Apart from the Orwellian premise of the show whereby “HouseGuests” or participants are constantly monitored by Big Brother, the show also offers to audiences Darwinian interpersonal relationships between participants, whereby only the strong survives, while the weak get evicted. Ripe with spectacular competitions, creative twists, and genius strategies employed by winners, it is only normal for other participants to employ their own tactics to solidify their position and prospects of winning the show.

One such tactic is that of forming alliances. While there are many dominant alliances that have happened on Big Brother, there are many that are absolutely weak or immensely hated. Starting from impotent teams to those which are oversized and destined to doom, Big Brother has had its fair share of laughable and hated alliances; some complimented with equally laughable names.

10 Season 8: Mrs. Robinson Alliance

Mrs. Robinson Alliance might not be the absolute worst alliance that Big Brother has ever seen owing to the fact that its members were comparatively good people, that the alliance had a catchy name, and that Zach actually reached the final 3; but there were many other aspects that made it an ineffective alliance from a larger perspective.

The first and foremost problem with this alliance was the fact that it had no strategy, to begin with. Planning to win the show simply on the basis of having attractive members is foolhardy, to say the least. Furthermore, Kail, the apparent leader of the group seemed completely clueless on many occasions. Nick falling for Daniele Donato did not help either.

9 Season 5: The Four Horsemen

An alliance comprising of alpha males is bound to be arrogant and cocky, and The Four Horsemen were nothing different. With Jase as their leader, the group further consisted of Scott, Cowboy, and Drew (probably the only member of the group who wasn’t playing foul). The notoriety of this group saw them rise very quickly in the show, only to dismantle just as fast.

The tensions within the group, filled with its fair share of scheming, skepticism, and envy, all courtesy of two women Holly and Diane made The Four Horsemen collapse quite astonishingly; although two of its members did reach the final.


8 Season 5: Santa Monica Van Boys

An alliance is formed with people in it, or maybe with one man dreaming about a group that has people in it. Well, this is the story of Santa Monica Van Boys from Season 5, imagined by Marvin, who thought that The Four Horsemen had actually inducted him into their group and that naming it “Santa Monica Van Boys” was a cool move.

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Wrong on both counts, Marvin was only used by The Four Horsemen for the voting power he provided to them, while the name he gave to the group is a joke in itself. Marvin’s ignorance and heedlessness is a powerful factor that makes this one of the worst alliances of the show.

7 Season 7: Mr. And Mrs. Smith

While there are many Big Brother All-Star memes, the alliance known as Mr. and Mrs. Smith is definitely one amongst them or at least deserves a position. Comprising of Jase yet again, the undisputed master of awful alliances, this partnering also featured Diane.

However, whether this alliance ever existed is a matter of speculation because irrespective of what the duo might have agreed upon before starting the season, none of their strategies (if there were any) seemed to work, or benefited any of its constituent members in any way. Perhaps it was all in their head, or in the heads of rumor mongers.

6 Season 11: NBK

Although NBK had a substantial following during the initial half of the season, owing to the group leader Jessie being widely admired, as well as the adulation he received from group members Lydia and Natalie, NBK was one of the cockiest and most ill-liked groups in the history of the show.

A major reason for them being hated as such also has to be attributed to the fact that they were pitted against one of the most loved couples in the show, Jordan and Jeff. However, internal dynamics and tension within the group also played a part in their low likability. The group consisted of Jessie, Lydia, Natalie, Russell, Ronnie, Kevin, and Chima.

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5 Season 20: Brad And Chad

While there are some brilliant alliance names in Big Brother, others just seem dumb and nonsensical. One such name has to be Brad and Chad. Comprising of Brett and Winston, this side alliance not only had a bad name but also failed to achieve anything as a group.

The fact that the alliance broke off pretty soon when Winston got evicted, the utility and effectiveness of this alliance are questionable in the very least. Furthermore, no one really knows who was Brad and who was Chad.

4 Season 6: The Friendship

The Friendship aka The Nerd Herd is definitely not one of the worst alliances of Big Brother if achievements are to be taken into account, but they surely were one of the most hated. Comprising of Ivette, Beau, April, Jennifer, Maggie, and Eric (before his eviction); this season 6 alliance did some of the most hated acts in the history of the show, including the betrayal of Kaysar.

However, their performance was admirable, with two of their members reaching the finals and Maggie winning the show. Regardless, the fact that they were unanimously hated by participants and the audience alike is non-negotiable.

3 Season 4: The Elite Eight

While it is true that Big Brother needs certain reinventions to take place; including “The X Factor” twist in season 4 which seems to be a bad choice in hindsight. Arising from the repercussions of this thematic turn-of-events was one of the worst alliances in the history of the show, known as The Elite Eight.

The fact that the group had eight members seemed like an ominous signal from the very beginning. Things only got worse when the group lost Scott at the very beginning, and Dana nominated two members from the very group during the third week of the alliance’s formation; thereby marking the end of this terrible and faulty alliance. However, Jun did win the season; albeit because of the Girl Power alliance she formed towards the end and not this one.

2 Season 13: The Regulators

Comprising of members Cassi, Lawon, Keith, and Dominic, season 13’s The Regulators has to be, hands down, one of the worst alliances that have ever happened on any reality show. While they had a good plan in place and a shrewd strategist in Cassi, the rest of the members of the group were frankly pathetic. Dominic spoke too much and got evicted, Lawon dreamt that he would return to the show with special privileges and sacrificed himself hilariously never to return again, and Keith literally suffered from an acute problem of overthinking.

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Furthermore, the group underestimated the control the alliance known as The Veterans had over the house; thereby not being able to execute their otherwise sensible plan of manipulating their non-Regulator partners for support if any of the Regulators got nominated.

1 Season 20: FOUTTE

Season 20’s alliance between Haleigh, Angie, Faysal, Kaitlyn, and Chris, dubbed FOUTTE, is one of the worst alliance names possible and is also one of the worst alliances that the show has witnessed. Despite finding themselves in the majority, the group soon became ineffective and clueless, starting with the group’s leader Kaitlyn deciding to betray them from the get-go.

This alliance found itself blindsided and voted against week in and week out, despite one of its members being the HoH for the week. Furthermore, they fell prey to constant manipulation from Level 6 and ended their journey on the show with Haleigh being the final member to get evicted from the house.

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