Aladdin is one of the greatest animated movies of all time and one of the main reasons behind that is the Genie character. While he is technically only a sidekick character, he has a huge part to play in the film. Whether he is giving out comedic moments or being incredibly sincere, he is a perfect character.

While the magic and shapeshifting ability that Genie has are tons of fun, it really is the way that Robin Williams voiced the character that made him such a great one. But with so many wise comments, what are Genie’s best quotes from the Disney animated movies?


Updated on October 5th, 2021 by Mark Birrell: Genie from Aladdin is one of the most iconic of all Disney’s animated characters, which is a fairly prestigious club. This status was cemented by the character’s reappearance in the sequel movies, The Return of Jafar and Aladdin and the King of Thieves, with Williams reprising the role in the latter. Though Disney’s sequels to their animated movies are rarely considered a patch on the originals, an encore from one of the most beloved comedy acts of the ’90s is too good to be forgotten. 

“Tonight, the part of Al will be played by a tall, dark, and sinister ugly man.” (Aladdin)

Genie is one of those characters who exist in a little universe of their own almost, which means that serious situations are always a little less serious for him and threats don’t really pose a danger to him either. This helps him to always keep the levity going during even the movie’s darkest moments.

After Jafar gains control of the lamp and looks prepared to take control of Agrabah, Genie expresses his surprise at his change in master in the most hilarious way, much to Jafar’s dissatisfaction.

“Jafar, Jafar, he’s our man. If he can’t do it, GREAT!” (Aladdin)

One of the best things about Genie from Aladdin is that his magical abilities allow him to constantly shift his form into anything and everything he wants to. This means that Williams can showcase his penchant for impressions and various comedic characters that don’t fit into the movie’s setting.

It isn’t jarring to see that Genie is unbound by the film’s reality, so Williams has free reign to mix and match various pieces of pop culture from Disney and beyond. For this quote, Genie is dressed like a cheerleader, initially cheering on Aladdin as he fights Jafar. When Genie’s then-master, Jafar, reminds him that he should be rooting for the other side, Genie unenthusiastically gives the evil sorcerer a chant before switching it up at the end and yelling “GREAT!” at the idea of Jafar’s defeat.

“Do not attempt to move or we’ll be shooting ourselves.” (Aladdin and the King of Thieves)

After not voicing the character in the first Aladdin sequel, The Return of Jafar, Williams returned to the role in the third movie, Aladdin and the King of Thieves, with all of the exuberance that made his first turn as the character so iconic.

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This line comes when Aladdin’s father, the leader of the 40 thieves, arrives at the palace and Genie, having already seen Aladdin and Jasmine’s wedding ruined by the thrives once already, goes “code red” and an army of Genies in SWAT gear swarm the King of Thieves. In true Genie fashion, he points out how ridiculous the situation is with this side-splitting line.

“Ten Thousand Years Will Give You Such A Crick In The Neck!” (Aladdin)

This is the first line that Genie says in Aladdin and it sets the tone for him as a character perfectly. He comes out all guns blazing making a ton of noise, and instantly it is clear that he has a huge personality and he isn’t afraid to make it known.

It’s all about giving audiences a taste for what Genie is like, with his big complaint being neck ache after such a long imprisonment, clearly showcasing his indomitable sense of humor.

“Aw Al, I’m Getting Kinda Fond Of You, Kid. Not That I Want To Pick Out Curtains Or Anything.” (Aladdin)

Genie doesn’t normally make big connections with his masters, but that all changes when he means Aladdin. The two of them clearly share a fantastic bond that is explored throughout the film, with Genie obviously seeing the diamond in the rough for who he really is.

While he happily makes that clear to the lead character, Genie quickly follows it up with one of his funniest quips, maintaining his trademark emphasis on levity.

“Oh, Al, your back. And your front, you’re both here!” (Aladdin and the King of Thieves)

Part of what makes Genie so funny–as well as many other great Disney characters–is the wordplay in their dialogue. Toying around with words is something that can be enjoyed by adults and kids alike and, perhaps more importantly, it’s often only noticed on rewatches, adding something extra to the viewing experience and making sure that the film never feels old.

Here, Genie is presumably saying “Oh, Al, you’re back”, proclaiming his happiness that Aladdin has returned, which he is. However, the rest of the sentence makes it clear that he’s happy to see Aladdin’s actual, literal, back. It’s a throwaway line turned into something smartly funny by Genie’s unending playfulness with words.

