The Harry Potter franchise – both on-page and on-screen – is full of a cast of weird and wonderful characters who have become both beloved and iconic over the past few decades. The franchise has become a phenomenon, and a lot of that is down to the fantastic characters and their heroics.

However, the characters are not all perfect. While all the heroes of the story are chock full of great qualities – they are the heroes, after all – the main characters do have the flaws, and we look at their biggest flaws here.

10 Ginny Weasley

Ginny Weasley is a character much more prominent in the books than films, with a lot of her scenes and material cut. But, even then, she is absent for a lot of the books, and when she is there, a lot of people find her quite unlikeable.

That is because Ginny is just mean. While other characters on this list display their flaws in the movies, Ginny’s nastiness can be seen only in the books with her treatment of Fleur, her treatment of Ron, and hexing someone for annoying her.

9 Neville Longbottom

Neville Longbottom was so nearly the chosen one, so almost the singular most crucial wizard in the world; alas, it never panned out that way. Neville is excellent, and grows a lot through both the books and the movies, but has one big annoying flaw.

That is his insecurity. It is human nature and a real flaw that does not make us hate Neville, but is certainly annoying. He was so reserved and scared of being in the limelight he asked the Sorting Hat to put him in Hufflepuff. He ended up coming out of his shell, but his sheer avoidance of being a hero or being important is his worst quality.


8 Rubeus Hagrid

Rubeus Hagrid is everybody’s favorite half-giant and a pivotal part of the Potter franchise as a close friend of the main three and Albus Dumbledore. He does not have many glaring worst things about him.

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Perhaps the most glaring flaw of Hagrid is his decision making – both deliberate and accidental. He cannot keep secrets and tells the trio quite a lot of confidential information, which in turn puts them in danger. There is also taking Grawp to the Forbidden Forrest, Aaragog in general, beating Karkaroff, using magic illegally, and other examples.

7 Draco Malfoy

Draco Malfoy acts as a secondary antagonist in the Potter franchise, and for the first few entries, he is pretty harmless. As time goes on, however, Draco’s negative qualities are amplified.

It is hard to decide his worst feature as he has quite a few, he is a bully, he gets caught up with Voldemort, he attempts murder he generally just sucks. While Ginny was mean and nasty at times, Draco is straight-up rotten, a bad, entitled, bully of a person, and that is the worst thing about him; himself.

6 Severus Snape

Snape is Potter’s tragedy, a hidden hero who was heralded as evil for so long but was actually on the good guy’s side. He is a bit of a divisive character, and that is because while tragic, he is not perfect.

Snape has three glaring flaws; his treatment of people, his obsession with Lily, and the fact he was a Death Eater. His treatment of people is pretty sucky, always rude, insulting, and biased. His obsession with Lily is crazy, for all those years he pined for her, and mourned her, keeping in his head an image of the perfect woman from his childhood, and never getting over her. The fact he was a Death Eater needs no explanation and is probably the single worst thing about him.

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5 Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

Dumbledore is the mystical and heroic figure whom Harry looks up to, and who is on paper a beacon of hope, and all that is good and right in the Wizarding World. But, as time went on, fans realized Dumbledore was, in fact, human, and so was flawed.

Dumbledore’s shady past and concealment of said past is documented throughout the franchise and is the source of much annoyance for both fans and characters. Arguably worse than his past, though, is how he uses people, the way he uses Snape and Harry, not even telling Harry the truth of the situation, endangering his life by being complicated.

4 Lord Voldemort

Voldemort is the main antagonist of the Potter franchise, appearing in all but one entry of the franchise as the arch-nemesis of Harry Potter.

The worst thing about Voldemort? He is pure evil. He is a murderer who craves power, demands only a particular type of wizard, and is just the worst, hence why he is the villain of the franchise.

3 Ron Weasley

Ron is the best friend of Harry and one of the franchise’s most prominent characters in both books and movies, even if one deviates a bit from the other. He is ultimately a good guy but has some undesirable traits.

Ron’s immaturity is the source of just about all of his issues. He constantly bickers with people, can be downright mean and hurtful sometimes, and he is also not as loyal as one may assume. Part of his character is how he will always come back, and is dependable, but Ron does tend to leave when people need him, such as Harry in Goblet Of Fire or Harry and Hermione in Deathly Hallows.

2 Hermione Granger

The other best friend of Harry, as well as the romantic interest of Ron, and critical component to the Potter franchise, Hermione Granger is the intelligent one of the trio, always having answers and solutions.

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Unfortunately, while Hermione’s brains are probably her best quality, it leads to her worst as it can result in her being both stubborn, and a bit of a know it all. Her submissiveness of characters like Luna shows this, and her bossy nature towards Harry and Ron does not speak kindly of her character either.

1 Harry Potter

Up last is the central, titular character of the franchise, Harry Potter himself. He is the hero of the franchise whose journey we follow book-to-book, and movie-to-movie as he grows, and deals with the troubles facing him in the Wizarding World. Harry may be the hero, but he does have some problems as a person.

The worst thing about Harry is his hotheadedness. He is willing to rush in head first to any situation, to put bravery before anything even if it is the wrong decision, endangering himself and sometimes others. His hotheadedness leads to him feeling like he does not need help, on multiple occasions he ignores the obvious option of asking his friends, feeling he needs to be the hero, and bowl into a situation himself.

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