Though Juggernaut’s loyalties often switch, his best bromance is making a return. After the X-Men formed an entire mutant civilization on the Island Nation of Krakoa, the leaders of the nation known as the Quiet Council of Krakoa have been fairly particular as to who is allowed to join the mutants on the island and who isn’t. During House of X/Powers of X, two specific mutants were kept from the new paradise, Destiny and Sabretooth. Another X-Men regular who initially wasn’t allowed on Krakoa was Xavier’s stepbrother, Juggernaut. Now, however, it seems Juggernaut’s judgment may not stand which would revive his adorable bromance with Black Tom Cassidy. 


In Wolverine #18 by Benjamin Percy and Paco Diaz, Wolverine is helping an old buddy of his stay alive as he is being hunted by Maverick after finding a Krakoan surveillance device. Wolverine brings that device to Forge who uses it to survey conversations from nearby mutants. In Forge’s surveillance file there is a conversation between Black Tom and Juggernaut that establishes their reconnection. In that conversation, Juggernaut and Black Tom aren’t coming up with their next dastardly scheme, but instead are talking about their feelings. Black Tom tells Juggernaut that people mockingly mistake him for Dracula, and that that hurts his feelings. Juggernaut responds by asking who it was that mocked Tom, insinuating a violent response to the nameless bullies. 

The Juggernaut and Black Tom go way back in Marvel Comics, working together often as seen in the pages of the first run of X-Force. Since the formation of Krakoa the two haven’t partnered up as Black Tom was allowed on the island and the Juggernaut, not being a mutant but a superhuman powered by magic, was not. However, there are talks of Juggernaut joining the X-Men as Nightcrawler is establishing his own team of heroes called the Legionnaires, with Juggernaut on the roster. Nightcrawler wanted to create another X-Men team after their fight against Onslaught, ensuring future defense against similar world-ending threats. Since Black Tom has been living on Krakoa for some time, Juggernaut’s inclusion would have the two fight side-by-side once again as friends, and perhaps maybe more. 

The Krakoa age has made many of Marvel’s mutants reconsider aspects of sexuality as evidenced by the rumors of the polyamorous relationship between Cyclops, Jean Grey, and Wolverine. With those sexual hangups being left at the Krakoan gate, it is possible that Juggernaut and Black Tom’s relationship could become something more than friendship. The two seem to have a very close relationship as made evident by their most recent conversation. Once Juggernaut joins the X-Men, the two’s official reconnection could spark something that perhaps was there all along. 

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Regardless of the romantic possibilities between Black Tom and Juggernaut, the one aspect of their relationship that is at this point certain is their bromance. From personal and emotional conversations to a history of duo villainy, Juggernaut and Black Tom have an adorable bromance that goes back decades and that bromance may find its revival once Juggernaut officially joins the X-Men.

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