Every summer, longtime Big Brother viewers anxiously await the infamous wall competition. This endurance competition is typically held in order to reign a new Head of Household. A winner is determined based on which houseguest can remain standing on the wall the longest. In typical Big Brother manner, obstacles are thrown the contestants’ way throughout the competition. Not only does the wall move but the houseguests are also sprayed with water and sometimes different liquids as well depending on the theme of the competition that season.

This past week, the competition made it’s debut on season 23 of the show. After a grueling estimated two hours hanging onto the wall, Derek Xiao won his first Head of Household reign. Both Xavier Prather and Alyssa Lopez came close to winning the competition. After working a deal with Derek, Alyssa accidentally slipped off of the wall. Xavier then forfeited the competition after making a deal of his own with Xavier. Making deals towards the end of this competition is very common as well as during other endurance competitions.


Derek has now been added to a long list of strong players that have won the infamous wall competition. This endurance competition was added to the game during season 10 in 2008. April Dowling was the first player to remain on the wall longer than her fellow houseguests. While the wall competition did not take place during season 11, it did in fact make it’s return to the game in season 12. Houseguest Matt Hoffman was the second player to take a win in this competition. Danielle Donato saved herself from seeing the block during week 4 of season 13 by staying on the wall longer than everyone else. When Dani returned to the house last summer for the All-Star season she took home her second wall competition win.

During season 14, Danielle Murphy not only won her first HOH during this competition but also beat out the returnees as well. The following summer there was an extra twist added to the competition for season 15. One half of the wall held the remaining houseguests competing solely for HOH reign while the other half held the jury members who were not only fighting for an HOH reign but also re-entry into the game. Judd Daugherty won entry back into the game while the sister of BB legend Rachel Reilly, Elissa Siater won the title of HOH.  Cody Calafiore, who returned last summer and won the All-Star season, won his first go at the wall competition during season 16. James Huling won the competition the following season.

In season 18, the competition was once again split into two during which former winner Nicole Franzel won the title of HOH while her now-husband Victor Arroyo won re-entry into the game. The wall competition took place twice during season 19 in which both Alex Ow and Jason Dent each won. Sam Bledsoe won in season 20 while season winner Jackson Michie won the competition in season 21. All these previous wall competition winners have managed to use both their physical and mental strength to remain on this wall for hours in order to take home the HOH win.

tBig Brother 23 airs Sundays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 8pm EST on CBS.

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Source: Big Brother Wiki

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