Square Enix’s Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy brings a new side of Gamora to the team, vastly different from her MCU counterpart. Both versions of Gamora stay true to the adopted assassin daughter of Thanos, but each has their own backstory and history prior to the Guardians. Additionally, their unique personalities allow them to form relationships with key characters that continue building upon their personal identities.

[Warning: Major spoilers for Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy are below.]

The MCU’s Gamora, unfortunately, falls victim to being a larger plot-driven character, meaning fans didn’t get to see too much of her own personality. Fans of the MCU films who were looking for more out of Gamora’s character will be pleased with what the developers of Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy deliver. While their backstories are unique from one another, Marvel’s GOTG Gamora shows a glimpse into what the life of MCU’s Gamora could have been like with Thanos in Guardians of the Galaxy.


One of the small details in Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy that shows the difference between the two Gamoras is that Gamora is an avid collector of dolls. This character trait is tied to a larger part of her personal mission, and it shows that Gamora seeks to live a life outside of combat and missions. She exists as an individual on the team in the Guardians of the Galaxy game. Gamora’s collection of dolls is part of her drive to stop tyrants from taking advantage of children, as Thanos did her, and it’s shown when the Guardians return to Knowhere to see a young child being taken away by Magus’ Promise.

How Gamora In The MCU Is Different

The Guardians of the Galaxy movies were part of the MCU’s phase two and phase three film releases that built up towards Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame. Their timelines, with respect to the MCU heroes facing Thanos, naturally mean that Gamora’s life would be heavily affected by the plot points that had to be driven by her character. As the adopted daughter of Thanos, Gamora was charged with tracking down the Soul Stone long before she met Star-Lord and the other Guardians of the Galaxy. Gamora found and burned the map to the Soul Stone and Vormir, but, unfortunately, she told Nebula that she found the location of the Soul Stone.

When Thanos tortured Nebula and searched through her memories, he found that Gamora had been lying to him. Gamora lead Thanos to the Soul Stone to prevent Nebula’s torture and was sacrificed by Thanos so he could receive the Stone. The Gamora of Guardians of the Galaxy and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 was killed before Thanos’ snap and was not brought back when Bruce Banner, or, more accurately, Professor Hulk, used the gauntlet to bring everyone back.

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The first Guardians of the Galaxy film saw Gamora attempt to steal the Power Stone so she could sell it to the Collector on Knowhere. This would, ideally, give her enough credits to get as far away from Thanos as she could. Looking to put her past behind her, Gamora in the MCU had no intentions of assisting the galaxy, or more accurately the universe, in any way other than preventing Thanos from being able to find the Soul Stone. It wasn’t until Gamora escaped with Star-Lord and the other Guardians of the Galaxy from a Nova Corps prison did her intentions begin to change. Together, Gamora and Star-lord convinced the Ravagers, specifically Yondu’s faction, to aid in protecting Xandar from Ronan the Accuser. Gamora, Star-Lord, Rocket, and Drax all wield the Power Stone together to put an end to Ronan.

Additionally, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2. saw Gamora rebuild her relationship with her sister, Nebula. The two had a shattered relationship throughout their time with Thanos, resulting in Nebula coming to resent Gamora for always beating her in combat. Although Nebula tried to kill Gamora several times in the course of the films alone, Gamora ultimately influenced Nebula to turn over a new leaf and join the Guardians of the Galaxy in the MCU, at least for a short time. Nebula would eventually try to sneak aboard Thanos’ ship between the events of Vol 2. and Infinity War, where her cybernetic brain would betray Gamora.

How Gamora In Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy Game Is Different

Unlike her MCU counterpart, Gamora in the Guardians of the Galaxy game left Thanos’ side long before she joined the Guardians, or even met them. Gamora fought on both sides in the Galactic War, a large-scale war that predated the beginning of GOTG’s start. After leaving Thanos, Gamora went on to fight alongside the Resistance. She continued to fight alongside the Resistance until the war was over, and in the final days of the war, she earned the title “Deadliest Woman In The Galaxy.” This title was a misnomer for not assassinating her target. Additionally, since Drax allegedly killed Thanos, the infinity stones were never Gamora’s concern. Instead of Vormir, Adam Warlock possessed the stone when he was with the Universal Church of Truth, and cast it aside with Magus trapped in the Quarantine Zone.

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Before joining the Resistance, Gamora had been trained by Thanos to use meditation to enhance her ability as a warrior and an assassin. Gamora speaks extensively in the Guardians of the Galaxy game about Thanos’ version of meditation, claiming it was drilled into both her and Nebula from a young age. This made the pair two of Thanos’ hyper-focused assassins, numbing them to any sort of pain they inflicted. After the Galactic War ended, Mantis introduced Gamora to the Priests of Pama, where she would spend time healing from her time with Thanos.

Gamora’s time with the Priest of Pama is another was her character differs from her MCU version. The Priests took Gamora in and taught her a larger picture of meditation, in which she can be seen practicing from time to time aboard the Milano. In addition to her meditation, Gamora is often training with her sword in her spare time between missions, and she always wears combat armor instead of a leather outfit on missions.

Further differences between the two Gamora are through their relationships with the other Guardians of the Galaxy. For example, Gamora in the MCU, prior to her death, has a love interest in Star-Lord. The same feeling is not shown in the Guardians of the Galaxy game, although Star-Lord and Gamora do have more one-on-one conversations through the Guardians of the Galaxy collectibles.

Additionally, Mantis and Gamora have a friendship that predates her time with the Guardians of the Galaxy, where Mantis aids Gamora in finding peace with her past. Mantis is actually the catalyst in the Guardians of the Galaxy game for Gamora joining the team, suggesting that it would be a good idea for her to be a member. However, in regards to her relation between characters featured in both the MCU and Marvel’s GOTG, the two largest differences between the Gamora are that Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy Gamora outlives Thanos and kills Nebula long before the game begins.

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