Content Warning: The following article contains spoilers for the HBO show Euphoria, as well as discussions of drug addiction and depression.

Jules and Rue’s relationship has been the backbone of Euphoria, as the first season of the series focused on their growth as individuals and their dynamic together, while the second explored their downfall. Although the two share something beautiful, Jules isn’t Rue’s only option. Rue’s best friend, Lexi, is more of a viable love interest than people give her credit for.

Seeds were planted all throughout the show that had viewers wondering if there was something more between them. But should there be? There’s definitely a spark of some sort, but can it compare to what she has with Jules? Arguments can be made for both sides.


Updated on March 10th, 2022, by Hannah Saab: Recent developments in the teen drama have shown Rue growing more distant than ever before with Jules, and closer (as a friend) with Lexi. The events in season 2 have significantly changed the chances Rue may end up with either character, considering how Lexi is now interested in Fez and Jules has broken Rue’s trust by going behind her back.

That said, some fans are still understandably hopeful that Euphoria will have enough twists and turns in the future that may cause Rue to gravitate towards either Jules or Lexi. For now, though, viewers can only speculate as they wait for the highly-anticipated fourth season of the popular HBO series.

Rue Should Be With Lexi Because

She’s Rue’s Best Friend

Best friends to lovers is a popular trope in fiction for a reason. There’s something about two people who already care about each other entering a new phase of their relationship. The most successful romances are often the ones that are rooted in friendships like Lexi and Rue’s – it’s good to have that kind of foundation.

They did admit to growing apart over the years, but they always come back to each other. Plus, Rue seems to trust her, and she opens up to her in a way she can’t with anyone else.

Rue Believes Jules Cheated On Her With Anna

Cheating isn’t something that is easily overlooked, but in the situation with Anna, the line is a bit blurry. Jules did hook up with her friend when she was out of town, and Rue says in her special that Jules cheated on her. When she opens up about it to her sponsor, Ali, he didn’t think it was cheating because they never said they were in a relationship.

In Rue’s defense, they spent all their time together, were intimate, and acted as any established couple would. Whether or not they put a label on it, it still didn’t feel right for Jules to be with someone else without a second thought. It’s difficult to know for sure, but from what viewers have learned about Lexi’s character, she’d never make Rue feel the way Jules did.

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Rue Depends On Jules Too Much

There’s a difference between a healthy relationship and a co-dependent one. Rue wanting to get clean for Jules is a step in the right direction, but she should be wanting to get clean for herself. Until Rue can do that, she’s not in the right headspace for a relationship of this intensity.

It’s also unfair to Jules because she feels like the burden of Rue’s sobriety is resting on her shoulders. All it takes is one wrong conversation for Rue to end up back at square one. Because they could balance friendship with romance, Lexi and Rue’s relationship would have more give and take.

Rue Was Her First Kiss

It was interesting that Euphoria decided to include this tidbit about Rue and Lexi. In a flashback, they’re seen kissing, and Rue admits that she was teaching Lexi how to French because she got asked to the school dance.

But could it have been more than that? Lexi pulls away first and she looks like she’s in a bit of a panic. It’s hard to tell whether it’s because she was uncomfortable with what they were doing, or uncomfortable about the feelings she was having.

She May Have A Small Crush On Rue

It wouldn’t make any sense to drop hints about Lexi’s feelings for Rue unless the show intended on following through with them. It’s subtle, but there are several instances where Lexi appears to be pining over her best friend.

She had an odd reaction to finding out that Rue was in love with Jules and she didn’t act happy about it. Lexi is such an underutilized character who deserves more of a storyline, and while the series is finally giving her the spotlight through her play and her flirtation with Fez, some fans still want to see her get closer to Rue more than anyone else.

Jules Cheated On Rue With Elliot

The Anna incident aside, what Jules did with Elliot was just plain cheating, and Rue doesn’t even know about it yet. It was likely a cringeworthy scene to watch for most fans, who couldn’t believe that Jules would decide to sleep with Elliot, who has quickly become Rue’s best friend.

