Some people might believe otherwise but Harry Potter is by far one of the most popular fantasy franchises of all time. Even though its heroes are mostly teenagers, the series is popular among people of all ages. And since it’s now mostly over and only occasional news appears, the fans look for Harry Potter stories elsewhere – such as among fanfictions.

Luckily for the fans, there are thousands of Harry Potter fanfictions available online about almost every topic imaginable. A lot of them focus on a certain couple, a popular ship, but the rich variety of fics ensures that everyone will find some they like. Even then, some fics simply excel even in comparison to others.

10 All The Young Dudes By MsKingBean89

One of the longest and most celebrated fics on AO3 answers the question many fans asked but J. K. Rowling didn’t provide the answer to for the most part in her books – and that is, what was life like for James, Sirius, Remus and Peter while they studied at Hogwarts.

The sheer scope of All the Young Dudes is remarkable since it maps the fates of the Marauders from 1971 to 1995. It also puts a gentle emphasis on the couple Remus/Sirius but even fans who don’t like this couple should be able to enjoy the story.

9 Running On Air By Eleventy7

Since J. K. Rowling didn’t cover this in her books, many fics imagine what happened after the events of the seven books. Running on Air manages to gracefully combine detective story with romance as Harry investigates Draco Malfoy’s disappearance and his attitude toward his former enemy slowly changes.

The mystery will keep the fans eager to go on reading and the emotional side of the fic makes the well-written characters even more sympathetic in this Drarry fanfic.


8 Text Talk By Merlywhirls

Fics set in modern times hold a special position since they allow the readers and the author to reimagine their favorite characters living in different circumstances. In this case, Sirius and Remus don’t know each other and lead separate lives… until Sirius accidentally texts the wrong number.

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Text Talk has longer chapters that are easy to read thanks to being written like text messages. And it’s fun seeing how the author adapts the iconic friendship in a different context.

7 The Family Evans By Dirgewithoutmusic

Everybody knows that Petunia Dursley was awful to Harry for most of the time – even though not as awful as her husband sometimes. But fans and authors like to imagine what would happen if things were different.

In the case of The Family Evans, Petunia isn’t so fond of Harry at first too but the situation eventually changes when she realizes that Harry is her nephew, after all. It’s short, somewhat bittersweet, and offers a deeper look into Petunia’s mind.

6 On Punching Gods And Absentee Dads By Enigmaris

Writing stories set in the world of Harry Potter is fun – but sometimes it’s even more interesting to combine one iconic fandom with another. In this case, Harry Potter fans and fans of the Marvel comics will get a creative reimagination of Harry’s origin.

On Punching Gods and Absentee Dads offer a lot of plot twists so without necessary spoilers – Harry’s dad is alive, he left him and lives with the Avengers. Harry discovers he has special powers, is angry at his dad, and decides to get revenge. It’s fun, full of iconic characters in different circumstances, and considered one of the best crossovers on AO3.

5 Oh God Not Again! By Sarah1281

Just like time loops, time travel can be fun but also dangerous and it can turn into a nightmare. In Oh God Not Again!, Harry discovers that the past is best left in the past when he ends up traveling in time to the point before he went to Hogwarts and he has to do it all over again.

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If somebody wants to return to the story but with a different point of view, this story offers a unique chance to do just that.

4 Leo Inter Serpentes: First Year By Aeternum

Slytherins are evil and Gryffindors are good. That’s what some people would like to think but the truth is, as always, much more complex. Leo Inter Serpentes: First Year points out that it’s not about the Hogwarts House a person is in, it’s about their choices.

In the first book, Harry could have ended up in Slytherin but he went to Gryffindor in the end. This fic with a beautifully complex title shows what would have happened if Harry was in Slytherin instead. Needless to say, his life would have been different in many ways, which makes it a fascinating read.

3 Yer A Wizard, Dudley By Dirgewithoutmusic

Another Dursley family-oriented fic from the author dirgewithoutmusic focuses on Dudley this time. One of the reasons why Petunia despised wizards so much was because she wanted to be one of them but that didn’t happen.

Instead, in Yer a Wizard, Dudley, Dudley gets the chance to go to Hogwarts and experience new adventures. If the readers want to see how Dudley would do in Hogwarts, this fic will give them just that, in a clever and easy-to-read way.

2 Out Of Order By Workstone

Many fans ship Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy (Dramione). For some it’s hard to imagine these two together, though, considering how Draco treated Hermione in the books, but for others they present an interesting dynamic worth exploring.

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All people can change, after all, and this fic shows how the two wizards could grow closer in a funny way. When Hermione gets caught in a broken lift with tipsy Draco shortly before Christmas, fun shenanigans happen. Out of Order is just the type of light-hearted fic that will make the readers smile.

1 Stealing Harry By Copperbadge

Because his godfather Sirius ended up imprisoned in Azkaban for a crime he didn’t commit, Harry was forced to live with the Dursleys who strongly disliked him. However, if Sirius never went to Azkaban, Harry’s life, even before he went to Hogwarts, would have been much different.

In another fun what-if scenario, Stealing Harry has some of the well-known Harry Potter characters get an improved destiny over their original one.

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