Big Brother 21 winner Jackson Michie has finally revealed why he and Holly Allen broke up their showmance in 2020. When BB21 started, Jackson found himself interested in Kat Dunn rather quickly. Over the weeks, however, Jackson started to pay attention to Holly and got a bit of distance from Kat. This resulted in Jackson going from one showmance to another, with both women being seemingly fine with that switch-up. Then, when Kat became more of a wildcard for Jackson and his dominant alliance, it ultimately resulted in her eviction.

For the rest of Big Brother 21, Jackson Michie and Holly Allen formed a high-profile and very competitive showmance in the house. They played the rest of the season together, fighting to stay in the game week after week, always promising that they would take each other to the end. This obvious pair eventually became a target to the players who were left on BB21, but Jackson constructed a lie that moved the target away from him and toward Tommy Bracco. In the end, Jackson and Holly managed to get to Final 2, and Jackson took home the $500,000 grand prize.


Even quite some time after BB21, Jackson Michie and Holly Allen were reportedly still together. On Jackson’s Instagram grid, one can find a picture of the couple (seen below) that was shared as recently as February 2020. The Big Brother fans were aware that they had broken up, but no one knew the reasons why. Now, Jackson took to his Instagram Story to talk about what happened. He started out by reminding fans that his relationship with Holly had to go through Big Brother 21 and COVID-19, which was a lot. Jackson also said that he “wasn’t the man” that he wanted to be for Holly. Last but not least, Jackson blamed “poor communication” as another reason for the breakup, reminding people that this is a common issue for a lot of couples. Nonetheless, Jackson shot down any rumors that cheating happened on either side.

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This is another chapter in the self-reflecting journey that the Big Brother 21 winner has recently kicked off on social media. Jackson is taking to Instagram almost every day to share a few thoughts. He hopes that the public can get to know a different side of him, and wants the fans to see how much he’s grown since winning BB21. Overall, this confession is probably also beneficial to Holly, who’ll be able to hear more about Jackson’s reasoning for breaking up with her.

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It seems like Jackson Michie is all in on this social media journey where he hopes to show his followers the man that he’s become after Big Brother 21. Some fans have a hard time forgetting certain things that they saw Jackson doing on the show, but there’s no denying that he’s trying hard to show change.

Sources: Jackson Michie’s Instagram

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