Final Fantasy 14 has been improving with consistent updates and bringing in a loyal player base. There are even plans to completely streamline the original storyline and missions. One of the often-overlooked features is PvP modes to compete with other players and complete weekly objectives. One of the main ones is Rival Wings, a MOBA-like battle.

Rival Wings can be unlocked from the level 30 quest Earning Your Wings from Softknox at Wolves’ Den Pier X:5.7, Y:5.5; you will also need to have previously completed A Pup No Longer at your respective Grand Company. Rival Wings isn’t just a fun PvP mode, but will also reward EXP, tomestones for level 50+ gear, glamour armor, and mounts. This can be a great way of improving other job classes.


Rival Wings Mechanics in Final Fantasy 14

Rival Wings is fought between the Falcons (Blue) controlling the east, and Ravens (Red) controlling the west. Each side consists of six alliances containing four party members, for a total of 24 vs 24. They have 20 minutes to destroy the other team’s Core; if both Cores are standing at the end of the time limit the team that dealt more combined damage to the enemy structures will be victor. Currently, there are two possible maps, Astragalos and Hidden Gorge with unique layouts. Alliances and even individual players will want to split up to attack opposing Towers, defend their own side, and gather resources in the center of the map. These resources can in turn be used to purchase Machina, the true heroes of the skirmish.

Base and Core

The Base is where each team gathers at the start of the match. If a character dies, they will also respawn here and be invulnerable as long as they remain on the elevated landing point; the Return ability will also teleport players to this area.

Once descending off the landing point, there are two Hanger Terminals to summon and ride Machina – one console in the north and the other in the south. The Core itself is highly durable, taking little damage from human players and Cruise Chasers; however, it is vulnerable to those inside Oppressors, Brute Justices, and even basic Mammets. Beyond the Core will be two Steam Cannons. These mounted guns are immobile but can fire up to 60 yalms away every 1.5 seconds. They deal high damage to enemy players and Machina, but only a tenth to Mammets.


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Each team will have two Towers, one in the north and one in the south. When near your own Tower, it will heal you and reduce damage taken; this means you should try to fight directly on top of your own Tower and lure the enemy off of theirs. Each Tower also grants a large defense boost to the Core, making it important to defend your own position and destroy the enemy Towers. Structures take very little damage from non-pilot players and Cruise Chasers; Oppressors and Brute Justices should be used to attack Towers.


Mammets are a constant marching threat that can defend your territory and siege the enemy. Wind-Up Magus deal heavy ranged damage and Wind-Up Vikings serve as tanks. When enemy Mammets engage they will fight till the death but will ignore human characters. If a Mammet reaches a Tower or Core they will self-destruct and inflict moderate damage to the structure. This makes it important to eliminate approaching Mammets and escort your own. Killing a Mammet will also award participating alliances some Ceruleum, based on damage dealt.

Center Points

The particular map center tends to have a wealth of resources. This mainly includes Ceruleum Canisters that when collected will reward an alliance with 10 Ceruleum that can be used to ride Machina. Since Machina cost 50 Ceruleum, it is a good idea to float around 70-80 total; amounts above 100 are wasted. On Astragalos, the center also contains the Power Generator which yields 1 Ceruleum every 3 seconds to all alliances in the team that controls it. It is important to hold the Power Generator early in the match to slowly gain a resource surplus, but it declines in value the longer the match goes on.

On Hidden Gorge, the center instead contains the Loading Station for the Ceruleum Engine railway. Note that the train will instantly kill players it rams into while entering or exiting the station. Once the train has actually stopped, players can gather to seize control of the train’s supplies. A team must have equal or more players on the platform to control the train, so be quick about killing the other side. Possible rewards from the station include 50 Ceruleum, Adrenaline boosts, and Gobtanks that will join Mammet assaults of Towers and Cores.

Goblin Mercenaries

Exclusive to Hidden Gorge await the Goblin Mercenaries on the north and south of the map. They are deadly independent enemies that can take several alliances to kill. When they are defeated, they will side with the team that dealt the most damage to them and march with the Mammets along the route they previously occupied (norther Mercenaries in the north lanes, southern Mercenaries in the south). They have a contractual time limit, and will desert and return to their own neutral bases once it expires.   

Jobs and Machina Final Fantasy 14

Participants will start as the job they queued with, though they can change jobs within the Base. They will have access to special PvP exclusive attacks and skills. Among these will be the Adrenaline gauge, which act as personal limit breaks; and the Soaring status which will boost your alliance’s parameters based on amount of kills. Using the Hanger Terminals, one member of each six alliances can also pilot a Machina.

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Tanks jobs have heightened HP, defenses, and typically stuns. Their Aegis Boon Adrenaline Rush will give nearby allies 50% damage reduction. This makes it important to be a nuisance and harass the enemy team. Because tanks are so resilient they are often targeted last, making it possible to slip by and destroy important enemies like healers, Oppressors, and clean up Mammets.


Healers keep the party it tip shape and remove debuffs. Their Adrenaline Rush is Empyrean Rain, which restores lots of HP and cures status. Since you can cure both party members and even Goblins (at a reduced amount) you will be one of the prime targets after Machina. Try to stay in defensive locations, forcing enemy tanks and melee to wade through your allies. If you can avoid stuns, you may be able to self-heal enough to withstand two or three DPS.

Melee DPS

Melee characters hit hard and are given similar defense increases (but not HP) as tanks. Raw Destruction is their Adrenaline Rush, which deals massive damage to single targets, often enough to kill Ranged and Casters outright. Prioritize destroying Machina, Mammets, and securing center objectives like the Power Generator or Loading Station.

Ranged DPS

Ranged jobs can attack while moving, making them extremely mobile and deadly. Their Adrenaline Rush, Terminal Velocity, attacks an area in a straight line. Use this to disrupt enemy defenses and clear out stunned targets that can’t escape the blast. Because of your superior distance, you can attack while standing in safe areas, like directly on Towers, over a ledge, or around the Loading Station. You can also quickly prevent people from collecting Ceruleum or stealing the Power Generator.

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Caster DPS

Caster jobs can also attack from a distance, but often have to stop to use spells. Cometeor is their Adrenaline Rush, which deals damage in a circular area. Casters should aim to focus fire on important targets like Healers and Machina.

Cruise Chaser

The Cruise Chaser can be summoned for 50 Ceruleum, as can all other Machina. They deal great damage to players and Machina, but very little to structures. If you pilot one, make sure to hunt down and destroy Oppressors and clear out groups of enemies. Optical Sight is great for attacking from a distance, while Laser X Sword slashes in a close arc. You only have 30,000 HP and cannot heal, so be very careful about advancing solo.


Oppressors are slow-moving but very durable. Only two alliances on each team can deploy simultaneously. None of their attacks deal much damage to players or Machina, but Steam Release can knockback. However, 3000-tonze Missile deals high damage to Towers and Cores. This means you should always have Cruise Chaser and non-pilot escorts when approaching enemy territory.

Brute Justice

Brute Justices are the ultimate Machina, able to deal great damage to all enemies and structures along with massive HP. To balance this, only one Brute Justice can be summoned per lost Tower; meaning you might only have access to one, two, or none. Be very conservative about deployment, and focus on pushing forward and destroying structures. Flamethrower deals good damage in a cone, Mega Beam unleashes a 70 yalm blast that knocks back, and most powerful Double Rocket Punch deals huge damage to structures, or reduced damage and stun to enemies.

There are a lot of roles to play and objectives to concentrate on. But, with good strategy and coordination, your team can score the victory.

Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn, Heavensward, Stormblood, and Shadowbringers are available now on PC and PlayStation 4.

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