BioWare’s Mass Effect series has received a breath of fresh air over the last year thanks to both the release of Mass Effect Legendary Edition and the development of Mass Effect 4. The most recent piece of news regarding the upcoming sequel came from a poster released on N7 day of 2021, which, according to developers, contains five carefully-disguised secrets pointing towards the future of the franchise.

Mass Effect 4 was revealed during 2020’s presentation of The Game Awards in the form of a short trailer that nonetheless managed to show several significant callbacks to the original trilogy, the most major of which is the return of fan-favorite companion Liara T’soni. Other speculated plot points include the return of the Reapers and a potential crossover between the galaxy of the first three games and Mass Effect: Andromeda.


Since then, however, Mass Effect fans have received little news about the game’s development. The most recent update came on January 6 from BioWare GM Gary McKay on the official BioWare blog. Alongside discussing the success of Mass Effect Legendary Edition, McKay pointed fans towards the poster to figure out upcoming storylines in the Mass Effect universe. While no hidden content has been confirmed yet, fans can still speculate while picking out details contained within the N7 day poster. Here are a few of the potential secrets BioWare may be hiding.

Who Will Be In Mass Effect 4’s Crew

The four crew members walking away from the ship are the first and perhaps most apparent detail. In the past, Mass Effect has only utilized two companions at once. The fact that there could be three traveling with the player character in Mass Effect 4 might indicate that BioWare intends to borrow from the Dragon Age series, which has always used three companions on missions.

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It also looks like one of them is a Krogan sporting red armor. Given how long Krogan lifespans are, this could be Wrex, the popular Mass Effect 1 crewmate. Some sharp-eyed Mass Effect players have also pointed out that one of the featured characters looks like it could be Liara, perhaps lending credence to the theory that she will be a playable character in Mass Effect 4.

What Mass Effect’s SFX Ship Means

The “SFX” printed on the ship may be something of a BioWare Easter Egg, as this was the original codename title for Mass Effect. While this could mean that the studio is considering borrowing some early Mass Effect concepts for ME4, it’s more probable that it’s just a fun secret for hardcore BioWare fans. The “X” also indicates that the ship utilizes experimental technology similar to the Normandy in Mass Effect 1.

The Andromeda Initiative Could Appear In ME4

The four characters on the Mass Effect poster look like they’re wearing primarily white and blue armor, which are noted to be the organization’s colors featured in Mass Effect: Andromeda. The ship’s design also looks akin to those used in Andromeda, though it does bear the red-and-black N7 colors from the original Mass Effect trilogy. This makes it seem even more likely that both galaxies will play a role in Mass Effect 4.

Mass Effect 4 Will Likely Feature The Geth

Many players pointed out that the crater pictured prominently on the poster looks like a Geth, even down to the glowing blue eye. On top of that, there are what looks like two or three Geth and potentially Quarian bodies scattered on the ground. It’s increasingly likely that Geth will return as Mass Effect moves forward.

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The Mass Effect Trilogy Will Carry Over Into ME4

On top of the return of familiar alien races, the red and blue colors on the poster point towards the Paragon and Renegade system making a comeback. Given the presence of the Geth, it also looks like players will finally receive an answer as to the canon ending of Mass Effect 3, as synthetics would have been eradicated if the Destroy ending was selected. The involvement of other characters and plot points remains to be seen, but Mass Effect fans can undoubtedly expect more news in the future.

Source: BioWare

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