In one of the most epic moments in Avengers: Infinity Warthe Hulk is sent back to Earth by Heimdall just before Thanos and the Black Order can kill him. Bruce Banner crashes through Doctor Strange’s Sanctum Sanctorum and while laying in the rubble, he tells them “Thanos is coming.” The moment sets the mood for what is to come and is directly inspired by a very similar moment from Marvel Comics.

Avengers: Infinity War was a culmination of the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe before it, as Thanos’s arrival on Earth had been teased for years and multiple movies. Before he arrived though, the Mad Titan absolutely obliterated the Asgardian ship carrying Thor, Hulk, Loki, and the rest of Asgardians. Killing Loki and Heimdall, Thanos sets his sights on the Hulk but was too late as the Jade Giant teleported via the Bifrost. Bruce’s crash-landing on Earth might seem familiar because it is. In the comics, the Silver Surfer, not the Hulk, crashed through the Sanctum Sanctorum.


In the epic Infinity Gauntlet #1 by Jim Starlin and George Perez, the book features Doctor Strange enjoying some tea and a book when both he and Wong hear something crashing into their house. When Stephen Strange opens his study, he finds a completely disheveled Silver Surfer lying in the ground amidst the broken room. Once Strange and Wong carry Surfer to a nearby sofa, he tells them he needs to warn them of “great danger… coming this way… must be stopped! His arrival could herald the end of the universe…” before uttering his iconic line “Thanos is coming.”

The scene in Avengers: Infinity War featuring Bruce instead of the Silver Surfer clearly is an homage to the original scene from Infinity Gauntlet. It’s probably as close as Marvel (at the time) could get to recreating the scene considering at that point in time, Marvel didn’t have the rights to Silver Surfer. So, in order to bring the comic book panel to life, they made Hulk the unfortunate recipient of bringing the bad news of Thanos’ pending doom.

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While it will always be somewhat of a bummer that the Silver Surfer, one of the key players in the story that inspired Avengers: Infinity War, never got to be a part of the MCU’s adaption of the storyline, it was exciting to see Marvel still acknowledge the iconic moment by recreating it with a different character. Both the comic and the movie scene shows just how threatening Thanos was going to be. When the Hulk or Silver Surfer is trembling at his arrival, you immediately know Thanos is going to be a massive threat.

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