d all assumed had died in the explosion.

It’s a dramatic reveal that was pretty surprising and Hiro and the gang’s reaction is heartbreaking as they realize that the man who Tadashi died trying to save ending up being alive the whole time.

4 Funniest: Training Baymax To Fight

Hiro’s main goal with Baymax is to give him some skills in fighting, and that comes with designing a suit for him.

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Of course, Baymax’s actual goal is to be a healthcare companion and to help people, so things don’t go as smoothly as Hiro would want them to. Baymax doesn’t really get the hang of things and only starts doing things because Hiro says it will help his wellbeing, but it’s extremely cute.

3 Saddest: Turning Baymax’s Kill Mode On

Baymax was made to be against any kind of violence, and Hiro gives him a chip that forces him to hurt Callaghan, it’s really sad to watch.

Hiro’s friends are just as concerned and know that it’s wrong to use Baymax as a weapon, but his rage gets the better of him. Thankfully Baymax doesn’t kill Callaghan, but it was still hard to watch such a loving character become so violent.

2 Funniest: Fred’s Mansion

When the team needs somewhere to stay after being ambushed by Callaghan, Fred offers up his own space. Although he seems like the kind of person who has a small apartment and doesn’t live well, he ends up taking them to his mansion.

Hiro, Go Go, Honey Lemon, and Wasabi’s reactions are priceless, and they’re so shocked by the fact he has a butler that at first, they think they are breaking into somebody else’s home.

1 Saddest: Tadashi’s Video

The moment where Baymax tells Hiro that Tadashi is with him and shows him a video of all of his testing trials is probably the most tear-jerking moment of Big Hero 6. It comes after Hiro finds out Callaghan is the villain and lets out his anger by forcing Baymax to attempt to kill him even though it’s not part of his code.

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The video serves as a reminder to Hiro that Tadashi will always be there for him because Baymax was created by him.

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