What’s worse, Elliot admits right before they sleep together that he has been keeping Rue’s continued substance abuse a secret – Jules decides to cheat on Rue with him anyway. While there’s no clear indication that Lexi would never do the same thing, it’s hard to imagine her betraying Rue in that way given everything fans know about her.

Rue Feels Betrayed By Jules’ Intervention

Jules did a brave and admirable thing by seeking Leslie’s help and staging an intervention for Rue. It’s exactly what she needed at that time, even if she didn’t want it. However, at that point, the trust between Jules and Rue had completely broken down, and Rue doesn’t even know the full extent of it yet.

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Fans know that Rue is having a hard time forgiving Jules for this betrayal, which – although ultimately a good thing for her health – is the final straw in their relationship. Lexi arguably would have never let it reach that point, as she knows Rue enough to be able to tell when it’s time to call an adult for assistance.

Rue Should Be With Jules Because

They Have An Intense Connection

It’s impossible to deny that Rue and Jules share something that goes beyond words. They’re like magnets who were drawn to each other from day one. It could be due to the actors’ chemistry, the writing, or a combination of all three, but their relationship is deeper than most.

What they have is rare, and it’s not something everyone is able to find. It would be a shame for Rue and Jules not to take advantage of what has blossomed between them, as that type of love doesn’t come easy.

She Made Rue Want To Get Clean

Rue’s a drug addict – it’s one of the first controversial things fans learn about Euphoria. She returns from rehab in the pilot with no desire to get clean. Seeking out a dealer is one of the first things she does when she comes home.

But once Rue and Jules connect, something about Jules changes her and life feels a little bit less bleak. Rue never cared about beating the disease until she met the person who made her feel like she could. In that way, Jules probably saved her life.

They’re At Their Happiest With Each Other

When Rue and Jules are together their smiles can light up a room. This is particularly telling because of Rue’s depression and how hard it is for her to find happiness in anything. There’s something about Jules that makes Rue believe everything is going to be okay.

Rue embraces life rather than despising it. In Rue’s fantasy, she shared an apartment with Jules in absolute bliss. There was nothing extravagant about it other than Jules being by her side. All they need is each other to be content.

Rue Is Miserable Without Her

Without Jules around, Rue is downright miserable. It’s always difficult to see Rue suffering, but after Jules got on the train and left her, Rue seemed defeated. It was a whole other level of despair. It’s one thing not to experience happiness, it’s another to experience it and have it ripped away.

The cold hard truth is that Rue might never be happy without Jules. Jules has become her other half, and whether that’s a good or a bad thing, there’s no tiptoeing around it.

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They Say They’re In Love

No matter how many reasons a person belongs with someone, the fate of their relationship will always boil down to one simple fact: they have to be in love with each other to make it work. Rue and Jules definitely had and may still have that, even though they probably know by now they’re not good for each other.

Neither one of them can shut off their feelings no matter how hard they try. Even if Rue did decide to give things a shot with Lexi, she would have to move on from Jules before there could be the possibility of anything serious between them.

Lexi Is In Love With Fezco

There’s also the matter of “Fexi,” the popular new ship in the fandom that several viewers continue to root for. Their relationship is in its early stages and when it’s going good, they’re adorable to watch, but audiences have seen how it can get pretty bad, too.

Nonetheless, it’s impossible to deny that Lexi has feelings for Fez, even if it is looking like things will end in a disastrous way. She can’t exactly focus on thinking about Rue when she’s too busy worrying about what Fez is up to.

Rue Uses And Neglects Lexi

Arguably the best reason Rue should not be with Lexi is that Lexi deserves much better. Viewers have seen more than once how Rue has used and neglected Lexi in the series, with one notable example being how she manipulates her friend to get clean urine for her drug tests.

It’s also painful to hear Lexi admit that it hurts her when she’s treated in this way. She considers Rue her best friend because they’ve been close since preschool, while Rue sees Lexi as a person she can use. While their relationship seems to be heading in the right direction after Lexi’s play, it will take a while to undo all of the emotional damage Rue has caused throughout the years.

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