Like its predecessors (Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2), Back 4 Blood pits four players against throngs of flesh-eating zombies in a series of missions within a campaign. The beauty of Back 4 Blood is its co-op aspect, forcing players to work as a team to survive against the wide variety of Ridden that the campaign has to offer.

“Ridden” is the term used to describe the undead in Back 4 Blood. There are two categories of Ridden; the first is Common Ridden, which form the main bulk of the zombie hordes and have no special abilities. The second category is Special Ridden. There are nine types of Special Ridden, each with its own unique abilities as a consequence of its severe mutations. Players are required to use their skill, cunning, and knowledge of the Special Ridden abilities in order to stand a chance of defeating them.

9 Reekers

Reekers are a perpetual nuisance to players. They are one of the most common types of Special Ridden in terms of how often they appear in the campaign, and they are effective at both close and long-range. Reekers have a large and bulbous appearance and can soak up a relatively large amount of damage if players do not shoot them in their weak spot.

Reekers are nightmarish at close range, inflicting high melee damage and exploding upon death, which covers players in bile and attracts a horde of Common Ridden. Some Reekers, named Retches, can also spew acidic bile that damages players over time, causing a real problem when in conjunction with a horde.

8 Snitchers

Snitchers are a relatively passive type of Special Ridden and can be identified by their archetypical long neck. They may seem unassuming and harmless, but they can cause serious problems for players if aggravated.

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A Snitcher’s primary ability is to call a horde, and it is only activated when players inflict damage onto it. However, at a glance, Snitchers look rather like Common Ridden and are often camouflaged among the hordes. This means that careless or panic-stricken players are likely to land a bullet or two on a Snitcher, alerting the horde and making their mission a whole lot harder.


7 Sleepers

Sleepers are a type of wall-mounted Special Ridden that are ready to pounce on players as soon as they are in range. Their threat comes from their difficulty to detect, as they make little noise and are difficult to see in poorly-lit areas.

Although Sleepers have very low health and are easily dispatched, they can cause serious problems for players who stray too far from their teammates. Without a stun-gun, players cannot remove Sleepers without the assistance of a teammate, meaning that players who find themselves separated from their team are at serious risk of death by Sleeper, especially if other Ridden are nearby to capitalize on the situation.

6 Tallboys

Tallboys are among the most powerful types of Special Ridden in Back 4 Blood. As their name would suggest, they are of a colossal height. They can be identified by their huge right arm, which is used to crush players at close range and inflict massive amounts of damage, particularly on Back 4 Blood‘s Nightmare difficulty.

Tallboys are relatively common foes in the Back 4 Blood campaign and can inflict very high damage. There are two variants of Tallboy. The Crusher picks players up and crushes them with its enormous arm, and the Bruiser uses its arm to club players to death. Players are advised to shoot them in the shoulder, which is their weak spot or face being ravaged by their aggressive attacking style.

5 Stingers

Stingers are a crafty and highly agile type of Special Ridden that never fail to pose a threat to players. They can be identified by their four arms, although due to their stealthy nature, by the time players spot them, it is already too late.

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Their primary offensive ability is to incapacitate players, and the two variants of Stinger do this in their own distinct way. The Hocker spews a sticky substance at players from a distance, incapacitating them while dealing damage over time. The Stalker immobilizes players by pouncing on them, leaving them to the affected player to the mercy of the horde (unless the relevant Corruption Card is equipped).

4 Breakers

Breakers are one of the most powerful types of Special Ridden in Back 4 Blood and are one of the four Special Ridden bosses. Breakers appear on multiple occasions throughout the campaign, and players are required to use the best weapons in Back 4 Blood to defeat them.

Breakers are colossal in size, and their appearances in the campaign are accompanied by a classic arcade-style health bar at the top of the screen. Breakers have a huge amount of health and are deceptively agile for their size, requiring players to use both weapon skill and teamwork to defeat them.

3 Hags

Hags are an immensely powerful type of Special Ridden and one of the Special-Ridden boss variants. While they are arguably one of the most grotesque Special Ridden in terms of appearance, resembling a giant naked mole-rat, they are also one of the most dangerous.

Hags are initially passive. However, if a player shoots a Hag, it will become aggressive and pursue the player who dealt it damage. Once startled, a Hag’s primary form of attack is to grab, incapacitate and devour a player before burrowing underground. If a Hag burrows underground while a player is in its stomach, then the player dies; this can be avoided if enough damage is dealt to the Hag before it disappears.

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2 Ogres

Ogres are a monstrous type of Special Ridden the size of a building; they are one of the four boss-type Special Ridden. The appearance of an Ogre is accompanied by an arcade-style health bar are the top of the screen, which depicts its vast amount of health.

The appearance of an Ogre is normally indicative of a brilliant mission, with them appearing in many of the best missions in the Back 4 Blood campaign. Ogres are incredibly difficult to defeat due to their astounding size, immense damage output, and vast health reserves; players must work as a team and use every powerful weapon at their disposal to defeat them.

1 The Abomination

The Abomination is the most powerful type of Special Ridden in Back 4 Blood, and it is the final boss of the campaign. The Abomination is aptly named, as it is without a doubt the most grotesque and terrifying type of Ridden in the entire game.

The Abomination’s primary methods of attack are using its tentacles to spew acidic bile at players or by using them to club players to death. The entire Back 4 Blood finale centers around defeating The Abomination in the last stand to defend Fort Hope. This is no easy task, and it is imperative that players use the experience gained from prior missions when taking on the gigantic beast.

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