The Suite Life Of Zack And Cody was a Disney Channel show that ran from 2005 to 2007, continuing on as The Suite Life On Deck. The series followed the chaotic lives and whacky scenarios that resulted from mischievous twin brothers Zack and Cody, who lived at the Tipton Hotel. Two characters that were often shown interacting with each other and getting caught up in the lives of twins were London Tipton and Maddie Fitzpatrick.

London is a rich, gullible girl, who just happens to be the daughter of the owner of the Hotel, and Maddie is the smart, hard-working employee who has to deal with the happenings around her. The two create an interesting bond and are seen as frenemies. So by their nature, the two of them did some pretty harsh stuff to each other. Here are the worst things they did during the show’s 3 season run.

10 Maddie: Only Joined Fencing For Diego

When London starts private fencing lessons to earn P.E credit because she doesn’t like being around poor people sweat, she asks Maddie if she wants to be her fencing partner. Maddie declines to say that as a poor girl, she wouldn’t want to bleed on her or be around London and sharp objects.

Of course, this rejection only lasts a maximum of five seconds when London’s fencing instructor, Diego, makes an appearance and Maddie sees that he is attractive. The two proceed to fight over him during fencing lessons and agree that neither one of them will date him. But both date him without the other knowing.

9 London: Loses Maddie’s Great Grandmother’s Brooch

London sees Maddie wearing a brooch and calls it fabulous. When Maddie starts explaining the story of how it’s her great grandmother’s and how her aunt fought for it at the funeral, London says that she’s not interested but that she wants to borrow it. Even though Maddie points out that London has a closest full of brooches, London says that she doesn’t have that one and will take care of it as though it were made of real emeralds.

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After London has a wild night and Maddie asks where her brooch is, London says that she must have misplaced it. London then buys Maddie a replacement but when it isn’t well-received, calls the restaurant. When the restaurant can’t find it, she searches the rubbish.


8 Maddie: Faking London’s Horoscopes

London loves it when she has some sort of direction and people to turn to, but as her father is hardly around and she’s had her fair share of temporary step-mothers, it’s a hard thing to find. In season 2 episode “Moseby’s Big Brother,” London keeps referring to her Horoscope to guide her actions, something Maddie and Esteban take advantage of.

Maddie creates fake Horoscopes to email to London to mess with her head. One says it’s a bad night to listen to music to take her concert tickets, while another makes London wear a bunny outfit or else bad things would happen. As soon as Maddie had the opportunity to take advantage of London, she took it.

7 London: Stealing Maddie’s Idea For Her Assignment

London has a short story assignment due the next day and only manages to write one sentence about her dog living in a hotel. Maddie can’t help herself and decides to continue the story out loud, making it a short rhyming children’s story. Unknown to her, London writes it down and gets an “A” on her assignment while Maddie gets a “B.” London guilt trips Maddie into keeping the secret that she didn’t write it because Mr. Moseby and her father are proud of her.

When her assignment gets published as a children’s book, London keeps the credit, saying Maddie’s jealous because she’s a top-selling author as well as being rich and beautiful. Of course, this comes to bite her in the butt when she gets sued for plagiarizing a book that has already been published.

6 Maddie: Using London To Get An Expensive Gift

It’s Christmas, and Maddie decides that she wants a nice present. She has a conversation with Mr. Moseby where he flaunts his great taste in getting himself presents and Maddie says that her family gives the worst presents. Mr. Moseby says that if Maddie gets London as her secret Santa she’s sure to get an expensive gift.

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But Maddie already thought this and switches the raffle draw to a bowl with only her name inside. Maddie decides to take advantage of her friend’s wealth and manipulate London instead of telling her the truth. When she receives something hand made, she isn’t exactly grateful.

5 London: 16th Birthday Party On The Same Date

London and Maddie both have their sweet 16th birthday parties on the same night. Unfortunately for them, it makes attending each other’s parties impossible. Maddie doesn’t understand why London is having her party on the day of Maddie’s birthday when London’s birthday was 6 months ago.

London tells Maddie to change her party date because people have spent months planning hers. London doesn’t take into consideration that Maddie is upset or that her family is flying over for it. London doesn’t end up changing the date, and both parties fail to live up to their expectations.

4 Maddie: Dating London’s Ex

When London sees her old boyfriend Cliff at the Tipton, she runs and hides, saying he’s a loser and that she never wants to see him again. When Cliff approaches the candy stand, he asks Maddie if he just saw London Tipton, Maddie puts her best interests ahead and says that he didn’t and she’s not around.

Cliff asks Maddie out but after she finds out that he used to date London 2 years ago, she asks Carey what to do. Carey gives her blessing after saying 2 years is a long time. However, London still likes Cliff after he broke up with her and she tells everyone that Maddie stole her boyfriend.

3 London: Starting Rumors About Maddie

Maddie wants to learn CPR from Lance so she can save lives but also charge extra for babysitting. After the CPR lesson, Maddie has a date with Chuck the waiter. When London interrupts the lesson and mistakes CPR training for Lance and Maddie getting back together, she tells Esteban even though he can’t keep secrets.

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When the rumor spreads through the whole hotel, Chuck hears and dumps Maddie. London says that she heard a rumor that he was going to dump her anyway. Maddie then decides to tell a random, well-dressed lady who comes snooping around that London owns a fox coat. But London really owns a faux coat that she mispronounced to Maddie. Mr. Moseby tells them that they can both learn from this.

2 Maddie: Thinking Of London As Stupid

Maddie and London are thought of as frenemies. But their constant banter is often because of their expectations and misinterpretations of each other. Maddie sees London as rich and self-centered, only ever thinking about herself. She also thinks that London is dumb.

Even though the series plays with the idea of a smart poor girl and rich dumb girl and how they interact, it puts Maddie in the position of never truly being London’s friend. The worst things Maddie did to London involved playing with London’s gullible nature and using it against her. She even says she’s met bread smarter than London.

1 London: Putting Down Maddie Because Of Economic Status

Maddie has worked as the Tipton’s Candy Counter girl since she was 15 years old.  She is hard-working, persevering, kind and a little sarcastic. The socioeconomic divide between London and Maddie is used to create tension between the two of them.

Most of the time, Maddie sits and watches while London gets her way and is surrounded by lavish gifts and a whole hotel at her disposal. London is often putting down Maddie because of money even if she doesn’t mean to or realize it, and is constantly bragging about the things she has.

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