With almost ten seasons under its belt, Impractical Jokers has seen its fair share of hilarious challenges and punishments. Each of the Jokers has claimed the Biggest Loser spot many times, but Brian Quinn, better known as Q, has ended up on the receiving end of some of the most unique punishments on the show.

The guys never pass up a chance to put Q in the crosshairs, and his habit of taking each loss personally means that there is always something special about a Q punishment.

Out Of Fashion

A very early punishment for Q, Out of Fashion, was the Jokers’ way of making fun of Q for being, according to them at least, the least fashionable out of the four. Q is forced to introduce his new line of clothing designs as they are shown off on the runway, but unfortunately for him, he has never seen any of the outfits that the models are wearing.


Among the designs he has to explain to the crowd are a “sexy axe murderer,” a flock of children in potato sacks, a coffin, and the instant fan favorite Fat Crow, who would go on to become a popular recurring character.

Make Womb For Daddy

The pain of childbirth is something that most men probably do not ever want to experience, but Q was lucky enough in this punishment to be able to try it for himself. In contention for the most painful, as well as one of the funniest, punishments on the show, Q is hooked up to a device that simulates labor pains as he teaches a class how to relax through the birthing process.

Watching Q struggle against the pain, punching backdrops, and shouting to get the baby out of him has the class and the audience in stitches and likely very glad that they are not in his place.

The Good, The Bad, And The Punished

The chance to play cowboy in an old west town would probably be a dream for many, but Q found out that the west was a little wilder than he expected during his time as the sheriff. Charged with keeping order in his town, Q quickly runs afoul of the “outlaws” he is supposed to be protecting it from.

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Q has bottles broken over his head, is thrown out a window, and is forced to jump from a roof into a pit of manure before finally being gunned down in a classic quickdraw contest. The Jokers pulled out all the stops to make this punishment, and it is certainly one that Q felt for a long time.

Everything’s Just Rosie

A frequent running joke of the early seasons is the Jokers making fun of Q for his resemblance to actress Rosie O’Donnell, but even Q could never have predicted how far they would end up taking that joke in this punishment. Q is giving a lecture on various scientific topics when the Jokers pull one of the best surprises of the show.

Q reads a slide saying that the Q-Two, the first human clone, is ready to be unveiled. When the lights come up, Rosie O’Donnell herself is standing next to Q, dressed the same and bearing an uncanny resemblance. Even Q himself cannot contain his laughter, and an iconic Jokers moment is born.


Q has suffered a lot of humiliating punishments over the years, but few things have made him feel as bad as his painting punishment. After refusing to paint an X over a kid’s painting in a mother and child class, the Jokers declare that he has lost the episode and now has to paint that same red X over every painting in the room.

It visibly pains Q to paint over each work of art, and it only gets worse the more he has to do. Q is almost in tears by the time the final child is begging him not to ruin her painting, and this is one Jokers prank that may have gone too far.

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Drive, Drive, Drive

Everyone has had a song that they cannot get out of their heads at least once, but this punishment takes that to a whole new level. Q is trapped in a car and forced to make deliveries for the other guys all over New York City. The catch is that the car is also filled with animatronics that can only sing one song the entire drive.

For eleven hours, Q is stuck listening to the same tune play over and over and over again, unable to turn it off. Big city traffic is already bad enough, but having a group of puppets incessantly singing “drive, drive, drive” through eleven hours 0f it is enough to defeat anyone.

Stage Fright

Most fans know that before the show, Q used to be a fireman. While this is certainly nothing to make fun of, the Jokers do manage to tease Q about the fact that he used to be a fireman. Going into the punishment, all Q knows is that he is performing a musical for a packed audience. Little does he know that that audience is packed with his old crew from the fire station.

Forced to perform a humiliating song and dance number about no longer being a firefighter, Q is at his most vulnerable in front of some of the people he respects the most. It is one of the most cringeworthy punishments in the show and prompted an entire act of revenge from Q on the other Jokers.

G.I. Jokers

Q’s Jeep is one of his most prized possessions, and the guys have made sure to use that against him in several punishments. In this explosive punishment, Q’s Jeep is literally in the line of fire as a tank’s gun slowly aims itself at his beloved vehicle.

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Q has a chance to save his pride and joy by answering enough trivia questions correctly, but unfortunately, it is not enough, and the tank lines up for its shot. Q has just enough time to say goodbye to the hula girl on his dashboard before the Jeep is blown to smithereens, and a truly devastating punishment is complete.

Mime and Punishment

A punishment that had been in the works for years, but one that audiences still cannot believe the guys did, this punishment has Q suffering one of the worst fates imaginable, being handcuffed to a mime for 24 hours straight.

From one morning all the way through the next, Q has to eat, sleep, use the restroom, and even perform at an Impractical Jokers live event all while handcuffed to Pierre the Mime. Pierre is clearly having a blast, and watching Q’s frustration as he is tormented by the mime makes this punishment an instant classic.

Birds And The Bees

When thinking of the most embarrassing thing a person can do, having to give the sex talk to their own parents has to be very close to the top of the list. This is exactly what Q has to do in this early punishment, as the class of students that he thinks he will be giving the talk to are switched out at the last moment for his mom and dad.

Q not only has to give an embarrassing description of the act, but he also has to give a demonstration with a hotdog and a donut that is better left to the imagination. There have been few punishments in the show that have matched the levels of discomfort that the Birds and the Bees reached, and it set the precedent on the show that nothing, not even family, was off-limits.

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