When it comes to superhero team-ups, everyone loves to see the unique ways in which their favorite heroes are able to combine abilities to complete missions they simply couldn’t on their own. But back in 2018 Marvel Comics took this concept even farther with the Infinity Warps — slamming fan favorite characters together in hero combos unlike ever before, and the amazing Spider-Man and crescent crusader Moon Knight were no exception.

So how exactly does this combination of Spider-Man and Moon Knight form to begin with? Arachknight is actually one of a series of different combined heroes created when Gamora gained the powers of the Infinity Stones. In an attempt to combine the souls of the universe into the Soul Stone, she unintentionally folds the entire universe in half, merging all of the souls together with one another and creating The Warp World. It is the creation of this Warp World that ultimately leads to the combination of Peter Parker’s and Marc Spector’s souls.


The tale of the combined heroes takes place in Infinity Wars: Arachknight by Dennis Hallum, Alejandro Garza, Victor Olazaba, and Ruth Redmond. Published in 2018, the story takes place in an alternate reality from the Marvel Universe everyone is familiar with, allowing wiggle room for unique twists and interpretations on classic heroes and their stories. Starting with a reimagined origin story for Peter Parker.

The issue opens with a young Peter after visiting the Museum of Natural History with his Uncle Ben and Aunt May. Excited to be in the city at night, Peter convinces them to take a stroll through Central Park, where unfortunately they meet their demise in the form of a Green-Furred Goblin (a combination of Green Goblin and Werewolf by Night). The Goblin attacks Peter, but Uncle Ben rushes in to save him, ultimately leading to the deaths of both Uncle Ben and Aunt May. Laying on the ground, gasping for life, a spider crawls onto the young Peter’s face and begins to speak to him, telling him that it is there to save his life and merge him with the spider totem, connecting him to a magical ancient bloodline.

Fifteen years later and Peter is in full hero mode, dawning a costume that is a mix of the traditional Spider-Man and Moon Knight suits. It is revealed to the reader that Peter (like Marc Spector) hears voices in his head — the voices of the Spider totem — and it is this voice that has guided him into becoming a hero. It turns out that in this universe, Peter owns his own technology company known as Parker Industries, which is highly successful, making him insanely wealthy. And it wouldn’t be a Spider-Man tale without his longtime frenemy Harry Osborn. Only in this merged universe, he is Harry Russell, assistant to Peter in his superhero role… and just as eager to live up to the legacy of his father, Norman Russell.

This Norman Russell is far different than the traditional Norman Osborn, having suffered a great accident, causing him to become paralyzed, rather than the menacing businessman that ran Oscorp. However, the whole point of the Infinity Warps is to keep the core of each character intact. Meaning the comic ends with Peter coming to terms with the death of his Aunt and Uncle… having been killed by Norman, cursed to transform into the goblin. Just as he forgave Norman, Peter decides he must also forgive Harry, and sets off to save his friend from his own cursed transformation.

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As the mysteries of the Warp World are uncovered, and a new super-team of these mixed-and-matched heroes is created, naming themselves the Defenders (same name as a traditional earth team, but a different group). The team consists of combinations of some of Marvel’s most impressive heroes, including Soldier Supreme (a combination of Captain America and Doctor Strange), Iron Hammer (a combination of Iron Man and Thor), and Weapon Hex (a combination of X-23 and Scarlet Witch). In an effort to restore the universe to normal without completely destroying the lives of those the event created, the Warp World is left to carry on its existence within the Soul Stone. Which means it’s only a matter of time until Arachknight returns!

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