Many fans have described Phasmophobiaas a game that needs a tutorial for its tutorial. Beginner players are dropped almost immediately into a ghost hunt without much priming. There is very little guidance at first to help them learn how to work and place equipment that would help them find and identify the ghost haunting the house. Though it is far more fun to begin ghost hunting with friends right away and figuring the game out through trial and error, Phasmophobia does come with a ghost hunting “Training” tutorial for players to complete. The steps in the tutorial specifically teach the player how to find and use evidence and what equipment will be most necessary for identifying the ghost.


During the Training solo hunt, players will know in advance where the ghost’s room is and will be taken step-by-step through an investigation to identify it. The tutorial is fairly straightforward about what it wants the player to do, but players may not be certain how to use the equipment it requires. It can also be a nuisance to need to keep exiting the home, going to the truck for new equipment, and stopping at the TV in the home to read the instructions. Instead, it may be more helpful to have a guide readily available so players can enter the home prepared and finish the tutorial ready to take on a real hunt. Here’s how to complete the Phasmophobia tutorial step-by-step.

How to Complete The Tutorial in Phasmophobia

When players begin the Tutorial, like a normal match, they will start in the truck. Here, they can check out the various screens, the shelves of equipment, and the white board outlining their objectives. On the map of the house, they can also make note of the entrance and the location of the power box in case they need to get the power back on.

On the white board, players will see the location of the ghost’s room and read instructions to read the slide show set up on the TV. In the Training mission, the ghost will almost always be located in the master bathroom.

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Though the tutorial doesn’t mention it, it’s a good idea for players to enter the house with a Flashlight, Video Camera, and Ghost Writing Book. These are the first items they will need during the tutorial, and it will save them a few trips if they equip them right away.

To equip the items, players will need to move their cursor over them and use the E key. To cycle through them, players will want to press Q.

The other thing the player will need before opening the truck and starting the game is the key to the house. This will be found on the desk by the CCTV camera. As before, the player should press E to take it.

Then, the player needs to open the truck. To do this, they should left-click on the number pad by the door. Once they leave the truck, they can use the key to enter the home. It’s a good idea to turn on a few lights if possible, and players can head over to the TV to read the tutorial slides if they want to.

First, they will be instructed to set up the Video Camera in the ghost’s room to try and capture evidence of a Ghost Orb. They’ll need to cycle through and find the Camera in their inventory using Q. Then, they will need to right-click to turn the Camera on and left click to rotate it. Once they have the proper angle, they should press F, which will set the Camera down in the proper location. Before leaving the bathroom, it’s a good idea to set down the Ghost Writing Book as well using the same controls. Finally, the player will need to make sure the light is turned off in the bathroom, or the Ghost Orb may not appear on the footage.

The player should return to the truck and watch the Camera’s feed carefully to see if they can spot a Ghost Orb. If they do, this counts as a piece of evidence. The player should open the journal using the J key and scroll to the last page where they can input this as evidence.

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While still in the truck, the player should next equip the Spirit Box and Thermometer if available. These are the next two items needed to find evidence.

The player should return to the bathroom and check the Ghost Writing Book. If there is writing on the pages, this counts as evidence and can be logged in the Journal. If not, then Ghost Writing is not evidence for the kind of ghost in the home.

Players will need to have their microphone set up for voice recognition. They can switch to the Spirit Box and turn it on using the left mouse button. If there is a ghostly signal, it will change the radio frequencies. If not, it will display the words Nothing Detected.

When the player turns on the Spirit Box, for it to work, they need to turn off the light in the room (if the light is not off already). They can then ask the ghost questions. A good one might be, “Where are you?” Some players like to ask, “How old are you?” as well. If the player hears a response through the box, this counts as evidence and should be logged in the Journal.

If players have a thermometer, they should get a read of the room. Any room a ghost occupies will be cold, but only certain kinds of ghosts will make the room a freezing temperature. The slide show will let players know if they can see their breath, this is a good sign the room is freezing and that Freezing Temperatures are a piece of evidence for the ghost, but this is not always true. It is best to check with a thermometer to be certain.

Players can return to the truck to drop off the Spirit Box and the Thermometer once they’re done with those and pick up the UV Torch and the EMF Reader. This should be the last bit of evidence needed to identify the ghost.

The UV Torch will help players see fingerprints and handprints from the ghost around items in the room. Ghosts tend to leave fingerprints or handprints on doors, windows, mirrors, and light switches. The player will want to keep the lights turned off to sweep the room with the UV Torch. If they notice a greenish handprint anywhere they check, they should note Fingerprints as evidence in their journal.

EMF stands for Electromagnetic Field, and all ghosts will cause the player to get some kind of Electromagnetic Field Reading on the device. However, only a few ghost types will give the player an EMF Level 5 reading, helping identify them. Players will need to equip this and turn it on with a right click. They can scan the ghost’s room with the EMF Reader and note whether they get an EMF Level 5 reading. If they do, this counts as evidence.

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At the bottom of the Journal page where players log evidence, they can scroll through the possible ghost types. As they add more evidence, these options will narrow until there is only one left. If players are struggling with the final piece of evidence, it can help to go back through the Journal and read about the different ghost types. These pages will include each ghost’s strengths, weaknesses, and behaviors that can help the player make their final prediction. Once they are confident they have the answer, they will need to click the keypad at the back of the truck again to close it up and drive away, completing the tutorial mission.

Phasmophobiais available for PC.

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