One of the lingering mysteries stemming from Community centered on the text message that Troy Barnes (Donald Glover) sent Britta Perry (Gillian Jacobs) in season 3. The two characters served as original members of the Greendale study group at the center of Dan Harmon’s NBC comedy. The showrunner was terminated following the season before being rehired for season 5. The sixth and final season of the series moved to Yahoo! Screen, but since then, the various streaming options have increased interest in a Community sequel movie.

Each member of the study group went through an immense amount of personal growth while studying at Greendale Community College. While Troy shed his high school jock stereotype to find his inner-nerd, Britta took her progressive nature to a new level before deciding to study psychology. Both characters bonded at the beginning of their college careers when they took a secret dance class. In time, it became clear that Troy had a crush on Britta, but she was too busy with other relationships to notice. That was until Troy revealed his true feelings.


In the Community season 3 episode titled “Origins of Vampire Mythology,” Britta needed help from her friends to resist contacting her ex-boyfriend, Blade. While staying with Abed, Troy, and Annie, the latter took the initiative by hiding Britta’s phone. In time, Annie allowed Britta to have her phone back, but she secretly switched Blade’s number with her own. Britta wouldn’t stop texting and calling what she thought was Blade’s number. Unbeknownst to Britta, Troy took over texting as Blade, and he sent her a very sweet message. Britta was initially bothered by the sentiment, believing it was out of character for Blade, but she later realized it was Troy who sent the text, which changed her mind. Unfortunately, Community fans never learned what Troy’s text said, and that was a calculated decision.

Troy’s Text To Britta Had A Deeper Significance In Community

The details regarding Troy’s message to Britta was never revealed, though the reactions of various characters reading the text allowed viewers to assume what he sent to her. Annie claimed that the message was heartfelt and Britta ended up smiling at the realization that Troy was the one who truly sent the text. Based on Troy’s lingering crush for Britta, he presumably shared his feelings under the guise of Blade. Whether it was a proclamation of love or just a short and sweet message meant to uplift Britta, it ended up working in Troy’s favor. More than that, it pointed towards Troy’s newfound maturity in being sincere and honest with someone he cared deeply for.

In the following episode, Annie encouraged Troy to ask Britta to join him on a lunch date while she distracted Abed in the Dreamatorium. Though a romantic relationship didn’t quickly progress, the two were dating by the time Community season 4 began. Nearing their one year anniversary, Troy recognized that they were better off being friends, resulting in a break-up. Though the pair didn’t end up together since it was important for Britta to be single in the series finale, the couple did have a future together in one of the alternate timelines. Not only did Britta and Troy stay together, but they also had a son named Chewbacca.

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