For a long time, the only wizarding school that seemed to exist in the Harry Potter universe was Hogwarts. But then, in the summer of 2000, the Goblet of Fire hit shelves across the globe. Fans suddenly learned that Hogwarts wasn’t the only magical institution to exist and were introduced to Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, where students such as Fleur Delacour and Viktor Krum learned their stuff.

The Goblet of Fire movie showed off the schools for the first time as well but, with limited time to operate with, some information and tidbits about both schools were omitted. So here are two things only fans of the books know about the two places.

10 Beauxbatons: They Respected Their Headmistress Big Time

Albus Dumbledore was a brilliant wizard and, for the most part, was a well-respected headmaster throughout his time at Hogwarts. The only people who didn’t seem to take to the eccentric were the Slytherins and their parents, such as Draco and Lucius Malfoy. While that’s the case, however, the students of the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic treated headmistress Madam Maxime with the utmost loyalty.

Students would stand whenever she entered a room, and only sit down once she’s taken her seat. This prompted some laughter and mockery among Hogwarts students but we find it rather endearing that pupils respected their headmistress so much. At least in person…

9 Durmstrang: Draco Malfoy Nearly Attended

Draco was a loathsome figure throughout his time at Hogwarts. He, along with partners in crime Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle, made it their mission to bully pupils. Harry Potter was no exception, with the Boy Who Lived often clashing with the Slytherin pupil during their time at the castle together.

However, things could have been different. Draco reveals in the fourth book that his father wanted him to attend Durmstrang because they were more into the Dark Arts. His mother had different ideas, though, and instead wanted to keep him closer to home.


8 Beauxbatons: It Was Rather Beautiful

While Beauxbatons was introduced in the Goblet of Fire movies, fans actually learn very little about the magical school. Yet things are different in the source material, with Fleur Delacour often explaining (and gloating) about life at the castle – and just how much better than Hogwarts it is.

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Fleur insists that it makes the United Kingdom’s educational institution pales in comparison to her own. They had ice sculptures all around the dining hall at Christmas, they had statues like glittering diamonds and the food was superb, with choirs of Wood Nmyphs often serenading them as they ate. It does sound rather good, to be fair…

7 Durmstrang: Grindelwald Carved His Mark There

Gellert Grindelwald is currently known to fans as the antagonist in the Fantastic Beasts series. However, he was actually introduced in the books. And, in the Deathly Hallows novel, it’s revealed that he actually attended Durmstrang.

Viktor Krum tells Harry that Grindelwald’s symbol is carved into the school – suggesting he used magic to ensure it could never be removed. Krum mistakenly believes Xenophilius Lovegood to be a huge fan of the dark wizard because he’s wearing the symbol at the wedding of Fleur and Billy Weasley. Lovegood later lifts the lid on the Deathly Hallows and items such as the Elder Wand, Resurrection Stone and Cloak of Invisibility.

6 Beauxbatons: It Was A Mixed School

Fans of solely the Harry Potter movies can be forgiven for considering Beauxbatons to be an all-girl’s school. We only see Fleur and others parading around in their uniforms, which delights Ron Weasley (and pretty much most boys at Hogwarts). But fans of the books will know that it’s actually mixed.

Why Warner Bros chose to make it seem like an all girl’s school isn’t known. However, that said, it definitely helped distinguish the it from Durmstrang when it came to the big screen. No boys at Beauxbatons do anything of note, either, but it’s a good bit of trivia to know nonetheless.

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5 Durmstrang: It’s Located ‘Far North’

Movie fans know that Beauxbatons is in France. We hear Madam Maxime speak in their dialect when she appears in the Goblet of Fire and it’s a similar story with Fleur.

But things are different when it comes to Durmstrang. They speak with an Eastern European accent but it’s difficult to place. In the book of the same name, Hermione determines that the school is ‘far north’ because of the fact they wear fur on their coats. Jk Rowling later speculated that she thought it was near Scandinavia – but it’s exact location remains a mystery.

4 Beauxbatons: Madame Maxime Also Met The Giants

In the Order of the Phoenix movie, Hagrid tells a brief story of himself going to meet the Giants. He does this because Albus Dumbledore wants them on-side for the upcoming battle against Lord Voldemort, who had returned to full power at the end of the previous school year. The book, though, tells the tale in far greater detail.

Hagrid isn’t alone when it comes to meeting the Giants. He also goes with Madame Maxime, despite offending her in the past. He describes her as ‘tough’ and ‘strong’ and she proves to be a useful ally. In the end she returns to France and leaves Hagrid to return with Grawp, his half-brother who he simply can’t leave behind.

3 Durmstrang: Igor Karkaroff Was Found In The Shrieking Shack

The Triwizard Tournament ends in disaster when Cedric Diggory is killed on Lord Voldemort’s orders in the Little Hangleton graveyard. That night, the Dark Mark burns on the skin of every Death Eater to summon them back to the villain’s side at the hour of his great return. And Igor Karkaroff flees.

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This little detail isn’t explained on screen. And what isn’t explained in the Half-Blood Prince is that Karkaroff’s body was found in the Shrieking Shack, a year after he went on the run. He was killed by Death Eaters for failing to return to Voldemort’s side, with the Dark Lord ruthless towards anybody who shows him any disloyalty.

2 Beauxbatons: Madame Maxime Returned To Hogwarts

Madame Maxime didn’t greatly enjoy her visit to Hogwarts during the events of the Goblet of Fire. She’s utterly furious at the fact that Harry is allowed to compete, despite the Boy Who Lived being underage. And she grows increasingly frustrated at Fleur for failing to land Beauxbatons the prestigious trophy.

However, fans of the Half-Blood Prince book know that she actually returns to Hogwarts. This is for Albus Dumbledore’s funeral, shortly after his death at the hands of Severus Snape. She comforts Hagrid as he sobs through the ceremony but, because the scene never made it into the movie, many missed out on such a sweet moment.

1 Durmstrang: Students Hated Karkaroff

At the end of Harry’s fourth year at Hogwarts, Ron is overheard musing about the fate of the Durmstrang students following Karkaroff’s decision to go into hiding. However, overhearing him, Krum then speaks out.

Krum insists that the Durmstrang students know perfectly well how to steer their ship – because they did so in the first place. Karkaroff, it seems, would just stay in his cabin and bark orders to them while enjoying a nice, peaceful and effort-free outing. Krum tells this with such bitterness that it seems many were against Karkaroff and his way of running things. And, honestly, who can blame them?

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