Young Justice: Phantoms aired its first 13 episodes last year, ending things with a massive cliffhanger. The first half of the season showcased the storylines of Miss Martian and Superboy, Artemis, and Zatanna, while the second half will focus on Kaldur, Rocket, and Dick.

The release of a teaser trailer made fans excited about the upcoming 13 episodes and the prospect of finally getting answers to some of the season’s lingering mysteries. From the status of certain characters to the eventual fate of others, Young Justice: Phantoms needs to resolve these storylines before reaching its inevitable conclusion.


Beast Boy’s Depression

Ever since Connor’s death, Beast Boy has sunken into a pit of ever-increasing despair. He neglected his duties as leader of the Outsiders, actively pushed Perdita away, and stopped eating. Gar is also refusing help, insisting there’s nothing wrong with him.

It’s an odd choice to focus so much on his character, especially because the show sidelined the grief of those closest to Connor: M’Gann and Superman. Still, Gar’s storyline is one of the most significant in the season, and the show needs to stop prolonging the set-up and start to actually deal with it. Gar needs help, and M’Gann’s return to Earth is the perfect opportunity for him to get it.

The League’s Current Status

Young Justice features a sprawling version of the Justice League, led by fan-favorite character Black Lightning. However, the team has been entirely sidelined so far, and fans have barely seen them even though many of Phantom‘s most significant moments require their attention.

Kaldur and Rocket’s upcoming storylines provide the perfect opportunity for the show to catch up on the Justice League’s current status. After all, they’re DC’s landmark team, and while they’ve never been the show’s focus, they have played a significant role in previous storylines.

Brion Markov: Friend Or Foe?

Brion Markov was never one of the most likable characters in Young Justice, but he was still a compelling figure. His status as an exile fighting to rescue his sister made him sympathetic, and his romance with Halo was a crucial storyline in Outsiders. Brion’s ultimate betrayal during the season finale was shocking, but fans still expected him to play a prominent role in season four.

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However, Phantoms has all but ignored Brion. Save for a few scenes and some mentions, he doesn’t play a prominent role in the show’s many storylines. The show needs to address Brion’s current status. He’s still under Baazovi’s control, but how aware is he of the Team’s situation? Does he know Connor died, and if he does, did he feel something? Brion is too much of an important character for the show to keep ignoring him.

The League Of Shadows: Friend Or Foe?

Fans of the comics know the League of Assassins is one of DC’s most infamous organizations. Led by the Demon’s Head himself, Ra’s Al Ghul, the League has played a prominent role in Young Justice‘s chaos since the show began.

Season three threw a curveball by revealing that the Shadows are no longer part of the Light. Furthermore, season four portrays them as detached from the outside world, thus no longer a threat to the League and the Team. But are they? Dick’s storyline will provide the perfect opportunity to explore the League’s true intentions, finally clarifying whether they actually turned a new leaf or are plotting something bigger outside of the Light’s influence.

Zatanna, Zatara, Doctor Fate, Et Al

Not only is Zatanna one of the most powerful characters in Young Justice, but as it turns out, one of the most devious too. Her plot to liberate her father, Zatara, from Doctor Fate, involved some questionable choices, even if it ultimately worked.

Now that Zatanna and Zatara share Fate’s duties with two others, fans are dying to see how this new arrangement will work. Will Fate become more powerful under Khalid and Traci? And how will this dynamic affect Fate’s role as a Lord of Order on Earth?

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Mary Bromfield’s Role

And speaking of Zatanna’s deception, her choice to exclude Mary Bromfield from the new Doctor Fate arrangement will surely have massive consequences. Phantoms‘ season finale features a despondent Mary succumbing to Granny Goodness’ influence and summoning Shazam’s powers again.

It’s unclear if Mary will become a long-term antagonist or if her threat will last only a couple of episodes. There’s also the possibility that she’ll join Apokolips’ forces on Earth. The show could save Mary for future seasons, but considering there’s still no official confirmation for a fifth season, it might be better to address her storyline in Phantoms‘ last 13 episodes.

What’s The Deal With The Legion?

Outsiders ended on the huge cliffhanger that the Legion of Superheroes was already on Earth. However, Phantoms has spent surprisingly little time with the Legion, often showing them briefly, having them speak in vague terms, and keeping them on the sidelines.

As such, fans still have no idea why the Legion is there. They traveled back in time to prevent something, but what? Many fans thought they came back to stop Superboy from dying, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. Is the Legion in the present to stop whoever planted the Mars bomb that killed Superboy? Or is there something greater brewing behind the scenes?

Vandal Savage’s Endgame

Without a doubt, Vandal Savage is the best villain in Young Justice. Menacing and cunning, Vandal has been pulling the strings for centuries, ensuring that his eventual plans will come to fruition by patiently planning every step and setting every event in motion.

The show is slowly building Vandal to be the main antagonist, more so than Darkseid himself. However, what is his true endgame? What does Vandal Savage want, and how does he plan to do it when Darkseid’s threat looms so large? The mystery surrounding Vandal makes him all the more compelling, but the show needs to provide some answers or else his characterization might become contrived.

Jason’s Reveal

Ever since Jason appeared in the season three episode “Rescue Op,” fans have patiently waited for his eventual reunion with the Bat-Family. Jason briefly returned in Phantoms, but he’s yet to play a prominent role in the story. Many fans believe Dick’s arc will revolve around his efforts to rescue Jason, but there’s been no official confirmation.

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Young Justice must give Jason a proper storyline, especially after teasing his appearance for nearly three years. The character needs to play a substantial role in Dick’s arc, and his relationship with the other members of the Bat-Family must be front and center.

The Truth About Connor

Is Connor really dead? That’s the question Young Justice fans have been asking ever since Phantoms‘s fourth episode ended with his apparent demise. The show is no stranger to killing beloved main characters, having offed Wally West in the season two finale. However, the Legion’s presence and the abruptness of Connor’s death hint that there’s more to this story than meets the eye.

The mid-season finale had Zatanna experiencing a vision of Connor pleading for help, confirming that Superboy is not fully gone. However, fans still don’t know his true status. Is he dead? Trapped somewhere, perhaps the Phantom Zone, thus explaining the season’s subtitle? This storyline will probably carry on throughout the rest of the season, but the show must provide a definitive answer before Phantoms reaches its inevitable conclusion.

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