Building the most beautiful island paradise is only half the battle for Animal Crossing: New Horizons. The stunning scenery and fabulous decorations aren’t much use if there is no one to enjoy them. This is why selecting villagers to live in the luxurious houses players build has become a staple for the game. While there are some villagers that any Animal Crossing player would fight to have on their island, there are some that cause distress and angry posts online, with players begging for their removal. This begs the question: Which villager in Animal Crossing is the least popular?

There are a lot of reasons why a player chooses the villagers that come to live on their carefully-built island in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Some are looking for the perfect style. Villagers with good fashion or fun colors can be the perfect fit for those looking to create a certain vibe around their tiny town. For others it is simply personality. A pleasant penguin or a snarky dog might be just right for the day to day banter that is required in Animal Crossing: New Horizons’ villager interactions and care.


The unlucky villager whose presence is overwhelmingly unwanted, according to Blue Planet Aquarium, is a lazy horse called Clyde. The unmotivated, glaringly yellow horse gets an eviction notice more often than any other villager. Whether it’s the unfortunate design that makes Clyde unwanted by players, or an appalling personality, the verdict is clear. Fans do not want this horse in the house. Stuck at the bottom isn’t a fun place to be, but Clyde takes up this position like a horse shirking the race.

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Animal Crossing: New Horizons Villager Selection Is Difficult

Sadly, it appears that Clyde the horse is primarily disliked for the jarring color scheme and eyes that seem more like small, black holes than cheery peepers. The disconcerting appearance of the Animal Crossing: New Horizons villager has fans taking a pass for a more color-coordinated friend, or a villager that moves flashy in a different direction other than highlighter yellow.

Clyde’s overall demeanor isn’t particularly charming either. While some of the more unfortunate looking Animal Crossing villagers can make up for their fashion sense with a charming personality, Clyde the horse is dour and downright unpleasant. With a lazy, lackluster level of enthusiasm, he feels more like a chore to interact with rather than a friend who can teach a joyful emote, or engage in a fun seasonal competition alongside. With this unfortunate combination, Clyde is unlikely to join the ranks of the more desirable Animal Crossing villagers any time soon, if ever.

While there are countless numbers of villagers for players to bring to their Animal Crossing: New Horizons islands, there will always be a sad cluster who will be exchanged for a brightly colored unicorn or a sassy cat. Creating the right atmosphere for each player’s community takes time and dedication. As it stands currently Animal Crossing: New Horizons won’t be seeing Clyde the lazy horse celebrated by players on community boards, and he likely will continue to endure the unfortunate cold shoulder in favor of villagers a little less yellow and creepy.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons is available for Nintendo Switch.

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