“I Can’t Believe I’m Losing To A Rug.” (Aladdin)

Genie isn’t the only fantastic side character within the world of Aladdin, as the Magic Carpet also adds tons of comedy to the film as well. While the carpet cannot talk like Genie, the personality of the character is certainly over the top and enjoyable.

The two characters bounce off each other really well, with Genie seemingly understanding him perfectly. So when they decide to have a game of chess and he ends up being beaten by the carpet, it produces one of Genie’s best quotes.

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“Yo, Rugman! Haven’t Seen You In A Few Millennia. Give Me Some Tassel.” (Aladdin)

Speaking of Genie’s relationship with the Magic Carpet, the moment that they first meet each other in the film showcases the fact they have a history with each other. They clearly have a fun relationship with each other and that is shown by this comment.

It’s obvious that they are all about having fun together. Their first exchange in the movie showcases them both as having really warm and fun personalities and that’s a big part of why they are so popular with audiences.

“I thought the earth wasn’t supposed to move until the honeymoon.” (Aladdin and the King of Thieves)

This is one of those lines that fans often don’t quite get the first time that they hear it because they’re hearing it as a child, but it makes much more sense upon rewatching the movie as an adult.

This gag was certainly more for the parents who might be watching and comes as Genie and the other guests at Aladdin and Jasmine’s wedding express their confusion at the approaching rumbling being caused by the stampede initiated by the 40 thieves as their cover. It’s easy to miss in the pace of the commotion, but it remains one of Genie’s funniest quotes from the movies.

“No Matter What Anybody Says, You’ll Always Be A Prince To Me.” (Aladdin)

While Genie uses his magic to make Aladdin a prince during the movie, the Prince Ali character is not how Aladdin really behaves. However, even though he comes from a poor background, the lead character showcases all of the personality traits to make a great prince.

This quote shows just how much he means to Genie, making it clear he believes Aladdin is a prince no matter what. It’s a kind message and it proves just how much Genie believes in his friend.

“Do You Mind If I Kiss The Monkey? Ooh, Hairball!” (Aladdin)

At the end of the film, as Genie is about to depart after gaining his freedom, he brings in all of his friends for one giant group hug as a way of saying goodbye to them.

This leads to a funny moment as he gives Abu a kiss goodbye, showing how much the monkey means to him. Of course, it wouldn’t be a quote from Genie without him following things up with some comedy though, as he does right at the end when he coughs up a hairball following the kiss.

“You Aint Never Had A Friend Like Me.” (Aladdin)

While this is technically part of a song, it is one of the most iconic lines not just from this movie, but from Disney history. It’s an incredible moment where Genie proudly explains how helpful he is as a friend.

This song, in general, is incredibly catchy and fun, but this line, in particular, is the one that really stands out. It shows him in a different light and as a really confident character which is exactly what he is.

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“Once again, this whole broadcast has been brought to you by sand! It’s everywhere. Get used to it.” (Aladin and the King of Thieves)

At Aladdin and Jasmine’s wedding at the beginning of King of Thieves, Genie is pumping up the excitement with his trademark exuberance, covering the event like an entertainment new report on the red carpet.

After a hilarious segment where he covers the famous guests, many of whom are just Genie himself in some other form, he wraps it up with the kind of perfectly pitched impression that Robin Williams was so well known for.

“I’m History! No, I’m Mythology! Nah, I Don’t Care What I Am. I’m Free!” (Aladdin)

Throughout the whole film, Genie makes one thing very clear and that is that he wishes to be free. He doesn’t want to be enslaved any longer, but he also knows that the people who rub his lamp don’t want to waste a wish on him.

However, that isn’t the case with Aladdin who sticks to his word and frees Genie with his final wish. It’s one of the most emotional moments of the entire film and this quote sums up just how much that means to Genie while still being a classically funny quote.

“Phenomenal Cosmic Powers, Itty Bitty Living Space.” (Aladdin)

One of the big reasons that Genie wants his freedom is because of his living conditions. Being squashed inside a lamp isn’t exactly comfortable, as he explains to Aladdin during this quote. He makes it clear that while he is great and powerful, he isn’t happy.

This is the moment where Aladdin quickly learns that Genie is basically a prisoner, which leads to him making the decision to free him with his third wish. It’s a great line and it works to bring sympathy to his character instead of just thinking he’s all about power as well as being one of Genie’s best jokes.

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