For many fans of Gilmore Girls, they might know Lorelai Gilmore better than they even know themselves. Viewers love Lorelai’s quick wit, how fast she talks, her coffee obsession, and of course, her romance with Luke and friendship with her daughter Rory. When looking back on the popular TV drama, it’s impossible not to smile thinking about all that Lorelai experiences and how much she grows and learns over all 7 seasons plus the Netflix revival A Year In The Life.

Even though Lorelai has countless moments on this beloved show ranging from heartwarming to completely hilarious, fans can pick out their favorite scenes involving this clever and funny character, and they’re discussing it on Reddit.

10 Lorelai Helps Lane Out With Her Crush

Rory and Lane have sweet friendship moments and it’s also nice when Lane and Lorelai have a chance to interact alone. One Redditor loves that Lorelai is there for Lane and she gives “advice on boys and letting her stay the night even when she clearly wanted to have some alone time with Max.”

This happens in the season 1 episode “Love And War And Snow,” a popular one since it’s got a beautiful winter vibe and also features a romantic Lorelai and Max date. In this episode, Lorelai proves that she will always look out for Lane, and it’s no wonder that viewers connected to this moment. Since Lane’s own mother is so tough, this means a lot.

9 Lorelai And Emily’s Spa Day

The season 2 episode “There’s The Rub” is a fan favorite as Emily and Lorelai enjoy a spa day. Reddit user snailslimeandbeespit likes Lorelai “stealing a robe with Emily” which is definitely a heartwarming moment.

Fans never expect to see these characters smiling and having a fun time together, as the bulk of their Gilmore Girls scenes are about their tricky relationship. Many viewers appreciate seeing any light-hearted times when Lorelai and Emily can live in the moment, and this spa episode is a perfect example. Their problems will still be there but Lorelai is going to steal a robe, which her mom really appreciates.


8 Lorelai Thanks Richard For Giving Her Money

Reddit user blaqskinnyjeans enjoys Lorelai’s graduation episode when Richard gives her some money. Richard says to spend it on “something fun” and Lorelai thanks him. The fan explained, “It’s such a sweet moment when Richard truly expresses his pride in Lorelai and allows her to feel like a daughter who is loved and whose hard work is recognized. I wish there were more moments like this between the two.”

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It makes sense that a fan would love this scene so much since Lorelai has gone through most of her life believing that Emily and Richard don’t support or understand her. This moment is so powerful because Lorelai realizes that her dad really is proud, and this makes her feel more secure and confident moving forward with her life.

7 Lorelai Wants To “Hang” At Emily And Richard’s

There are many great Gilmore Girls episodes about Lorelai and Emily, and Reddit user Brilliant-Help6543 loves a sweet Lorelai moment in season 2’s “Presenting Lorelai Gilmore.” The fan wrote that they love “when Lorelai feels bad because Emily and Richard got in a fight and goes over to Emily’s just to hang and tells her mom they can talk about anything.”

While this might be a fairly small scene in the grand scheme of the show, it means that the characters can actually spend some time together without arguing, which is important for them to know. Fans enjoy any glimpse of Lorelai and Emily being nice to each other, so this is a favorite moment. It’s also significant that Lorelai can be a source of support for her mom and it’s almost like the roles are reversed here.

6 Lorelai Is A Character Witness For Luke

It’s hard for Luke to imagine giving his daughter April up since he has been enjoying spending time with her, and fans are heartbroken remembering when she almost moves to New Mexico. One Redditor praises “when Lorelai writes the letter in Luke’s defense for visitation of his daughter.” They call this moment “heartfelt and true and meaningful.”

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This letter has major ripple effects, as Christopher can tell that Lorelai really loves Luke, and Luke feels that Lorelai will never leave his side, whether or not they get back together. While it’s painful for fans to see Luke and Lorelai away from one another for so long, they do cherish how much these characters care about each other.

5 Lorelai Tells Sookie She Can Handle Parenting

Of every Lorelai scene on the show, Reddit user amandaIorian loves “When she assures Sookie that she’s going to be a good mother.” The fan continued, “I don’t know why this moment hits me so hard. This is frequently mentioned as one of Sookie’s worst episodes, but I love the scene of the panic and breakdown.”

There are several Gilmore Girls episodes about Sookie and Lorelai, and it makes sense that this fan would be so touched and moved by Lorelai’s words. Lorelai has been through so much as a young, single mother and she knows that although it will be difficult for Sookie to adjust to her new life as a parent, she’s got the compassion and strength to handle it.

4 Lorelai Hosts The Bracebridge Dinner For Stars Hollow

Reddit user alethewriter loves the season 2 episode when Lorelai and Sookie have a big dinner at the inn since the intended guests can’t go. The fan wrote, “I just think it was really nice of her to organize such nice gathering, and when she announced that they will later ride on horses – I melted.” The fan also noted that Lorelai proved that she cares about everyone in Stars Hollow as she was so happy to host the townspeople.

Many fans feel the same way about Lorelai here, as it’s sweet and compassionate that she wants to host such a nice evening for the people in her town. She could just have easily cancelled, but instead, she’s super generous.

3 Lorelai Supports Rory Going To Yale

Reddit user Professional-Teach21 loves when Lorelai “adds the Yale ‘merch’ to Rory’s Harvard wall memorabilia.” The fan called this an “underrated moment.”

While it’s true that Lorelai is supportive of Rory’s dreams of Harvard, she adapts well when Rory decides that she’ll attend Yale instead. This is definitely a significant moment in Lorelai’s arc as she wants to be there for her daughter and she knows that it means a lot to Richard that Rory is going to a school that is so special to him.

2 Luke Cooks A Santa-Themed Burger For Lorelai

Luke and Lorelai have several romantic scenes, including many times when they aren’t even seeing each other yet. Fans can tell that something is definitely there between them. Reddit user Laurtard9129 loves the Lorelai scene “When Luke made Lorelai a ‘Santa Burger’ when she was uninvited to the Gilmore Christmas Party.”

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This is such a big moment since Luke can tell that Lorelai is absolutely gutted and heartbroken to not be able to go to her parents’ party. It’s the one time of year that she likes being at her parents’ house, and he knows that and tries to make it an evening to remember anyway.

1 Lorelai Saves Rory’s Box Of Dean Memories

Reddit user CurbYourSneakAttack loves that Lorelai doesn’t throw out the “Dean Box” that Rory has. The fan wrote, “she knew she’d regret throwing out the mementos and may want to look in it in the future. It was a good call on her part. It really showed that she knew her daughter well.”

Rory and Dean’s season 1 split is so emotional, even for fans who think that Rory is better with Jess or Logan, and Lorelai proves once again that she’s a considerate, caring, and intelligent parent when she helps Rory by keeping these memories around.

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