The official trailer for American Horror Story season 10 is finally here, revealing the next chapter in Ryan Murphy’s wildly popular FX thriller series. The long-delayed season, officially titled “Double Feature,” will be split into two parts, with the first part, “Red Tide,” premiering on FX on August 25. American Horror Story season 10 will star Finn Wittrock, Lily Rabe, Ryan Kiera Armstrong, Frances Conroy, Evan Peters, Sarah Paulson, Billie Lourd, Angelica Ross, Leslie Grossman, and Macaulay Culkin.

American Horror Story: 1984, the ninth and most recent season of the hit show, ended its run on November 13, 2019. That means that it will be almost two years between the end of AHS season 9 and the beginning of season 10 – a delay primarily caused by production troubles from the COVID-19 pandemic. Fortunately for fans, American Horror Story is finally about to return, and details about “Double Feature” have slowly trickled out over the past few months.


Now, the official trailer for American Horror Story: Double Feature part 1, “Red Tide,” has arrived at last. The new season focuses on a young writer and his family, who move to a small coastal town in an attempt to cure his writer’s block. The relocation seems to work, but there’s more to the family’s new home than meets the eye, and a familiar series of gruesome AHS scares quickly sets in. American Horror Story season 10 premieres on FX on August 25. Watch the official trailer below.

Watch the original video here.

From the trailer, it looks like the creative genius overflowing in the town is the result of some sort of dark act – possibly human sacrifice or something similar. There’s a lot of language about becoming addicted to success and the cost of greatness, implying that the town, or some force within it, provides bounty to those who inhabit it in exchange for some terrible payment. It’s an interesting idea, and one that’s sure to provide numerous scares and gruesome moments when American Horror Story season 10 releases.

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One question that’s yet to be answered is if and how “Red Tide” will tie into the second part of American Horror Story: Double Feature, “Death Valley.” Murphy has explained that the first part will take place “by the sea” and that the second will take place “by the sand,” and there have been hints that part two of AHS season 10 will include aliens. But the actual connection between the two halves of “Double Feature,” if there is one remains to be determined. American Horror Story season 10 premieres on FX on August 25.

Source: FX Networks

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