Yet another celebrity cameo has been spotted in Cyberpunk 2077, this time being three of Japan’s most popular streamers, a trio known as 2BRO Entertainment. The three content creators Otojya, Anijya, and Otsuichi appear as their animated avatars in various Fuyutsuki Electronics advertisements across the expansive and incredibly dense Night City of Cyberpunk 2077. But for those who do not know who 2BRO Entertainment are or why they are in Cyberpunk 2077, here is some background information on the three gamers and Cyberpunk 2077‘s obsession with celebrity cameos.

2BRO Entertainment is a gaming channel on YouTube that started out with two members, who go by their online monikers Anijya (兄者), an older Japanese word meaning “older brother,” and Otojya (弟者), meaning “younger brother” in the same style. They were later joined by a third member Otsuichi (おついち), and the three have taken Japan’s gaming content scene by storm. They’ve interviewed huge celebrities in the gaming world like Hideo Kojima – another celebrity cameo in Cyberpunk 2077 – leading up to the release of his avant-garde 2019 game Death Stranding as part of official promotions, and despite doing these promotions live, they always keep their faces obstructed from view by overlays or helmets. One of the group’s gimmicks is that they’ve come to be represented by 2D-animated avatars – the same seen in their fake Fuyutsuki Electronics ads in Cyberpunk 2077.


2BRO joins a long line of other celebrities who have made cameos in Cyberpunk 2077. Much of the hype leading up to game’s release was based around the fact that Keanu Reeve’s Cyberpunk 2077 character Johnny Silverhand has a significant role in its story, but countless smaller cameos have continued to spring up in Cyberpunk 2077, making it feel like players can encounter nearly anyone in the game’s densely populated world if they just pop into the right shop or alleyway. While the members of 2BRO cannot be encountered themselves as characters, their appearances in the game still make for another facet of its unique flavor.

 Cyberpunk 2077’s Japanese Influences Make 2BRO Entertainment A Perfect Cameo

2BRO Entertainment being associated with Fuyutsuki Electronics makes sense in the universe of Cyberpunk 2077. The fictional Japanese company makes electronic products specialized around entertainment, such as radios and television screens. In all three ads, the 2BRO members carry boomboxes that reach volumes of 200 dB, an amplitude that almost looks like “2BRO” in reverse. Associating content creators with an in-game entertainment company shows the surprising attention to detail of Night City that’s often overlooked due to Cyberpunk 2077’s controversial release.

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Though 2BRO fans may be disappointed to know that their favorite streamers aren’t voiced characters in Cyberpunk 2077, their cameos are still an exciting inclusion that adds to the substantial number of cameos in the game. Moreover, the effort to make the fake ads relevant to the celebrities they feature shows the effort poured into the game’s world that – if the same attention had been paid to the technical issues before Cyberpunk 2077’s famously messy launch – might have garnered CD Projekt RED more acclaim than ire in the long run.

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