The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild fans might be surprised to hear that removing Link’s clothing could actually make their time with the game’s shrines much easier. This revelation is just one of many that have come to light in the years following the release of the 2017 Nintendo title, with players regularly making new discoveries about the world, mechanics, and combat of Breath of the Wild.

For many gamers, Breath of the Wild revolutionized open-world video games through its exploration system and freedom of choice when engaging with its virtual world. While Breath of the Wild doesn’t feature dungeons in the same way that traditional Zelda games do, it offers a version of them in its shrines. Including the twenty available through the game’s DLC, there are one-hundred-forty total shrines for players to explore, each with its own unique puzzle or challenge. Many of these tests have to do with Breath of the Wild‘s now-iconic physics and element systems, with players manipulating variables like force, momentum, and temperature to complete an overarching puzzle. While there are a number of clear solutions to the game’s many puzzles, that hasn’t stopped players from uncovering their own shortcuts and exploits like the Breath of the Wild wind bomb trick.


These types of connections keep getting discovered almost five years after the game’s release, as evidenced by a video shared by Twitter user Aqua. The video, which was later noticed by Nintendo Life, shows Link, the iconic protagonist, sprinting through a series of scorching flame jets in the Rinu Honika Shrine. While these flames would be an impassable obstacle most of the time, this speedrunner found that by stripping Link down to his boxer briefs and making deft use of a Blizzard Rod to lower the temperature, the threat level of the shrine is reduced to zero.

While this might surprise many fans of the game, it actually is perfectly consistent with the game’s basic mechanics and systems. As one of Breath of the Wild‘s elemental weapons, the Blizzard Rod can make hot areas hospitable through a gust of icy wind. Rather than being a bold fashion statement, Link’s sparse attire eliminates the risk of flames sticking to the fabric of his clothing.

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Although this can be explained by what players know about the game, it is still incredible that new details and gameplay approaches are being discovered so long after its release. The game’s five-year birthday is coming up, and it will be interesting to see what else players can discover about this rendition of Hyrule as the years go by. Hopefully, the sequel to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild can provide even more intrigue.

Source: Aqua/Twitter (via Nintendo Life)

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