Little Fires Everywhere took the television scene by stormed but it first premiered, and now that it’s more accessible on multiple streaming sites – it’s everything everyone is talking about. With so much drama, truth, family, love, and hate, this series has so many different and dynamic characters.

This show tugs at everyone’s heartstrings and questions all morals and feelings, and each character works to make all fans love and hate them all at the same time. Of course, there are definitely some that are far more likable than others. The serious and deep content of this series is emotional, and one of those provoked emotions is definitely frustrating. Some characters, however, are certainly more frustrating than others – so here they are, ranked from least to most.

10 Moody Richardson

Moody was definitely, well, moody, but he was also just an innocent young teen trying to find love and friendship. While everyone agreed with Izzy’s confrontation of him not ‘owning’ Pearl, it was still a bit upsetting that he was lied to the whole time.

Moody actually wasn’t really frustrating at all, but rather, most fans probably actually empathized with HIS frustration. He certainly had reason to be.

9 Trip Richardson

This character is blissfully innocent, and it’s kind of hard to have any actual hatred towards him. He’s a popular kid in high school, and everyone thinks he’s dumb.

While viewers felt bad for Moody, Trip wasn’t that much more frustrating. The hardest part to endure about him was definitely how he treated his brother.


8 Bebe Chow

It’s impossible not to feel sympathy for this character, but there was lots that really made viewers question their own morals when it came to Bebe’s story. While she never should have had to given her baby up, the aftermath is definitely frustrating.

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With endless debates about it, it’s hard to come out with a conclusion, but it was certainly agonizing to watch two mothers battle over a baby – and for Bebe to disregard everything Linda had done for her daughter.

7 Pearl Warren

For the most part, Pearl was actually the voice of reason and the calming presence on the series. She may just be a kid, but her anger towards her mother was almost always warranted.

Of course, it was without a doubt frustrating that she didn’t understand, at all, where her mother was coming from when it came to Elena and the rest of the Richardsons.

6 Mia Warren

Like Bebe, Mia arguably deserves a lot more empathy and praise than frustration. Still, her lies piled on lies made it really hard for viewers to completely take her side when it came down to it.

Her complete distaste for the Richardsons was certainly frustrating, especially when it came to Pearl just trying to be a kid. Regardless how anyone feels about her situation, she is a strong and incredible woman – but didn’t always do the right thing.

5 Linda McCullough

Linda was probably more annoying than frustrating, but it was definitely agonizing every time she appeared on-screen. She certainly is worthy of some sympathy and empathy, but she was also a ticking time-bomb.

Her complete disregard for Bebe and her snappy attitude towards Elena were definitely infuriating to watch. All she wanted was to be a mom, though.

4 Bill Richardson

Bill is one of the most frustrating characters because he simply is just super distant from everything that’s happening. He doesn’t help his kids, he completely dismisses Elena time and time again, and he really only cares about the ‘case’, not everything else about it.

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It’s sweet that Izzy confides in him, but every other passive aggressive and detached part of this character was more than enough to frustrate every viewer.

3 Izzy Richardson

By the end of the series, Izzy is kind of the voice of reason, and the one that fans are arguably ‘supposed’ to empathize with and agree with. However, while Elena was a total nightmare, it’s easy to see why she is so frustrated with her daughter.

Izzy purposefully does everything she can to implode her family and terrorize her mother, and that in itself is totally and utterly frustrating to watch.

2 Lexie Richardson

It’s a toss-up when it comes to these last two characters, but Lexie might just deserve a bit more sympathy because she’s still pretty young and ignorant. However, there was nothing really great about anything this character did.

From using Pearl to being totally ignorant to her boyfriend to bullying Izzy, it was impossible not to hate – even a little bit – this character.

1 Elena Richardson

Elena might just be the most frustrating character because she never believed that anything she did was wrong. While she does take some responsibility at the very end, her ignorance and entitlement is beyond frustrating throughout the series.

While her intentions always seemed to be in the right place, it’s hard to believe they come out anything but superiority and condescension. Her unwillingness to see her prejudice  and selfishness makes her the most frustrating character.

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