Discovery Channel’s Alaskan Bush People patriarch Billy Brown’s ongoing health issues only seem to be declining. The 68-year-old has been in and out of the hospital and has been suffering from a slew of medical issues over the last few years. The family man moved his wife and their seven children to the wilds of Alaska years ago after working as a commercial fisherman. However, three years ago, Billy Brown’s worsening health condition forced them to move to the only slightly less remote Washington state. Now, as his health has still not improved, the family is being forced to make harder decisions about their lifestyle and their father’s future.


In August of 2020, Washington state wildfires wiped out most of the family’s sprawling 436-acre mountain-top ranch. Ever since the incident, family and doctors have been trying to keep Billy Brown from over-exerting himself. Despite their pleas for the sake of his health, the 68-year-old refuses to leave the mountain. Ami Brown was forced to explain to her children that his health may never improve.

Back in September of 2019, fans first heard that Billy Brown was facing medical problems. He was rushed to the hospital and underwent surgery according to social media posts from his son, Bear Brown. At first, these issues seemed to stem from a respiratory problem, but over time doctors found that it was really Brown’s weakened heart that was causing the medical emergencies. Medical professionals have repeatedly told Brown that the high-altitude isn’t good for his condition, and he will have to leave the mountain if he wants his health to improve. Despite his family’s cries for him to change, the patriarch has refused.

According to The Sun, Brown said he’d “rather die on his Alaskan Bush People mountain than anywhere else.” That being said, during a recent health emergency scare, his children decided to take action. The Brown clan of seven children decided to drag their parent’s trailer further down the icy mountain in an attempt to alleviate his breathing problems. They were able to make the move before Billy Brown returned home from the hospital.

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Seven years ago, Brown’s ailing health had actually helped him and his son, Bam Bam Brown, work out out a plea deal in a criminal case. The pair had been charged for lying on Permanent Fund dividend applications. They would have had to face jail time, but Brown’s attorney was able to work out a deal for them. The attorney, James McGowan, argued that the then 61-year-old’s seizures and kidney problems were too severe for him to have to face prison time.

The Brown family has faced a number of obstacles outside of Billy’s health. Ami’s battle with cancer as well as the recent wildfires which destroyed their homes have definitely taken a toll on the family. That being said, the Browns have been able to build up a substantial net worth, estimated to be around $60 million across the entire family. Fans hope that Billy Brown’s health will improve and the Alaskan Bush People can continue living out in the wild.

Source: The Sun

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