Warning! Spoilers ahead for Justice League: Last Ride #3

In the latest issue of Justice League: Last Ride, the final mission of DC’s greatest heroes is underway and Batman may now have a secret superpower thanks to the deceased Martian Manhunter. While the exact details of the Martian Manhunter’s death on this alternate Earth are still unclear, it is known that Batman was present and Superman blames him for what transpired. Now, the League is attempting to protect Lobo from harm before his trial, and Batman just received a dreamlike vision that warned him of imminent danger. Does Batman somehow have limited telepathic abilities?


In prior issues of Justice League: Last Ride from writer Chip Zdarsky and artist Miguel Mendonça, the Justice League fell apart after the devastating losses suffered from Darkseid’s invasion attempt. However, an appeal from the Green Lanterns for their help has brought the team back together for one last mission to protect Lobo, the Main Man himself. While Batman was reluctant to reunite with the team after what happened to J’onn J’onzz, he ended up agreeing with a plan to hide Lobo on the remains of Apokolips until his trial.

An interesting inclusion in Justice League #3 was the focus on Batman and how he sleeps. Despite his claims about how well he regulates his extremely disciplined sleep schedule, Batman’s rest was anything but restful in the issue. While Batman claims that he doesn’t dream unless he wants to (apparently the subconscious helps solve certain cases), he experienced a dream all the same about Martian Manhunter. Not only did J’onn tell Batman that his death wasn’t the Dark Knight’s fault, but he also warned him of a danger that was on the way that would require the whole League to face it. Sure enough, when Batman woke up, Hal Jordan’s Green Lantern had received reports that the League’s location had been discovered and dangerous foes were on their way. Subsequently, Batman comes clean about his dream – or vision – to the rest of the team, which suggests that the Dark Knight may now have some form of limited and/or purely subconscious telepathy.

Again, the exact details of the Manhunter’s death are as of yet unknown, but it’s possible that the expert telepath could have transferred some of his power to Batman before his untimely demise. It would certainly explain Batman’s consideration that someone might be using telepathy to manipulate his mind and steer the team off course, though the Dark Knight does believe that the warning he dreamed is genuine. Perhaps because it came from Batman himself subconsciously, though it could also be chalked up to sheer, though unlikely, coincidence.

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It’s going to be really interesting to see if the Justice League can keep Lobo alive long enough for his trial, as well as whether or not Batman has gained new powers from the Martian Manhunter. Regardless of whether he does or doesn’t, the telepathic warning had to have come from somewhere. While there is the possibility that J’onn J’onzz could still be alive, it seems doubtful considering the fact that the other heroes speak of his passing with such certainty. However it all plays out, it seems as though DC fans will just have to wait and see as Justice League: Last Ride continues.

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